Monday, October 17, 2011

What's the greatest threat to the 1% wealth holders of America? It's Inflation! When inflation goes up income from usury (interest) is reduced. Full employment causes inflation. Unemployment causes inflation to go down. The Fed (private central bank) was put in place by the wealthy to protect the money supply from the affects of inflation. If inflation is a serious threat the Fed reduces the money supply and increase the cost for credit. The Fed creates a recession on purpose to protect the wealthy. With no money or credit business' close and unemployment hits the roof. Loss of wages, loss of home, and loss of life follows. The 99% must suffer!
In all countries, the group that controls the money supply controls the country. Since 1913, the private central bank (to cause misdirection and deception) was named "The Federal Reserve Bank" so that it appeared to have a government connection. The hoodwink worked! The booms and bust in the alleged "free market" have been limited but when they hit us, they are devastating. The "housing bust" was the latest created by criminals in the financial centers that cause the Fed to implement damage control because of its affects on the money supply. Cut the money supply and credit creating a recession until the air is cleared of the stink created by speculators and risk takers blows away!
The original idea for Capitalism as set forth by Adam Smith in 1776, was that a free market of small firms selling what they produced to make a reasonable profit, selling standard products regulated by the laws of supply and demand. Prices went up when supply was down and demand was high or when too much supply and demand was low the price when down. Today, with multinational corporations and multinational banks the original model is in the toilet! What we have today is beyond the scope of our democracy and global in its affects. It's a monster out of control leaving victims in its path.
How does the 1% control the 99% in the face of free speech, elections and organized opposition? Over 150 years they have controlled the corporations that generate the wealth. They control nonprofit corporation network that hire corporate leaders to shape public debates. They dominate the federal government with high level employees from their profit and nonprofit corporations, i.e., the experts we look to in the government for direction. Power is about who benefits, who governs and who wins. The corporate community has "interlocking directors" with 20% serving on more than one corporation. They are the power "elite" and act as a policy planning network.
The power "elite" controls the federal government by special interest process, policy making process, candidate selection process by the flow of money! The 99% is controlled by the media that is owned by four major news corporations. While being fed a shot gun blasts of varied programing and ads creating artificial demands, there are seldom programs about how the economic system works. The idea is to keep the people stuck on stupid while their welfare is tossed about in a gambling casino, an economic system so complex that only the Fed can operate it.
The 99% is controlled by divide and conquer methods that create wonder and fear. Turn the poor against each other, have the races pitted against each other, the skilled worker vs the unskilled, the immigrant vs. the citizen. Exploit their fears with programing that will keep them afraid or have them laughing so hard they will never see what hit him. It works!
My countries sovereignty, that once rested in the people. is at risk because of the corporate "elite" and the wealth holders who must have their world investments protected. The new world government will have little sympathy for the suffering in America as a nation-state. The ideas of sustaining a nation-state is repugnant to the new world order. I love my country. I am sadden and sicken by what is passing as truth today. The recent Supreme Court decision by giving corporate America the power to openly advocate it political interest, the truth is no longer possible. May the Creator of the Universe have mercy on us.

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