Thursday, March 7, 2013


Usury: the act or practice of lending money with interest.

For centuries usury was consider to be immoral and contrary to God’s law. However, the ancient merchants were oppose to this law and decided to disobey it and permitted the great snake of evil to cause perversion in the land. The money changers headed down the road of corruption and devastation of financial slavery and imposed it on the mathematically illiterate people. The would only charge those not a part their cartel and as far as loans made to each other there was no interest charge and if the debt was not paid in seven years it was forgiven.

The word, usury, is found in the Bible and the act or practice is objected to as an abomination. Why? In ancient times the practice of placing a use upon a use was evil and illegal. To lend money is a use, allowing others to use your money. When interest is charged, it’s another use on top of the original use. A use upon a use was deemed evil because the lending party is getting more money that it had lent and did not have to expend anymore of their own money. It was all gravy and it flowed like milk and honey and it’s still flowing today.

Over the centuries the money changers have convinced the people that interest rates are fair for them so that they are able to buy something they wanted credit leading to a higher standard of living. However, the great snake of evil always lurked in the shadows. Interest rates could be raised or lower at will if the lender felt the consumer was not paying on time. Other fees were added to punish for being late or causing any extra work for the lender. The credit card became the instrument of instant wealth but also devastation for the wage earner.

Today, the lending institutions have gain control and access over our government and the laws have been put in place that completely legalizes usury if you are a part of the financial cartel. As the ancients said, the act or practice is immoral. The job of convincing the people that usury in not immoral but is perfectly innocent has been extremely effective and devastating at the same time.

The American consumer is a victim of this system and at beginning of all the uncontrollable economic depressions ( if you lost your job) or a recession, if you only loss a little equity in your retirement fund, the affect of the great snake was being felt by most. But for those who live on interest income or mortgage property with high interest rates (adjustable loans) or equity loans, inherited money, the struggle was to get the interest rates stabilized and back on track. The government was quick to make that happen through with bailouts!

The owners of America strive on interest income, control and ownership of our scarce resources. Their only real threat is inflation. If inflation goes up the value of interest income comes down and the wealth holders could be devastated. So Job one for our regulators is keep interest income high and fights inflation like it’s a plague. By the way full employment causes inflation and through they talk about creating jobs there is really no serious urgency to do that. The American wage earners major concerns are having a job and not having to pay high interests rates on consumer goods along with higher prices, but they don’t realize that they don’t have a dog in the fight to control our economy that protects the wealthy.

Usury is not only immoral it’s evil! The Americans who have been hurt by usury over the years don’t have a clue who or what the enemy is so they are left fighting with each other and suffering through the devastation of their homes and loss of their families members with one tragic event after another. Climate change is not helping and they have no one to fight or blame, at least, that’s what they have been taught. Ignorance is evil and the uninformed are paying a high emotional and mental price, no peace of mind.


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