Monday, March 4, 2013


It’s Moonday once again! I am at peace but I find that most of my fellow citizens are still trapped in the misery of double talk and hoodwinks. The ingrained duplicity that flow from negative to positive, hot to cold, up then down, right then left and black then white. The cruelest part of human nature is exploited for financial gain on television and in movies; the constant barrage of buy something now in commercial deluges every minute has left them stupefied.  

A dysfunctional government that masquerade as legitimacy and a hopeless drool  flowing from those who lack knowledge but media access about the very nature of government , glorifying hideous and hateful slurs toward their fellow citizens masquerading as intelligence. It’s like every drop of morality and hope is being drained out of the body politic.

The other part of our society who owns everything or live off interest and the wealth pass down to them by their wealthy parent are watching their wealth grow in leaps and bounds. The more things appear to change the more they remain the same.

The lack of understanding by the majority of Americans of their government and the Constitution is an abomination.  It is not their fault because of a huge conspiracy by the owner class to keep them dumb and clueless, leaving them ripe for exploitation and deception.

Take for example the Second Amendment our Constitution, loosely referred to as the” right to bear arms and maintain a militia.” Who profit most from this right? The gun manufactures are at the top of list. Why was the Second Amendment added to the Constitution?  During slavery the Southern States had laws requiring all white men between the ages of 18 to 45 to gather once a month and inspect all of the slave quarters in the ,to search for contraband and seize any runaway slaves, and to prevent slave’s insurrections which happened quite often.

 In most cases, the slave population outnumbered the white population. Also, they maintained slave patrols that caught runaway slaves and slaves out after dark.  The Southern States would not vote for the ratification of the Constitution unless an amendment was added to protect their slave patrols and slave regulations laws. Over the years, the gun lobby has protected the Second Amendment as the right of every citizen to have possession of a gun and the gun manufactures have supplied the money and all types of weapons  for the frighten population being led by National Rifle Association. Yes, the American Citizens have a right to bear arms, and maybe the same fears they had in the 1860’s are the same fears they are suffering from today. The double talk and the hoodwinks by the gun industry to maintain the fear and hatred by exploiting the poor illiterate Americans make great news copy and it’s only carry us toward more death and destruction.

Most Americans believe that the President of the United States is responsible for everything that goes wrong in American. While our Constitution compels the three branches of government to carry out its mandates in the Constitution, the Congress makes the laws and decides how to pay for them and enforce them, while the President is supposed ensure that those laws are enforced.  When the President starts making laws and enforcing them it’s a violation of the Constitution. The Judicial Branch is responsible to ensure that the laws made by congress do not violate the Constitution, including Executive orders made by the President.  

Since 1913 two branches of power in America operate the financial system, the Federal Reserve Bank and the Internal Revenue Service and they are independent of our three branches of government. This set up has caused a tremendous imbalance between the wealthy and the poor. The poor direct all their rage toward the government. It’s like they drink a glass of poison and expecting the government to die while the financial manipulators are kicking their ass all over the country. This condition is a low down rotten dirty shame.

Today, there is even a bigger wedge separating American Citizen from each other and causing severe pain and suffering and it’s the use of technology by the younger generation and the hardships being place on the older generation to keep up with new technology. Most of the older generation are living in an apartheid conditions and watching their living conditions being surrounded by things they don’t understand and are afraid of. This technological divide is devastating.

In the old days when one powerful country took over another country they would first double talk and try to hoodwink the unsuspecting natives, and if that didn’t work they would kill them. When Americans become more knowledgeable about their government and where the power over their lives is really coming from the double talk and the hoodwinking will not work anymore, the powers that be may simply figure more sophisticated ways to kill them or have them kill each other by media manipulation.

Double talking and hoodwinking works well in an unsophisticated illiterate unengaged population and its working overtime today.


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