Friday, March 22, 2013


It’s Friday once again and I find myself in a reflective mood and not quite ready to start working.  I self-published a book in 1993 called “Great Spirit…The Comforter.” The book was written for my daughter and son to explain to them the evolution of their father from the cotton fields of Bakersfield to the Halls of Justice.

 I taught them some of the things I had learned about the ancient sciences of astrology, numerology, and Chinese astrology. At the young age of nineteen my interest was caught in the fascination of how human’s interpreted the universe prior to the religious hegemony.  

I was always working at two or three jobs while they were growing up so I had limited time to spend with them. Later, as a single parent, watching over two children, working, my role as a loving parent became even more precarious. Well, that’s all behind us and the two adults in my life are truly a blessing and I am grateful that my heart would not allow me to give up them nor give up on myself.

Writing the book in 1993 was great therapy for me and something that will be a lasting memorial to my time spent on this earth.  I never gave much reflection on the title of the book because the title came to me one morning while I was taking a shower.

Several years later I was visiting friends in Los Angeles. We went out to dinner at a small oriental restaurant. While walking down the sidewalk to the restaurant I notice inside of the window a Jewish bookstore, a book was opened to a page with an article discussing the coming of Great Spirit the Comforter. I grabbed my friends show them the book and explained my concern about how this Great Spirit name ended up as the title for my first book.

After further research I discovered that in the Jewish religion there is always a Messiah who comes to each generation of humans, about every two thousand years, to save them from the struggles of life. Though some claimed that Rabbi Jesus was the Messiah of the Age of Pisces, the water age, most reject that conclusion.  An Age last about 2150 years is governed by the movement of constellations and the movement of the sun.

The next Age, the Age of Aquarius, air age, is scheduled to start in about 140 years. I can remember the students of the 60’s generation singing about the dawning of Aquarius in high school and college. I didn’t have a clue concerning the significances of this so called coming of the Age of enlightenment.  I was in the military during that time and my mind was focused on being a good Marine.

Well, after many years of using my mind to help others with legal problems and teaching many students about the legality of our system the recent economic slowdown has given me more time for reflection and to start listening to my heart.

 I have come to recognize that the Great Spirit has been with me all my life. I often wondered why Native American refers to the Creator of the Universe as the “Great Spirit” and now I know.  I am grateful and pleased that the Comforter is coming and that I already abide in its spirit.  We are all little spirits embodied in the Great Spirit. The Age of Aquarius will have the Comforter as its savior.

This probably makes little sense to most of you but it’s Ok. 


1 comment:

  1. Aubrey, if you're still with us because I had found some information several years ago that you had gone on to another dimension. If this is wrong I'd Love to reconnect. I met you in the No Name in Sausalito on your Birthday AND I completely understand! If my information is wrong, kindly contact me at 415.306.3111 talk or text
