Monday, January 23, 2012

Gong Hei Fat Choy!


It’s Moonday again and a very special one in Chinese astrological history. It’s the day of the first new moon of the New Year and for the Chinese it’s Happy New Year! “Gong hie fat choy” greeting to all, wishing everyone prosperity in this New Year. This is the year of the positive wood dragon, a good year for positive growth and happiness.

Since 2637 B.C., the Chinese have maintained accurate written records of the moon cycles and have created the most accurate planting cycle in the world. Other cultures that have followed the moon cycles are the Hebrews and the Muslims.

For over 60,000 years humans have tried to keep track of time by tracking the stars, the moon and in the last 4000 years, the sun. The myths and symbolism that have grown out of these attempts are mind boggling and yet intriguing. Astronomy is the name given to tracking the planets and stars. Astrology is the name given to the myths about the planets and the stars affects on humans.

The Chinese cycle is 60 years long and is governed by 5 elements, metal, water, wood, fire, and earth. The Yin and Yang (positive and negative force is attached to each element). So depending on your year of birth, your energy will be positive metal or negative metal; positive water or negative water; positive wood or negative wood; positive fire or negative fire; positive earth or negative earth. Positive means that your energy moves toward others and negative energy pulls others to you. It’s not about bad or good, it’s simply about the behavior of energy.

With the rise of nations-states based upon organized religion, there was a forceful and brutal attempt to destroy these ancient systems and all their symbols. However, they are still pervasive even in some religions. The destruction of African history was fundamental part of this move to change the course of history during these times that become known as “the dark ages.” Some of African history still survives right here in America i.e., the Washington Monument, and all the pyramidal structures in our famous buildings.

After a 40 year hobby of researching and studying all of these systems, including religion, I have found that the human spirit is resilient and constantly evolving into a higher consciousness though the pervasive attempt to control and keep the human mind in slavery by selfish commercial and religious interest is never ending, I believe someday all humans will began to realized that their destiny is irretrievably tied together. We are One! Gong Hei Fat Choy! Peace.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Globalization: the decline of equality,liberty, and justice!

Globalization: the decline of equality, liberty, and justice!

Globalization is the term used to describe the goals of the wealthy elite to gain control and power over all nation-states and control them through four separate entities: The European Union, the North American Union, the African Union, and the Asia Pacific Union. The goal is world peace and understanding, i.e., The United Nations. A world democratic government, managing a world debt, with a world court, a world bank, and a world taxing agency. This is the solution to end all wars because nation-states tend to make war to survive. Are these goals truthful?

The wealthy elite started pursuing these goals with vigor over the last 150 years. War has brought the greatest benefits to the progress of achieving these goals. The only obstacle left to finishing these goals are the sovereign people of each nation that are starting to find out about these goals and have come to realized that there status is being reduced to peasants and it’s terrifying. The majority of people have been kept in the dark about the forces at work that are fighting against them. The recent housing crisis and government bailouts have exposed the backside of the wealthy elite and it’s not pretty sight!

The so-called new world order, with its banking cartels, and secret societies are pulling for one world government, while organized religion is fighting to retain its power. The news media and entertainment owners are making billions exploiting these destructive forces by pushing the illusion being sold by either force and racking in the money from the commercial town criers hawking their wears.

To learn who wants to control your life you must actively research and find the names of the people running the radio, television, cell phones, and internet service networks. Find out who owns the news services. Research the owners of the entertainment industry in Hollywood, the owners of the banking industry and the ruler of the largest religious groups. When you finish with your research and have compiled all your data a light and a breath of fresh air will pass through your body, mind and soul. The truth shall set you free!  The bias deceptions and misdirection will become obvious. You can begin to think for yourself!

Most of this research can be found by using the internet. The greatest threat to those in control is the lost of their hiding places behind phony corporate shields. You will not find sit-coms or movies about these groups, because it’s a carnal sin to expose the owners of our country and what they are attempting to do.

The Occupy groups are trying to expose this disease that’s trying to bring the people to their knees. Our countries future as a sovereign nation is at stake! Learn, learn, and learn before it’s too late. Peace!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. King!

It’s Moonday and it’s a crisp cold holiday for some of us. It’s supposed to be a day for the celebration of the birth of a nonviolent peaceful warrior, Dr. Martin Luther King.

I can remember where I was and what I was doing when Dr. King was murdered, when President John F.  Kennedy was murdered and when Senator Robert Kennedy was murdered. I remember being emotionally distraught and numbed by all three murders.

Even more egregious was all the lies, deceptions, and fraudulent media manipulation by those who covered up the reasons for each murder. When the President was murdered I was attending Bakersfield College and was entering choir practiced when I observed most of the choir members standing, crying and hugging each other. When I heard what had just happen, my heart felt extremely heavy and I turn around and walked outside.

When Dr. King was murdered I was living in Los Angeles and visiting my aunt. I can remember watching the news stories about the murder and seeing all of the different American cities on fire. The black smoke rising up behind the White House was scary to watch. Just three years before the murder, Los Angeles had suffered the Watts Riot. I was there and remember the burning businesses and smoke filled skies leaving over 35 people dead. The occupation by the National Guard was unsettling and frightening. I lived a few miles from the Baltimore Hotel in Los Angeles, where Robert Kennedy was murdered.

The elite media owners had convinced us that these three murders were unrelated and each incident was caused by a lone gunman. After many years the evidence suggested quite clearly that a conspiracy led to the death of all three. The person or persons behind these acts of madness were never held accountable and there are fears to this day that the inheritors of this murderous cartel are still among us.

In the mist of the civil rights struggle and the Vietnam War, a large military-industrial complex came to power, and the rise of corporate financial power has led America into global domination and now when America sneezes the whole world gets a cold. Our recent economic crash hurt many Americans and affected the rest of the world.

As Americans, we are kept in a box where only certain information is poured in but critical and crucial movements by our power elite are kept out of the media, of course, they own it. The power elites are not the government. The Internet has opened a few holes in the box but not enough to help an internet illiterate who is trapped in the old symbolic thoughts of flag waving, gay marriages, immigration, religious intolerance, and celebrity worship.

All three messengers were murdered but the message is still alive and well; civil and human rights for every American; eliminating the phony (federal) reserve bank which is pro-wealthy, misuse of the military, and helping the poor. Happy Birthday Dr. King! You warned us about the future we are suffering through today. Peace. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Rise of Corporate Power in America

The rise of corporate power in America should not be a secret but for the most part it is for most Americans. The corporate structure controls every waking moment of our lives. Within that structure is where extremely wealthy people can hide and decisively control and exercise power over the American people.

I can remember as a young boy there were little or no commercial messages. We received the Sears catalogue in the mail and every once in a while a Montgomery Wards catalogue would emerge. There was no salesman except for door to door solicitors who seldom got pass the front gate. When I was employed at a radio station I use to make up commercials for our clients that would be played on the air. I didn’t understand the techniques that we employed to sale because I just copied methods I listen to on other stations.

Once I wrote a paper in college on the methods used to by advertisers to gain the attention of the American people. The title was: “Advertising, the Fairy Godmother of Radio and Television.” It required a lot of research but it was worth it. I received an “A” for the effort. A lot of psychological studies were produced about the mind of the American consumer and what one needed to do to get them motivated to purchase merchandise. The brainwashing techniques were more than effective; it worked like magic and still does today. Through the use of music, sex, lifestyles, and humor we are manipulated into consuming. Humor is the most volatile because when you laugh the unconscious is open to suggestion and what ends up in the unconscious will surface when confronted with the trademark symbol for the product firmly branded in your head.

Earlier in history there was only the newspaper, billboards, and the traveling salesman. Today, with the rise of corporate power by the use of the salesman techniques we cannot turn on the radio or television without a commercial message being shot at us. And now with the Internet, commercial messages are popping up where you least expect them. I hear people brag that commercials don’t affect them but the secret of the commercial is how it is placed in your consciences without you knowing it.

The secret use of deception, misdirection and fraud is so effective today it’s unsettling and worrisome because the helpless consumer is mere canon fodder for those who seek to grow and maintain their wealth while hiding behind the corporate shield. The techniques used are old and trite. Even the political process in America is permeated with these techniques. The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision allowing corporations to use wealth and power to control the messages in the media just like a private citizen is to make our entire media system untrustworthy. Today, selling the big lie by any means necessary has made a mockery out of free speech and individual freedom. Who do you believe? Who do you trust? Who controls your news? Who is controlling your mind? A little research will help you discover that it’s only a few major interlocking corporations that are running the entire system. Peace.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Service Above Self!

It’s Moonday and the Moon was full at 2:38 this morning.  I am still in the reflection mode as the day of reckoning arrives on Wednesday. On my mind today is the experiences in high school as the student band and choir director.
There I met a truly beautiful man from Iowa who was our band director. His name was Wesley Moore. We called him the “Colonel.” We had one of the best rated high school bands in California. The Colonel was my mentor for 4 years.
When I joined the business world as a lawyer in 80’s, I joined my local Rotary Club. Rotary is the first service club started in America in 1905. The goal of the organization was for business networking and doing good in the world. One our biggest project since the 80’s was stamping out Polio in the world.
When I was Club President in 1989, we raised over $20,000 for the Polio Campaign. Polio was still spreading throughout the world. Now, in 2011, there are on 4 countries where polio is slowing dying out, Pakistan, Afghanistan, India and Nigeria. With the help of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Rotary International Polio will soon be extinct!
I found out years later when I attended the Colonel’s funeral that he was the Rotary Past District Governor of the greater Bakersfield area. It brought tears to my eyes when I thought about how this great man guided this bright, ambition child from the poor side of town to an awesome future. Here is a list of places I have been while being a Rotarian and before becoming a Rotarian. As a European American, the Colonel put a light in my life that has made all the difference in the world. I am grateful and humbled by his impact on my life. Here are the places I have visited:
1963 – Tijuana Mexico ,1970 – Mexicali Mexico, 1976 – Mexico City, 1980 – Europe – London, Salisbury, Brussels, Paris, Rome, 1982 – Africa – Senegal, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Abjhain, Freetown Sierra Leone, Liberia, Gambia, Niger, Togo Lome, Benin, 1984 –Rio Brazil , 1985 – Rio Brazil-Carnival, 1986 – Tahiti, Moorea, 1987– Tahiti – Bora Bora, Papeete, Moorea, 1988 – Singapore, Thailand, India, New Deli, Agra, Japur, 1988 – Egypt, Great Pyramids, Valley of the Kings, Cairo, Jerusalem, Dead Sea, Jericho, Bethlehem, 1989 – Tahiti, Moorea, 1989- Seoul Korea (Rotary Convention), 1990-(Portland Oregon – Rotary Convention), 1991 – Mexico City (Rotary Convention), 1992- (Orlando Florida –Rotary Convention), 1993 –Melbourne Australia (Rotary Convention), 1996– Calgary Canada (Rotary Convention), 1997 –Glasgow, Scotland (Rotary Convention), 1998 – (Indianapolis Rotary Convention), 1999- Singapore (Rotary Convention), 2000- Buenos Aire, Argentina (Rotary Convention), 2001 – Antarctica, 2001 - (San Antonio Texas Rotary Convention), 2002- Barcelona Spain (Rotary Convention), 2003- Brisbane Australia (Rotary Convention), 2004 – Osaka Japan, Kyoto (Rotary Convention), 2005- (Chicago Rotary Convention -100 Year Celebration), 2006- Malmo Copenhagen-Sweden (Rotary Convention), 2007 - (Salt Lake City –Rotary Convention), 2008- (Los Angeles Rotary Convention), 2009 – London England, Birmingham (Rotary Convention).

I came to understand the purpose of my life was to do good in a life of service. Being lawyer, a teacher, and parent, all I have ever wanted was do good and make a difference in the lives of others. My travels and the people I have met along the way have all been lights in my life and I hope I am doing my part! Peace!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

As I approach my solar return next week my mind is on my childhood and the things that fascinated me at that time. I grew up in a desert like area of California where the night sky was filled with stars. My father did not like the fact that my interests were not earthly so we were constantly at odds and my body paid for it! At the age of seven I found myself working in the cotton fields on the wee...kend with the family. Yes, we were poor. I could not keep my eyes from watching the sky. My father use to shout at me, “Aubrey, get your head back down in those stalks.”

By the time I was 18 I had developed a strong interest in astronomy, astrology, including Chinese astrology. I had developed the ability to guess people signs by just talking to them and was 95% correct. That was a startling awakening. I had to find out more about the ancient sciences. I took a class in astronomy in college and did a research paper on the aureole borealis lights that occur in the northern sky. I became driven to learn more.

My mother, a minister, tolerated by peculiar interests, while my seven siblings called me “the professor” because I was curious about everything and my little journeys of exploring would lead to trouble with my father, who believed in “spare the rod spoil the child.” After travels on every continent and years of higher education my fascination with the universe and the people in it still rages on. What I have learned is like Stephen Hawking said, “There are many realities and not just the one we are taught to believe in.”
Then there is Newton who has taught us so much about gravity. I wish a happy birthday to Stephen and a happy birthday to Newton, both, my fellow travelers. I don’t know how all of these experiences have brought me to this moment in life but I am forever grateful to be still here.

My hobby has been the study of the ancient sciences for many years. 2012 represents the beginning of the Chinese 60 year astrological cycle with the year of the Dragon on January 22, and the beginning of the alignment of the galaxy on December 21, 2012. This means very little to most people but as a stargazer I am excited about what might be ahead and I know for a fact that only the universe knows! Peace!