Friday, August 10, 2012


For the record: The history of humans on this planet has not been a pretty sight. The lies that have been written down about events that happen or did not happen is so overwhelming it’s an abomination. As President Truman once said, “There are lies and there are damn lies.”

Our more recent history, say the last 500 years, has been filled with massacres, human sacrifice, and mutilations on every continent populated by humans.
These actions taken by humans were done in the name of various gods and family bloodlines in the quest for control over wealth and labor. The days of kings, queens and dynasty ruled the land. They still rule today.

Since World War I there has been a group of wealthy land owners and international bankers trying to rid the world of war by creating a one world government with an international monetary system. Can you imagine a world without war?

Before British America became just America, a wealthy family of bankers have controlled and manipulated the destiny of our country. These families own most of the resources, the land, and the control of information. Through thousands of different corporations and foundations with interlocking management these families still strive to bring America under the one world government umbrella.

World War I was created to “end all wars.” World War II was created to bring “democracy to the world.”  World War III, the silent war, will be created to establish a one world government. It will be silent because it is hidden in a quagmire of misinformation, suppression of information, deceptions, and misdirection.

Yes, a silent war by the use of riddles within an enigmas. The war will be biblical as prophesied about the rise of the devil to punish god for his destruction of Egypt. It will also be about consolidation of wealth in the few. This sounds unbelievable and horrendously absurd.

I am going to recommend two books that will help those who would like to understand what has happen to America over the last 236 years. You will have to figure it out for yourself because the control of our minds by the wealthy families is absolute:

BEHOLD A PALE HORSE, by William Cooper, 1990, and BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI, by Fritz Springmeier, 1995-2007.

These books are not for the faint of heart or people without an open mind. Again, you have to figure it out for yourself.


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