Friday, August 31, 2012

The Money Changers!

The Money Changers!

The majority of the people in America do not know what’s happening to the country and they don’t know that they don’t know! It is not their fault because if they were truly educated about the real history of our country they would have stood up to the Money Changers long time ago.

As an American Patriot I find it difficult, if not impossible, to explain how the money powers around the world through their ancient bloodlines have bamboozled the majority of the people in the America.

The ancient bloodlines of Europe and their descendants in America own everything that touch our lives and their profit corporations and nonprofit corporations are hidden in deep cover all around us and have infiltrated every level of our government.

Every since 1776 the ancient bloodlines have fought for the control of our country and the control of our minds. The first casualty was our government when they gain control of our money system in 1913 and established a taxing agency (IRS). Then they planned three world wars to bring all of the governments around the world under their control with slogans like, “a war to end all wars!” “Making the world safe for democracy!” and now, “to rid the world of global terrorists!”

The people have been deceived by a few who own and control our natural resources and all of our land and own our debt. The American people have become mere cattle to be moved from on pasture to another and contained by the manipulation of the political system at every level.

These small groups of families have been ruthless and barbaric in maintaining their superiority over the majority of the people. How is it done? Here are some of the weapons they use: mind control, manufactured conflict between citizens, divide and conquer, fear and terror, economic inequality, religious bigotry and greed.

Mind control is by ownership of the press, media, educational system and movie industry. Our mind has been controlled from the cradle to the grave by the use of our patriotism and the creation of a need to consume guided by commercial propaganda.

The owners are never seen in the media and their life styles are never on display for public consumption.

Manufactured conflict is the oldest tool used by the few. It is based on philosopher Hegel’s theory of opposites. You create conflict by creating a system of control and then create another system that is opposite of that system and let them appear to be fighting each other.

For example: democracy vs. communism or socialism vs. democracy. Republican vs. Democrats, blacks vs. whites, sports teams fighting for a championship.

Both sides of the conflict are supported by the money changers. One of the most profitable events in this polar of opposites is war. The few who make the weapons, supply the oil, the tanks, airplanes, and uniforms for both sides make a killing with new wealth.

Fear and terror is an ancient tool! When the few can’t get what they want done a major terrorist event is staged and the people are paralyzed with fear of losing their lives. The lives of America’s boys and girls are once again placed upon the alter of sacrifice so the few can triumph in the glory of greed.

Economic inequality is a product of the few’s needs for labor. Cheap labor is best and that includes slavery. You can not exploit the resources without labor. The thought of dealing with a labor union is an abomination to the few. The middle class is a by product of big labor and the economic disparity between the people is always ripe for divide and conquer to keep wages low or move the jobs to a country with none of theses hassles.

Religious bigotry is a powerful tool. By supporting all the different religions in the country through nonprofit corporations the few can keep those groups fighting among each other in perpetuity.

We don’t know what’s happening to our country and we don’t know we don’t know but more and more Americans are waking up everyday to the plans and schemes of the puppet masters, the money changers.

If you want to learn the true history about America as oppose to the propaganda taught in school here are some family names you should investigate on your own: Astor, Bundy, Collins, Kennedy, Russell, Rothschild, Rockefeller, DuPont, Krugg, Merovingian, Reynolds, Van Duhn, Li, Freeman, and Onassis.

Here are some organizations worth investigating: Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Round Table, Illuminati, Bildeberg Group, The Holy Roman Empire and the Masons.

You have to research on your own. The internet is a great tool. You may not be able to change what is happening to America but you will be able to understand the fights and bloodshed in the future and hopefully, not a victim!


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