Monday, April 30, 2012

The Miracle!

It’s Moonday once again and the beginning of another 7 day calendar cycle on earth.

I am thankful and grateful for another opportunity to experience this day of sensations from the 5 senses. Each hour and every moment is a miracle.

I am mindful of the fact that all things born of copulation will change and pass away but the energy-light that allows the body to move and to rest is one with eternity. When one becomes aware of the presence of this energy-light within us and all around us we become aware of the miracle of life and how precious it is on this earth.

The body and the mind, though not long with us, are capable of so much love, peace and joy when we become aware of the miracle. Awareness is the key!

It appears as if there is a conspiracy from birth to deny us this knowledge of self. When we have everything or busy trying to get everything but lack from within, we lack everything. Gaining knowledge of self is to gain knowledge of the whole universe.

I remember visiting Africa many years ago at a place the Greeks named “Egypt.” It was a place called the Temple Karnack along the Nile River. The temple was maintained by the priest. Just outside the door stood the Obelisks (we call the Washington Monument). Over the door leading into the temple was a sign that said “Man Know Thy Self.”

Over the years I have come to realize that the journey of life in the body is all about the journey within and it is the ultimate purpose of life. It is there you will find the miracle. Peace!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Another Moonday!

It’s Moonday! It looks like a busy week ahead but I will focus on one day at a time. Within each day I will focus on the quality of the hour. Did I experience any joy? Did I feel any peace? Did I help someone? Did someone help me? Did I experience love and kindness? This is called ‘Life sequencing for value!”  

Some people will spend each hour with thoughts like: Did I make enough money today? Why I am feeling angry? Who is going to upset me today? How will I make more money? Who’s trying to cheat me out of my money? This is called “money sequencing for value!”

The quality of each hour depends on how we are sequencing time in our thoughts.
 You can choose thoughts that make you feel happy.

Our society is about sequencing money to have value in life. Our media, the business community is about money. They teach you that money will bring you happiness. If the value of your life is only about paying bills and buying things then money is the ticket.

A teacher told her young students to write down what they wanted to be when they grow up. One of the students wrote down that he just wanted to be happy. The teacher told him that he did not understand the assignment. He told the teacher that she didn’t understand life. Think about it!  I choose to sequence life! Peace.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Celebrations in the 4th Month of the Year

On or about the 21st day of the 3rd month of the year the sun reaches the equinox (the earths’ equator) where day and night have the equal length all over the world. With the longer sunlight, Nature becomes energized once again after its long winter slumber.

During the 4th month a time was chosen by the religious community to remember the death and resurrection of their savior, the Christ. They chose the Sunday following the first full moon after the Sun passes through the equinox and one group chose the first Sunday after the 4th quarter of the Moon after the Sun passé through the equinox. Also, the Jewish religion celebrates Passover in the 4th month, starting the day after the first full moon after the sun passes through the equinox.

So, the 4th month is about life and death. A life renewed and a death avoided. Enjoy the Sun and the Moon this weekend. Know that life is eternal, celebrate life. This is the best time of the year to do it though some of us celebrate life everyday. Allow the sun within to shine upon all life and live in peace. Spring has sprung! Peace.