Monday, April 15, 2013

Abraham Lincoln -IRS- April 15

It’s Moonday once again and it’s a beautiful day! Today we honor the day President
Abraham Lincoln was killed and we pay homage to the Internal Revenue Service. Do you think these two events may be connected? Mr. Lincoln was opposed to the idea of a central bank and didn’t trust banking institutions. At one time he printed money for the country and call them “Greenbacks” and this did not make the banking industry very happy, shall we say they were angry? President John F. Kennedy attempted to put the power of the purse back in the government and had an untimely demise. Who did he make angry?

When the (federal) reserve bank was created in 1913 by the powerful bankers, the IRS was created at the same time. The reserve bank required the government to operate with a deficient (debt) and the IRS was created to help pay off that debt with money taken from the wages of labor. They had succeeded in finally getting a central bank in America and a way to pay the owners of the debt interest payments every year.  You see why Mr. Lincoln didn’t trust banking institutions. They are slicker than a greased pig and will devise many ways to get money from the people. The illusion worked and it’s still working today. Many Americans believe that this private reserve bank is a creature of the Federal Government! Not! President Woodrow Wilson signed this legislation to satisfy a promise he made to the banking industry to get elected President. Later, he admitted that it was a serious mistake and that he had sold the future of Americans and their financial welfare down the tube. He was remorseful and disappointed in himself.

So what’s the connection between April 15 being designated as the date to collect money from the people or give some back where they have taken too much during the year? Maybe it’s the celebration of the banking institutions win over Mr. Lincoln and his bothersome “Greenbacks” and their war with him to have a central bank. It’s a real cruel joke to desecrate the date of Mr. Lincoln’s death. The fight for a central private bank never stopped after Mr. Lincoln’s death. 50 years later, they were successful! The rest is history.

Mr. Lincoln’s declaration that America was a government by the people and for the people that would not perish from the earth was well intended but if the government has no control over the purse it is powerless to be an instrument of the people.  The reserve bank, the IRS (power of the purse) and major corporations are the power behind the throne of government and the people have become mere cannon fodder. The federal employees in the Treasury Department have not held a real job since 1913.

Mr. Lincoln, I honor the day of your death today and I am grateful for the ideas you shared with us about human freedom. You said, “No man is good enough to govern another man without his consent…there can be no moral right of one man making a slave of the other.”  It is sad but true, the degrees of enslavement are many and that includes the human mind, and that man will always find ways to exploit the labor of another man through various schemes and subterfuge if it’s about making more money.

The struggle for human freedom is unending and ruthless as long as the true nature of man is to exploit, take, and control the destiny of others.  It’s like watching a beautiful woman in shorts, long hair flowing in the wind, walking  down the side walk oblivious to all, it brings a pleasurable smile to our face, the struggle for human freedom will always be a feeling of awesomeness, a thing of beauty, leaving sighs of wow in our heads. The human soul always longs to be free.

Is there a connection? In my opinion there is a connection but can’t be proven. Who cares anyway! Enjoy the beautiful day!


Saturday, April 6, 2013


The growing up process is filled with surprises and one that is quite daunting: Death. Depending on your age the reality that is perceived can seem so real and permanent and yet our perceptions continue to change according to the times. All of the experiences, trials and tribulations carved into our minds at each stage seem so important.

All the things we have accumulated over the years were important to us yet as we got older only a few of them remained in our lives. People came into our lives and left our lives. The memories faded and soon most of them were forgotten.  Those people who made an impression on us that is lasting and caused major turning points along the way are soon gone as well.

It was once said, “All things born of copulation will change and pass away and has no more hope for life.” We never face the true reality of life and death until much later in life. There can be no life without death and there can be no death without life. They are the two sides of the same coin.

Rabbi Jesus once said, “Those who believe in death will suffer death.” That means that if you don’t believe in death you will not suffer death. During our growing up process most of us were taught to believe in death so every time someone died we suffered from their loss. The fear of death became a part of our reality and the sting of death is felt as real.

Since the dark ages the churches have made millions exploiting this dilemma and will continue to do so. The fear of death is used by the ones who control our lives to keep us fearful and easily manipulated. There are few events in our media that don’t use death to motivate or de-motivate the population. Pain, suffering and death is the constant mantra that play in our moving theaters or on television as a constant reminder that death is real and something to be afraid of at all times.

People in the news media have a saying, “If it bleeds it leads.” That is, the first news stories deal with death. If we take the fear of death out of our lives what do we have left to fear? Only fear. Yes, be afraid of everything we don’t understand and other people we don’t know. Be afraid. The more you stay in tune with the media the more afraid you will become.  President Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  He made that statement during the depression of 1930 when people had no jobs, couldn’t feed their families nor pay their mortgage. If the people stay in fear they would be too paralyzed to act and regain control of their lives.

Today, the people are full of fear and are paralyzed to act for their own best interest. For a few, the bad economy has affected very little but the majority of people are still watching their things disappear and may soon be standing in soup lines to survive. Get rid of the fear and perceptions of life will change. Your hope will return.

The human spirit is ever lasting and is neither born nor dies in matter. When the spirit-soul enters into matter it is only for a few days and then it leaves matter and continues in the circle of life. When you consider how long the earth has been here before you entered matter, and how long it will last after you leave matter, you will discover that your life is only a single day and your suffering is but a single hour. So, care about life while you are here and appreciate every moment you have inside of matter. Rabbi Jesus said,” Live as if you are already dead.”  You will not be a free spirit-soul until you are no longer afraid of death and paralyzed by fear!
