Friday, February 22, 2013



Though I was not born in Africa but Africa is in me, simply because of my color, a Black person.  As a person of African descent born in the great State of California and saturated with an education that only taught me that I was a product of African Slavery in America and as a result I was inferior to the whites who ran the country and that there was only a few avenues of advancement in America for Blacks, sports and entertainment; my history would not support a reason to have high self esteem, and dreams of greatness in life. I am glad that I was not a very good listener and I found it difficult to trust what anyone said about the problems that Blacks have had in America as the result of mental and physical slavery.

Now that I know that the history of Africa is about the beginning of civilization on the earth and that people of African descent are found on every continent and their history from 4500 BC to 2000 AD has been suppressed and negated for political and social reasons by those who own and control the monetary systems and precious resources of the world my eyes have been opened to the truth about Africans and the pervasiveness of their cultural throughout the world.

The movie “Lincoln” and “Django” are vivid images of what has been paraded as a glimpse of history of slavery in America. As a child of the 60’s I witness the bloody civil rights marches, the blacks hanging from trees, and those being burnt to death by angry white mobs. Even in my own hometown there were stories of blacks being hung from oil derricks. Hollywood can be a poor teacher of American History.

My parents did everything possible to shelter us from this reality of murder, hatred and physical abuse, though as I got older, I found myself in Los Angeles during the Watts Riots, experiencing the death of Dr. Marin Luther King and Senator Robert Kennedy who was killed about a mile from where I lived.

I never directly experience the white hatred of blacks and the blacks hating white people. I was raised in a Christian home and an integrated church of whites, blacks and Mexican Americans. I was made color blind and had friends from every nationality; having relationships, with Black women, White women and Mexican women. My perception of them was only as women. My friends in high school came from every nationality and color. We had a student body of over 4,000 students with a 3% of them being black. I was the first black Vice-President of the school and I was totally oblivious to the fact that was some kind of milestone.

I loved all people and treated them the way I wanted to be treated.  Once, I was told by white girl in high school that I was the best Christian that she had ever met. Strangely enough I never thought of myself as a Christian or any other religion. I did what was naturally and instinctively inside of me, be good and do good and work hard.

When you discover that there is no such thing as “race” and that all human beings evolve from the same bloodline you will realize that you have been “hoodwinked” to live a “lie” that has created duplicity and suffering in the human family.

Now that I am in the autumn of my years, the whole scheme in place for world domination by the few is apparent and a foregone conclusion. The ability to suppress information by control of the media, and to mislead and deceive by the owners of the media has led the mental enslavement of billions of people who don’t even know how they are manuplated to work against their own interest. It is a sad and sick abomination! It’s ingenious and it’s working. The truth is dead!

The biggest challenge facing Africans in American is mental enslavement and the proclivity to be easily misled and divided against each other. This has been true since the first invasion into Africa by Asians, Europeans, and Arabs at least 4500 years ago. It is a phenomenon that I will never understand.

For one month out of the year, Black History is shared with the whole human family in America. It’s like growing mushrooms. They are kept in the dark and every once and awhile you have to put a little fertilizer to help them grow.

I hope the information on Black History I have shared with you over the past month has given you insight in to a people whose history is suppressed intentionally by the owners of America at home and throughout the world.

I wish for love, peace and joy to every living creature. We all come from the same source of life and we shall return to it.


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