Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012-2

It’s Moonday! Memorial Day 2012.This day has been set aside to honor and remember all of those who have died in war for the sake of our country’s liberty and the fight for their own liberty within this country.

If you don’t know the war history of our country or if you have never been taught the truth about America’s evolution to the role of superpower, then you live your life like a tree without roots but it’s not your fault.

Because of much of history is written by those who won the wars, history becomes a mere fable about those who won the power to control the lives of others.

As a student of history and a truth seeker, I have discovered that millions have died in fighting for America’s birth and its right to survive among nation-states. Most Americans are not exposed to this history because of the manipulation of our educational system to achieve the goals of the wealthy which are to maintain a stable and reliable work force.

As a minority veteran, I find it deplorable that one of the historical wars is still being fought in the dark shadows by those who owned slaves during America’s dark period of evolution, the Civil War. I watched a video on PBS last night called, “The Love of Liberty” hosted by Halle Berry. It was about the African-American’s military history from slavery times to the present.

When I first joined the military in 1964, this history was not part of my education so I was definitely a tree without roots. I served from 1964 to 1979 on active duty and as a reservist. I was told that I was one of the first African-American’s military lawyers to serve in the Marine Corp. I did not understand the ramifications of that assertion at that time and what it meant in historical prospective. As a young private in 1964, I did not know that I was following in the foot steps of other African-American Marines who had fought in World War II on Iwo Jima and died for America’s liberty. I was never told this history while in the Marine Corp.

I did find out that the first African-American Marines were segregated from the Corp and referred to as Montfort Point Marines. When the Marine Corp was integrated, the African-American were trained and treated as Marines. The history of their bravery and dedication as Marines make me proud to be standing on their shoulders today.

As an enlisted man and as an officer in the Marine Corp, I say to all my high school buddies who died in Vietnam and to all of the men and women who have served, I salute you.


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

To all my fellow veterans alive and to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Some of us ended up in the military because of the draft and a great percentage of us volunteered. There are a few of us that were forced to join to avoid going to jail for juvenile criminal behavior. In the southern part of the country the tradition of military service was a family tradition since the revolutionary war. Some viewed the military as a way to better pay and benefits.

Many have served America from the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, the Civil War, Spanish American War, the Indian Wars, World War I, World War II, the Korean War (Police Action), the Vietnam War, Iraq, and the current war in Afghanistan.

The majority of Americans who have fought in these wars have come from the ranks of the poor. They have included minorities, women, and also some middle class citizens. America has ended up being a global power because of the spoils of war. If history has taught us anything it is the fact that there will always be wars and rumors of war.

A lot of our veterans end up with broken homes and broken minds but still have the resolved to live and serve the country. There have been just wars and unjust wars, leaving human suffering in its wake. As General Patton said during World War II, “As compared to war, all other human endeavors are insignificant.”

The pendulum of our government swings at the will of the wealthy and this is nothing new in human history. The veterans of these royal wars never question why they are called upon to fight because no matter the real purpose of the war somehow that purpose is propagandized as protecting the country.

I salute all of my fellow veterans that are still here for another Memorial Day observance. For those who have crossed over, thank you for your service to a young country that was created to allow the human spirit to be free and not trapped in archaic institutions of rank and privilege that have survived since the 12th century.


Monday, May 21, 2012

The Little Country that Could

The story of the little country that could!

Once upon time, a world power invaded a distant continent and turned it into a prison colony; the merchants of the realm were soon to follow.

The little colony grew strong with servants (prisoners), slaves and the royal shallow. The money flowed from the mainland to the continent and all was well for the ground was no longer hallowed.

Then the time came when the peasants, servants, and slaves had had their fill of royal naves and gave a shout and cry, “live free or die.”

Their own money they started to make and the royals shouted, “Your money is fake.”
“The royal bank is from where ye shall drink or you will tank.”

The peasants said, “No, no, my friend, the royal bank will have to end.”
“In time so will your taxes rescind.”

The royal bank was burnt to the ground and the shouts went up in the town, “the tyrants have been put down.” The royals reacted with guns and the government house was no more and they said, “The fun has only just begun.”

Years after the peasants revolted, a new bank was begun with investor from the mainland contributing quite a sum. The peasants did not have a clue that royals were acting a new and their lives were at risk as the royals closed the noose.

The peasant’s new government (in secret) was working with the royals to create a bank to regulate the flow of money that would change the flow of the peasant’s milk and honey.

The contract between the peasants held that their government was responsible for printing their money; the secret pack by the royals insured a government of the royals, by the royals, for the royals, now isn’t that funny?

The peasants would never know this truth; they are easily divided, deceived and separated by the royal media. They live joyously in the sun for the fun has only just begun.

© 2012, Aubrey Weldon

The Little Shops That Could

It’s Moonday and here is the story about the little shops that could!

Once upon time in a galaxy far far away lived a planet that was true and blue.
There it was floating among the stars covered with dew.

Through the clouds you could see the little people looking for the O.O. Monster that stole their O.O.

The little people were once the shops that could, each making its due with its O.O, but now they are looking for the O.O. Monster to bring suit.

They were warned in 76 and 84 that the O.O. Monster was at their door.
The O.O Monster was cleaver and hid in the contract that the little shops thought was for them to soar.

When the little people’s court confirmed, yes, the O.O. Monster is one of you and you have no to right to sue.

The little people’ shops would be no more because now the O.O. Monster had grown into the Big O.O Monster sitting in the mist of them with its glow!

Help, help the little people would shout “we need to change the contract to save our shops!”  

“What contract?” the Big O.O. Monster yells! “The little shops are in our lot so there is no stop.”

The little people in their little shops said, “The banks and the government will help!”
The Big O.O. Monster said, “The banks and the government are in our lot so all you can do is shout!”

The little people in their little shops are no more, no more because they didn’t listen in 84!

Monday, May 14, 2012

It's Moonday Again!

  1. It’s Moonday and I am feeling poetic:

    As I arise from my slumber the earth beckons me once again to experience its fleeting glory; to sense its possibilities and its beauties as yet another unfolding story.

    Now comes the excitement of the hour; a new beginning, another journey through the mundane while struggling to appear sane.

    The glorious sun moves above the clouds, the trees with no wind,... and the birds are few but the sun within will still shines through.

    Yes, the day beckons once again for me to spring forth anew, spreading joy and love in what appears to be a real stew. I shall not be deterred by the negative clanging and haranguing by the few.

    As it is so often said, “Any day you get up this side of the ground is a good day.” So let not the slights of words of the disgruntled, who are having trouble embracing this day, be a burden, for tomorrow is promised to no one. Be grateful and thankful for another one! Peace.

    (c) 2012 Aubrey Weldon

Friday, May 11, 2012

What is the Purpose of Life?

What is the purpose of life? We are here to discover the divine journey of the soul. It is easy to say but difficult to achieve.

Every living thing in the universe seeks harmony, systems, and balance. Harmony is associated with music, systems are associated with arithmetic, and balance is associated with geometry.

On the earth, harmony is the role of the spirit, systems is about the mind, and geometry is about individual experience. There are three masters that the soul must learn to understand in order to discover its divine journey. The first master is the Mystic, the second one is the Symbolist, and the third is the Geometer.

When the soul understands that the Mystic can cause it to believe in things unseen or cause it to take a specific action it will gain greater control over its spiritual existence. When the soul understands how symbol are used to manipulate it and provoke it, it can learn to separate itself from illusions and fantasy that are the product of the mind. When the soul understands how the geometer uses numbers to control its experiences on the earth it will gain appreciation of the fact that the earth is not its real home.

When we enter the earth realm we are subject to the machinations of the three masters. Unfortunately, only one in ten thousands souls will be successful is escaping the tyranny of these three masters. Manmade institutions created to carry out the work of the masters are self absorbed and will do and say anything to sustain their power and control over the soul.

The Mystic evokes or provokes the soul by teaching it stories that could be true or false. Some of the stories can cause the soul to laugh and some can make it sad. The use of words by the Mystic is its potent tool that can rob the soul of its independence and make it suffer. Also, it can tell stories that bring joy to the soul by creating illusions that appear to be real.

The Symbolist can teach the soul mathematics and reason. Reason is about using logic to make convincing arguments about what should be perceived as reality. They write the software for the mind that permits it to compute and control our thinking. This is where the soul can be completely confused and lost because it has been taught to think that the mind is real. The soul believes it’s the mind. This is a tough battle field to survive in because what you think is what you become for the short time the soul is on earth.

The Geometer teaches the soul about the properties of number. Every thing in the universe counts. Numbers are used to keep track of our time. They tell us our age, our location on earth, how to build things and today, more than ever, how much money we have or the lack of it along with the tyranny of the credit score.

When the soul discovers that these masters do not have control over it, the soul is able to join the energy light within the body, and become one with it. Joy, peace and love will become its dominion. It will be able to leave the body not with despair but with pure joy when it’s time to take its journey back to the divine and eternal life. Peace.