Monday, October 17, 2011

It's Moon day! Just a few more thoughts about the almost “unstoppable” train called the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) cartel that's driving our economy for the wealthy. The 1% wealthy are pulling America into the One World Government-New World Order paradigm.

Can America's independence be saved?

1.If we can, the “real people” (not phony corporate fronts) will have to make our elected representatives dump the FED and return the money making powers back to the United States Treasury as mandated by the United States Constitution. The “real people” can start by taking their money out of the cartel , Bank of America, Citibank, Chase Manhattan and J.P. Morgan's other financial interest. Move your money into Savings and Loans or smaller banks that are members of FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation).

  1. Turn off the television news media, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX. They are owned by the wealthy and they filter ,block news, and create news. Even PBS is supported by some wealthy non-profit corporations. Rely on trusted Internet sites.
  2. We have to take our military out of the hands of major wealthy industrial corporations that are creating wars on behalf of other multi-national corporations and multi-national banks that are reaping profits using the lives of our children as cannon fodder!
  3. For now, we need to boycott the political system. It is completely hijacked by the 1% wealthy. The monetary system is controlling our lives and Democracy on the national level is a mere illusion. The United States Constitution has been hijacked by the 1% wealthy and patriotism is used as a weapon against the “real people.”
  4. It goes without saying that our “oil” based economy is building a coffin for our children's future. We need to find ways to get off this energy grid and use energy that is renewable and self sustaining.

I admit that it maybe too late because over the last 60 years Americans have been dumbed down to a point of no return and I include myself in that category. The basic understanding of the economic system has been shrouded in secrecy. The diversions and deceptions we call entertainment is taking it's toll on our minds. Can you imagine that banks are paying homeless people to help them throw people out of their homes into the homeless ranks? You want see this in the “news” media but it's happening.


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