Friday, May 11, 2012

What is the Purpose of Life?

What is the purpose of life? We are here to discover the divine journey of the soul. It is easy to say but difficult to achieve.

Every living thing in the universe seeks harmony, systems, and balance. Harmony is associated with music, systems are associated with arithmetic, and balance is associated with geometry.

On the earth, harmony is the role of the spirit, systems is about the mind, and geometry is about individual experience. There are three masters that the soul must learn to understand in order to discover its divine journey. The first master is the Mystic, the second one is the Symbolist, and the third is the Geometer.

When the soul understands that the Mystic can cause it to believe in things unseen or cause it to take a specific action it will gain greater control over its spiritual existence. When the soul understands how symbol are used to manipulate it and provoke it, it can learn to separate itself from illusions and fantasy that are the product of the mind. When the soul understands how the geometer uses numbers to control its experiences on the earth it will gain appreciation of the fact that the earth is not its real home.

When we enter the earth realm we are subject to the machinations of the three masters. Unfortunately, only one in ten thousands souls will be successful is escaping the tyranny of these three masters. Manmade institutions created to carry out the work of the masters are self absorbed and will do and say anything to sustain their power and control over the soul.

The Mystic evokes or provokes the soul by teaching it stories that could be true or false. Some of the stories can cause the soul to laugh and some can make it sad. The use of words by the Mystic is its potent tool that can rob the soul of its independence and make it suffer. Also, it can tell stories that bring joy to the soul by creating illusions that appear to be real.

The Symbolist can teach the soul mathematics and reason. Reason is about using logic to make convincing arguments about what should be perceived as reality. They write the software for the mind that permits it to compute and control our thinking. This is where the soul can be completely confused and lost because it has been taught to think that the mind is real. The soul believes it’s the mind. This is a tough battle field to survive in because what you think is what you become for the short time the soul is on earth.

The Geometer teaches the soul about the properties of number. Every thing in the universe counts. Numbers are used to keep track of our time. They tell us our age, our location on earth, how to build things and today, more than ever, how much money we have or the lack of it along with the tyranny of the credit score.

When the soul discovers that these masters do not have control over it, the soul is able to join the energy light within the body, and become one with it. Joy, peace and love will become its dominion. It will be able to leave the body not with despair but with pure joy when it’s time to take its journey back to the divine and eternal life. Peace.

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