Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Coming Attacks on Occupy WallStreet

A message from EX213 to the Occupy Movement: The wealthy 1% has unleashed their attack media with the intent to divide and destroy the Movement. They are searching for leaders who will be targeted for assassination in the still of night. Every Occupier is a leader! They will place spies among you looking for weaknesses to strike against. They will pay anarchist to disrupt the Movement with violence and cause you to turn on each other. To succeed, the Movement must remain pure, nonviolent and persistent. The total purpose of the Movement is to awake the 99% with the truth about the tactics used by the 1% to own and control the wealth of our nation. With their phony private “Federal” reserve bank they protect their wealth through the exercise of corporate power, staying out of sight and out of our minds. The stock changers and the banking cartels, supported by the phony fed have destroyed the lives of millions of Americans. You will never see them exposed by the media they own and control. Our government is in their hands and must do their bidding. America was never supposed to become the toilet for the rest of the world. Globalization means death to the American life that was the beacon for the freedom of the human spirit in the world.

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