Monday, January 7, 2013


It’s Moonday once again. I’ve got places to go, people to see and things to do! I would like to have a sweat shirt that says on the front, “Thank God It’s Monday.”

 Since being a young teenager I have always enjoyed work. At the age of 14 I operated an Icehouse during the summer starting at 4 a.m. to noon. Later I would drive an Ice route with several customers then go home and sleep until 4 pm, and go back to run the Icehouse until closing time which was 10 pm.

At the age of 17, I started working as a local DJ on the radio and worked on our local newspaper as a reporter. After finishing high school, I drove school buses while attending college.  I can remember at one point in my life I was working three different jobs.

I have continued to work three jobs:  full time security manger, part-time practicing law, and teaching college part-time until 2000, then began practicing law full time and teaching part-time. I have always worked hard and played hard. My work ethic has allowed me the opportunity to travel on all seven continents.

This last semester I did not have a class due to the cuts at City College, and the legal business was really slow. It was the first time in over 30 years that I have had the opportunity to spend some time with myself. I read over ten books and sang a lot of karaoke.

When you spend your whole life serving others you have a tendency to lose yourself. Now, that not a bad thing if you are happy with you jobs but the chance to go within and spend time with self is priceless.

So what did I learn about myself? I love to learn true history. I love to sing and entertain people. I love helping people solve problems. I love the idea of the human experience. I love the fact that my heart is stronger than my mind and that if you can control your mind you can control everything.  Last but not least, I love the fact that my two children have become successful in their occupations and appear to be happy with life.

 I know that the reality we can’t see is the true reality. It’s invisible and unknowable but it supports everything we try to do in the physical reality.  I know that everything in the physical realty is limited and conditional in our minds. I have learned that truth springs from silence. So truth can only be found in silence.

This week I celebrate another birthday and it will be different. Every feeling in my bones and soul is telling me that it’s time for a change. What the change is going to be I don’t have a clue. I just feel that it’s something beyond my control but it’s happening right on time.

Well, that’s my story and I am sticking to it.

Love, peace and joy to all!

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