Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. King!

It’s Moonday and it’s a crisp cold holiday for some of us. It’s supposed to be a day for the celebration of the birth of a nonviolent peaceful warrior, Dr. Martin Luther King.

I can remember where I was and what I was doing when Dr. King was murdered, when President John F.  Kennedy was murdered and when Senator Robert Kennedy was murdered. I remember being emotionally distraught and numbed by all three murders.

Even more egregious was all the lies, deceptions, and fraudulent media manipulation by those who covered up the reasons for each murder. When the President was murdered I was attending Bakersfield College and was entering choir practiced when I observed most of the choir members standing, crying and hugging each other. When I heard what had just happen, my heart felt extremely heavy and I turn around and walked outside.

When Dr. King was murdered I was living in Los Angeles and visiting my aunt. I can remember watching the news stories about the murder and seeing all of the different American cities on fire. The black smoke rising up behind the White House was scary to watch. Just three years before the murder, Los Angeles had suffered the Watts Riot. I was there and remember the burning businesses and smoke filled skies leaving over 35 people dead. The occupation by the National Guard was unsettling and frightening. I lived a few miles from the Baltimore Hotel in Los Angeles, where Robert Kennedy was murdered.

The elite media owners had convinced us that these three murders were unrelated and each incident was caused by a lone gunman. After many years the evidence suggested quite clearly that a conspiracy led to the death of all three. The person or persons behind these acts of madness were never held accountable and there are fears to this day that the inheritors of this murderous cartel are still among us.

In the mist of the civil rights struggle and the Vietnam War, a large military-industrial complex came to power, and the rise of corporate financial power has led America into global domination and now when America sneezes the whole world gets a cold. Our recent economic crash hurt many Americans and affected the rest of the world.

As Americans, we are kept in a box where only certain information is poured in but critical and crucial movements by our power elite are kept out of the media, of course, they own it. The power elites are not the government. The Internet has opened a few holes in the box but not enough to help an internet illiterate who is trapped in the old symbolic thoughts of flag waving, gay marriages, immigration, religious intolerance, and celebrity worship.

All three messengers were murdered but the message is still alive and well; civil and human rights for every American; eliminating the phony (federal) reserve bank which is pro-wealthy, misuse of the military, and helping the poor. Happy Birthday Dr. King! You warned us about the future we are suffering through today. Peace. 

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