Friday, January 20, 2012

Globalization: the decline of equality,liberty, and justice!

Globalization: the decline of equality, liberty, and justice!

Globalization is the term used to describe the goals of the wealthy elite to gain control and power over all nation-states and control them through four separate entities: The European Union, the North American Union, the African Union, and the Asia Pacific Union. The goal is world peace and understanding, i.e., The United Nations. A world democratic government, managing a world debt, with a world court, a world bank, and a world taxing agency. This is the solution to end all wars because nation-states tend to make war to survive. Are these goals truthful?

The wealthy elite started pursuing these goals with vigor over the last 150 years. War has brought the greatest benefits to the progress of achieving these goals. The only obstacle left to finishing these goals are the sovereign people of each nation that are starting to find out about these goals and have come to realized that there status is being reduced to peasants and it’s terrifying. The majority of people have been kept in the dark about the forces at work that are fighting against them. The recent housing crisis and government bailouts have exposed the backside of the wealthy elite and it’s not pretty sight!

The so-called new world order, with its banking cartels, and secret societies are pulling for one world government, while organized religion is fighting to retain its power. The news media and entertainment owners are making billions exploiting these destructive forces by pushing the illusion being sold by either force and racking in the money from the commercial town criers hawking their wears.

To learn who wants to control your life you must actively research and find the names of the people running the radio, television, cell phones, and internet service networks. Find out who owns the news services. Research the owners of the entertainment industry in Hollywood, the owners of the banking industry and the ruler of the largest religious groups. When you finish with your research and have compiled all your data a light and a breath of fresh air will pass through your body, mind and soul. The truth shall set you free!  The bias deceptions and misdirection will become obvious. You can begin to think for yourself!

Most of this research can be found by using the internet. The greatest threat to those in control is the lost of their hiding places behind phony corporate shields. You will not find sit-coms or movies about these groups, because it’s a carnal sin to expose the owners of our country and what they are attempting to do.

The Occupy groups are trying to expose this disease that’s trying to bring the people to their knees. Our countries future as a sovereign nation is at stake! Learn, learn, and learn before it’s too late. Peace!

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