Friday, January 4, 2013


The unreliable mind is on my mind today! It is the seat of illusion and fantasy, and the Egyptians referred to it as the seat of error! If the only thing you learn today is that the mind is unreliable then you will began to question all the information that you have absorbed as truth.

It’s a pretty scary notion that your own mind works in a conspiracy against you. I know that it takes two people to form a conspiracy and one overt act toward the completion of the plan is sufficient for a conviction of the intended crime. So who is your co-conspirator and what is the intended crime? The inability to control your own mind makes you the co-conspirator and your partner is the force that makes every attempt to get into your head and control your behavior. What’s the crime? The crime is to separate you from your natural impulse for life while acting on the behalf of others.

When   you think of the mind as a piece of putty that can be molded by any belief system or some external force provided by the imagination of another person you will discover the secret to mind control and why the mind cannot be trusted.

Most Americans are just now finding out that for years our government, commercial corporations and special interest groups have been using our mind as a dump and through the use of fear and wonder we become easily controllable. Most Americans, through mind control, unwittingly vote and work against their own pursuit of happiness; it’s remarkable but it’s true.

 It was said long ago that the truth will set you free but keep in mind it will also piss you off. How do you get beyond pissed off? The first step is recognizing that the underpinning of our marketplace in capitalism basic foundation is to exploit the differences that can be created in the minds of people. It is easier by exploiting the differences in cultural and customs and by dividing the people you can control them.

 The old myth about the rugged individualist in American is to be exploited for the sake of sales is still at work. Our media sources purposely keeping us divided and afraid. The use of fear to make a sale or to get the attention of people is ripe with examples all around us. Most of our commercials are based on wit and humor that is fear based. Our news media follows the slogan that if it bleeds it leads as the main story. The voices of fear in the media, including most movies, are highly trained to strike that fight or flight response inside humans and animals. It’s an age old process and its effective today.

How do you get control of your own mind? It is extremely difficult. Our five senses keep us engaged externally because of the fight or flight response to sounds in our environment. In order to control your mind you must discover your heart and the role in plays in your consciousness. Your heart holds the key to truth and its basic electromagnetic pulse is love.

Unconditional love from the heart at all times will help you gain control of your own mind. Learning to meditate every day and throughout the day will lead you own the path to your heart and to love!


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