Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

To all my fellow veterans alive and to those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice. Some of us ended up in the military because of the draft and a great percentage of us volunteered. There are a few of us that were forced to join to avoid going to jail for juvenile criminal behavior. In the southern part of the country the tradition of military service was a family tradition since the revolutionary war. Some viewed the military as a way to better pay and benefits.

Many have served America from the Revolutionary War, War of 1812, the Civil War, Spanish American War, the Indian Wars, World War I, World War II, the Korean War (Police Action), the Vietnam War, Iraq, and the current war in Afghanistan.

The majority of Americans who have fought in these wars have come from the ranks of the poor. They have included minorities, women, and also some middle class citizens. America has ended up being a global power because of the spoils of war. If history has taught us anything it is the fact that there will always be wars and rumors of war.

A lot of our veterans end up with broken homes and broken minds but still have the resolved to live and serve the country. There have been just wars and unjust wars, leaving human suffering in its wake. As General Patton said during World War II, “As compared to war, all other human endeavors are insignificant.”

The pendulum of our government swings at the will of the wealthy and this is nothing new in human history. The veterans of these royal wars never question why they are called upon to fight because no matter the real purpose of the war somehow that purpose is propagandized as protecting the country.

I salute all of my fellow veterans that are still here for another Memorial Day observance. For those who have crossed over, thank you for your service to a young country that was created to allow the human spirit to be free and not trapped in archaic institutions of rank and privilege that have survived since the 12th century.


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