Monday, October 17, 2011

Outline on Recent Chinese History!

After 5000 Years History in China the Chinese Communist Take Power and Destroys Its Cultural in 150 Years

Mao tse-tung – embraces Darwin –survival of the fitness

850 million people in  China – class struggle through hatred and evil was the answer to survival.

Revolution –every 7 to 8 years to water the tree of survival

Violence and terror – used to control the people – “political movement starts again”

Mao referred to Buddha writings and Confucius, is dog shit!

1840 –traditional cultural move toward modernizations

Chin Dynasty was the start in deterioration

1920 –Communist Introduced in China

Foreign Intrusion into China -1860

Shen Fong abdication

1894 –China/Japan war – China defeated by Japan

1898 -100 days of Reform did not work

1904 – Russia and Japan at war in northeast China and China did nothing.

1911 – Shien high dynasty create Republic of China

1918 –May 4 Movement – violent revolutions started in Russia and China. 20 million people died, from 1927 -1936- 10 million died –CCP v. Nationals

“Truth never changes while a lie must be constantly retold”

Mao – “ I don’t follow the Tao nor heaven”

65 million to 100 million killed to create the Communist Party

Emperor Wong, the father of Tao and Confucius teaching in China – the five carnal virtues of Confucius:


Buddhism and Taoism was no longer the rule in China

Mao – battle with heaven, fight the earth, struggle with humans there in lies endless joy”

Religions Banned!

From Tong Dynasty – cultural passed down for 5000 years
 Chinese beliefs –traditional cultural – Moral system

Truth: Taoism – unity of all heaven and humanity
Buddhism –compassion – karma- retributions
Confucius – what needed to enter the mundane world – the five virtues – family – loyalty to family – fatherly kindness – filopiety, brotherly love.

Four main text  in China:

1.    Journey to the West
2.    Dreams of  Red Mansions
3.    Outlaws of the Marsh – 800 evil spirits released on the earth
4.    Three Kingdoms – every thing is God’s Will

1957 –intellectual  are allowed to speak out- the rightest were  
            anti Chinese communist party..

Mao killed 46,000 Intellectuals

1959 – thought cleansing began

May 1966 Cultural Revolution –Buddhists, Taoist force to leave China 

Red Guard Destroys religious symbols

Communist Party becomes the cultural – atheism – class struggle – blind allegiance required.

Music use to with songs on socialism as good and praising the party.

No freedom of thought, speech, association, or belief.

55 years of terror – used to control –people live in fear and obedience.

CCP follows no laws, rule by implication –life determined by class

Cultural must speak with One Voice – all media must follow party line
Control is carried on by violence, hatred, deception, lies, brain washing, and adulations. No comprehension of right and wrong- self imposed brainwashing –

materialism and atheism is the opium of the society – survival of the fitness –class struggle.

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