Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Birthday America! 236 Years Old!

It’s Moonday! Happy Birthday America on your 236th year! As a Native-African-Irish American Patriot, I find myself perplexed about the meaning and significance of this birthday. Historians use to say that most countries that become world powers will have only a 200 year life span. If this is true then we are living on borrowed time because our sun has already set.

Like everything else written down as history you must realize that those who won the past wars write the history. We will never know what the losers had to say. When you understand that the last 200 years of American history has been written by those literally who own America, you will understand why most of our history focuses on wars and the successful economic exploitations in the world.

 It has given us a class of very wealthy people who lurk in the shadows of our lives controlling our money supply and what our perception of reality should be at any given time with the media they own.

From the listing of all the wars our country participated in it appears we are headed for more of the same. The growth of wealth and war are connected. The real reasons for all of these wars were never a matter of public consumption and only the reasons that were sold by the special interest groups prevailed.

What lessons have the American people learn about the special history over the last 60 years? War is inevitable, science will continue to debate its relevance, and the government is unresponsive to the majority of Americans. We have learned that technology permits us to access an enormous amount of information and misinformation about our present reality and we can communicate at the speed of light. Also, we have learned that hatred and deception has become the underlying theme of our political discourse and that the old wounds of the Civil War are still festering in our economic and social fabric.

It’s my opinion that this year, the 236th, we are going to see the lessons of the past unlearned and a whole new view of our present reality will emerge not entirely controlled by the wealth holders.

Technology is going to give us the opportunity to see who we have become as a “free” nation. We are going to see how a society can be reduced to lowest level of human discourse by dysfunctional party political that leads only to mutual destruction.

Money power is now absolute. Any power that becomes absolute leads to unimaginable corruption and suffering. Like Lord Acton said, “Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” 

While all this is happening, our earthly environment will be unsettling and unpredictable. The weather patterns will be indiscernible and the loss of life could be unimaginable. This process has already started in some states.

The positive lessons we will learn over the next six months are in words like, “love thy neighbor, do unto others as you would have them do unto you and love thy enemies will start to make sense to a greater number of people.

The lessons of hatred, anger, violence, fear, greed, jealously, and revenge will take their toll and the end results for people who have chosen this path of existence will be unspeakable.

Let’s enjoy this celebration of the promise of freedom by those who loved liberty. As President Abraham Lincoln said to the slaves, at the fall Richmond, Virginia during the Civil War, who were referring to him as Master Lincoln, “I am not your master. You were born free and God is your only master.” Those who still love liberty understand this statement.

This is my opinion and I hope I am completely wrong!


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