Friday, December 28, 2012


 From 2013 into infinity:

 I am sending out unconditional love in front of me, to the right, to the left, behind me, below me and above me. I am on the path of unconditional love for it is the only reality.

 The electromagnetic energy of light of unconditional love has created me and it sustains me. It is within me and all around me.

It provides its holy breath of life and its energy that allows me to move and to rest.

I am so grateful for its love, peace, grace, and joy. It has no name. It’s invisible and unknowable. It can only be experienced.

I know it has mercy on me in my words, thoughts, and deeds because it knows that I must suffer through illusions, falsehoods, and hypocrisy through my mind. It abides in my heart and helps me to discover the truth, and allows me to return quickly to love, peace and joy every day.

I am grateful for its power to sustain my body and give me peace within so I can hear its voice and avoid the abyss of darkness: hatred, anger, resentment, fear, greed, jealousy, and revenge.

There is only its eternal light of unconditional love that controls and sustains all. I know that it’s my Creator and my only desire is to be good and do good, though I am surrounded by fear, violence, corruptions, death, disease and suffering created by ignorance and greed. I shall not fear these imperfections in humanity because it is within me and protects me.

I love it with all my heart and soul, I love myself, I love my neighbor, I love my enemies and I will only do unto others as I would have them do unto me. I will not live in fear nor will I judge others. I will be of service to others when and where I can.

May it continue to lead me from this material world of illusion, falsehoods and fantasies to the real world of unconditional love, peace and joy; from darkness to light, from death to immortality, to become one with unconditional love.  Its will is my will, and its will be done.


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