Friday, September 7, 2012


Questions, questions and more questions with few answers, why? Some of the questions being asked do not have conventional western answered based on reason or logic. Why are the birds falling from the sky? Why are fish dying in our lakes? Why are dead whales lying on our shores? Why are dolphins beaching themselves? Why are the earthquakes becoming more severe and often? Why are people becoming more anxious about life? Why is the earth speeding up in its rotation?

If you can image yourself sitting on top of the earth and realized that it is flying though space at  18 miles per sec in a magnetic field that is collapsing while pulling the earth in different directions; you are aware that the earth’s center is a volcanic fire and that the various continents sitting on that fire are moving and shifting position in response to the magnetic field. Every form of life has a magnetic field within it and all round it. You can start to visualize what’s happening to life on earth and what little control is in the hands of humans.

Every 26,000 years our galaxy realigns itself and all the wobbling of equators of each planet in our galaxy over that period of time is brought back into its original alignment at the birth of our galaxy. Yes, we are living in interesting times. Our sun, once again, will be in sync with the rest of the universe.

The animals and the plants have the most sensitive magnets vibrations and the slightest subtle changes in the field results in instant death. The beginning of this alignment will start on December 21, 2012 and will continue until it’s in place.

We are now getting a preview of the coming events. Don’t expect much information from the government nor our scientific community on this phenomenon. The few who are aware of the process have all reading started taking precaution for themselves. Some are actually building shelters underground.

Unfortunately, the great mass of humanity will have to suffer the consequences of lack of knowledge and preparation. As the more irrational we become the infrastructure of our society will suffer and there will be a needless loss of life.

This is not the time for angry recriminations against each other because of our differences and economic chaos in our world. It’s time to come together as a family and support one another during this time of calamity.

Discover peace within and find the joy it brings. Share it with others. Make this our goal, love one another and know that we are one.


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