Friday, March 30, 2012

The Mind Game

What’s on my mind today? Is my Soul truly free? If it was truly free what’s on my mind today would be irrelevant because the mind would not be in the way of experiencing peace and joy in this moment. 

The mind’s only concern is thinking about what I should do or what I have to do or what I forgot to do. Who upset me last night or today? How can I make more money? Do I feel sexual? What’s for dinner tonight? What movie should I see this weekend?

While peace and joy in the moment is being aware of what’s happening to my senses in this moment. What do I see? What am I am listening to? What am I touching? What are the tastes in my mouth? What do I smell? Am I feeling joyful? Do I feel peaceful? If I am not feeling joyful what can I do to create joy? If I feel peaceful how long can I remain peaceful?

The answer is found in our ability to control our mind. The Soul enters the body as peace and joy! This lesson can be learned from watching a new baby who is beginning to focus outward.  As the mind develops and the senses become engaged in the outside world, the Soul is submerged into darkness and spends a life time trying to find the light, its peace and joy. The Soul knows its true self.

The material world of illusions and fantasies are the Soul’s greatest challenge to rediscovering itself. Hatred, anger, fear, greed, jealousy, and revenge are about mind stuff and darkness. It’s an abyss! The constant brainwashing of our mind by our media to consume and to experience mind stuff is brutal and devastating. The struggle to survive in the world of duality takes it toll.

 The first step to being a recovering human is to become aware of this fact and start to get control of your mind. Learn to live in the moment now! Peace is possible every moment of the day and joy will surely follow. When you learn how to control your mind you will no longer sweat the small stuff, and you will realize it’s all small stuff. Peace.

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Purpose of the Life Cycle!

It's Moonday once again. The cycle of life is the most misunderstood and pervasive aspect of our existence. It's true, life is a cycle. The earth, the universe and the galaxy operates on cycles. Round and round they go where they stops nobody knows.

The scientist and atheist teach us that life is just energy flowing in different directions and cycles. It all begin with a big explosion in the hea...vens that generated a sun, planets, and minerals that turn into DNA strings that evolved into human and animal existence.

Most churches teach us that life was created by God who created the earth for life to live on inside a bubble called atmosphere and if we followed God's teaching our cycle will be a life of peace and joy.

The business corporate community teaches us that life is about the money game where survival and the struggle to keep from being homeless and avoiding hunger is the only purpose every day until you dye. Only then will the cycle end and that is when sacrifice and the sturggle will end. No more life in duality, black vs white, hot vs cold, right vs wrong, love vs hate,night vs day, rich vs poor, etc.

The government teaches us that the life cycle is about democracy and individual freedom. The right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As long as you pay your taxes and remain a law abidding citizen then you may enjoy this life cycle.

There has to be more to the life cycle than these imposed ideas and forced behaviors. I believe that the purpose of this life cycle can only be found in peace. Peace and joy within, and peace all around us. May your life cycle be one of of peace and joy.Peace