Friday, December 28, 2012


 From 2013 into infinity:

 I am sending out unconditional love in front of me, to the right, to the left, behind me, below me and above me. I am on the path of unconditional love for it is the only reality.

 The electromagnetic energy of light of unconditional love has created me and it sustains me. It is within me and all around me.

It provides its holy breath of life and its energy that allows me to move and to rest.

I am so grateful for its love, peace, grace, and joy. It has no name. It’s invisible and unknowable. It can only be experienced.

I know it has mercy on me in my words, thoughts, and deeds because it knows that I must suffer through illusions, falsehoods, and hypocrisy through my mind. It abides in my heart and helps me to discover the truth, and allows me to return quickly to love, peace and joy every day.

I am grateful for its power to sustain my body and give me peace within so I can hear its voice and avoid the abyss of darkness: hatred, anger, resentment, fear, greed, jealousy, and revenge.

There is only its eternal light of unconditional love that controls and sustains all. I know that it’s my Creator and my only desire is to be good and do good, though I am surrounded by fear, violence, corruptions, death, disease and suffering created by ignorance and greed. I shall not fear these imperfections in humanity because it is within me and protects me.

I love it with all my heart and soul, I love myself, I love my neighbor, I love my enemies and I will only do unto others as I would have them do unto me. I will not live in fear nor will I judge others. I will be of service to others when and where I can.

May it continue to lead me from this material world of illusion, falsehoods and fantasies to the real world of unconditional love, peace and joy; from darkness to light, from death to immortality, to become one with unconditional love.  Its will is my will, and its will be done.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Violence in America

It’s Moonday once again. The past week was full of tragedies all around us.  We have adults killing children, children killing children; adults killing each other; humans killing humans all over the world.

Love ones passing away due to illness or aging. Disease and suffering inside many homes. Mass killing of children has raised the bar to new heights of insanity and shocks our hearts and numbs our consciousness. The sorrow and pain those families have to go through will last the rest of their lives.

A culture of killing is not new in America. For generations we have accepted the programs our children are fed in the media that has violent overtones and gratuitous violence in general as the norm. My generation grew up with television and the afternoon shootouts between cowboys and Indians was drilled into our young minds. Whether it was “Have Gun Will Travel,” “The Lone Ranger,” “The Rifleman,” “Wagon Train,” “Shane,” our little minds were being program to except violence as value in our society. The later programs, such as “Roy Rodgers,” “Hop along Cassidy,” “Gene Autry,” “Little House on the Prairie,” “Ponderosa,” and “Matlock,” tone down some of the gun violence, even introduce singing cowboys, the gun and shootouts was still a central theme. I am always astonished when lives are taken in our country by the use of a gun and you here people reacting as if this is something new in America. There is a serious disconnect to the reality of our society and the fantasies that we are hit with every day in our commercial media. Most Americans cannot handle the truth!

America is a gun based culture and that’s nothing new. The U.S. Constitution clearly provides for the right of every America to legally own a gun. That may include rifles, handguns, target pistols, and military style weapons that have awesome fire power. Machine guns and automatic weapons have muddled the waters, though the Supreme Court has held that some of these types of weapons can be outlawed by the States, the illegal possessions of a gun or high power automatic weapons are very much a part of our culture and it’s very difficult to do anything about them.

The major problem facing America is the possession of or the ability to gain access to guns by people suffering from mental illness.  This problem is almost impossible to prevent because of a legal presumption in our country that every person is mentally competent until they demonstrate behavior that clearly shows they are incompetent. Every gun dealer operates under this presumption.

Parents who have guns in the home and children are present have a legal duty to control those guns and what access can be gain by the children, including teenagers and young adults.  As a parent it can be extremely difficult if not impossible to know whether or not your child is a potential threat to themselves or to society in general unless that child is openly demonstrating hostile behavior toward the parent or someone else. It’s twice as difficult for a working single parent to foresee what a child maybe planning to do in the future.

The sorrow and the suffering faced by the families in every shooting incident in America can’t be put into words. These tragedies can destroy your soul and cripple you the rest of your life. Know that violence is the mother’s milk in our national character and banning guns is not going to stop that fact. Freedom comes with a price and when we are not willing to pay that price by taking steps to counteract the language and culture of violence, and that any means necessary always includes violence to solve problems we see in our media, there is no end in sight with the loss of innocent lives in America.

We have the largest prison population in the world and we are the largest manufacture of guns and other lethal weapons in the world. We can’t turn our back on these facts when considering the controlling of guns and violent uses of guns in America. We must come to terms with the reality of our situation and come up with creative solutions to one of the downsides of freedom; some people can’t handle freedom and need help!

May the families who are suffering from this latest act if senseless violence finds peace and know that thinking and compassionate Americans have you in their hearts and prayers.




Monday, December 10, 2012

DECEMBER 21, 2012

It’s Moonday afternoon. What a beautiful day. I am enjoying sharing my photos with my family and friends on Facebook. We all have a thirst in our soul for knowledge or for things that intrigue us. I have always been a truth seeker. The desire to find what has been hidden from the people in order to maintain control over their lives. The knowledge I have gained from all the research and travel is beyond words.

Was it worth the time and effort to learn the knowledge of the ancients and to visit the ancient places? Absolutely!  The three dimensional existence of humans on this planet has not been a pretty picture. The levels of degradation, inhumanity, and pure evil destruction of human potential that one discovers is a low down dirty shame and repulsive to the idea of human life.

Nevertheless, the awesome things we see and experience in nature make mankind’s cruelty pale in comparison. The power of nature that we may have to experience in the future will awaken the entire globe to its infantile weakness to the cycles our galaxy must past through to sustain itself.

All of the theories about the significance of the ending of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012, have been used to manipulate the people into a stupor of fear and mental suffering in the interest of greed. Our scientific community remains in chaos about the reality of global warming and our government is lost for words to even comment on the possibilities, leaving our minds to the ravages of Hollywood.

Well, with only two weeks to go I can only conclude that nobody has a clue what to expect on that fated date. I know I don’t but after years of studying the movement of the planets and reading the Ancient’s discussions concerning the cycles of our planet and galaxy go through, I can say that the date could be a beginning point for a new level of consciousness for life on earth that could go beyond three dimensional observations.  It is only my observation with no foundation in fact though there are a lot of groups putting forth this possibility.

From a planetary prospective on that date, the Sun will enter the constellation Capricorn, the Winter Solstice, and it means the Sun will stand still and will not start moving again to the South until three days later. The Moon will be in the constellation of Aries while Saturn will be in the constellation Scorpio for over two years. The planet Jupiter will be retrograding in the constellation of Gemini. Mars will be in the constellation of Capricorn and Venus will be in Sagittarius along with Mercury. Uranus will be in the constellation of Aries, Neptune is in Pisces, and Pluto is in Capricorn.

If you don’t understand what the implications are for the earth because of the locations of these planets on that day, don’t worry about it because most people don’t understand it. The scientist will tell us it’s irrelevant and the churches will tell us it’s irrelevant. The government will support either community and agree with the irrelevancy.

Martin Luther, the German Priest who attacked the Bishop of Rome for selling dispensations, loved to grow apple trees. He once said, “even if I knew the world was going to end tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree today.”  So, I say, even if I knew the world was going to end on Friday, December 21, 2012, I would still sing Karaoke on Thursday night.
