Friday, April 1, 2011

Welcome to the New World Order!

What is the "New World Order?"

The New World Order is the name selected by some International Bankers and the super wealthy in the 1930's as the tag line for their desire for a one world government. The symbol of the new group was placed on the back of our dollar bills in the 1930s. If you have a dollar bill take it out and look at the side with the eye over the top of the pyramid and look at the latin letters on top and below. On the top is ANNUIT COEPTIS and the bottom is NUVUS ORDO SECLORUM. The bottom is translated as NEW SECULAR ORDER FOR THE AGES and the top was AN APPROVED BEGINNING.

The concepts have been around since the 1700 as part of the Great Seal of the United States. However, over the last 60 years it has become the symbol for a one world government that is moving into its final stages of creation. To understand more about this movement I would recommend a book called "One World Government" by Tal Brooke. It's a great place to start toward your own personnal awakening about what's happening to America today!