Monday, April 15, 2013

Abraham Lincoln -IRS- April 15

It’s Moonday once again and it’s a beautiful day! Today we honor the day President
Abraham Lincoln was killed and we pay homage to the Internal Revenue Service. Do you think these two events may be connected? Mr. Lincoln was opposed to the idea of a central bank and didn’t trust banking institutions. At one time he printed money for the country and call them “Greenbacks” and this did not make the banking industry very happy, shall we say they were angry? President John F. Kennedy attempted to put the power of the purse back in the government and had an untimely demise. Who did he make angry?

When the (federal) reserve bank was created in 1913 by the powerful bankers, the IRS was created at the same time. The reserve bank required the government to operate with a deficient (debt) and the IRS was created to help pay off that debt with money taken from the wages of labor. They had succeeded in finally getting a central bank in America and a way to pay the owners of the debt interest payments every year.  You see why Mr. Lincoln didn’t trust banking institutions. They are slicker than a greased pig and will devise many ways to get money from the people. The illusion worked and it’s still working today. Many Americans believe that this private reserve bank is a creature of the Federal Government! Not! President Woodrow Wilson signed this legislation to satisfy a promise he made to the banking industry to get elected President. Later, he admitted that it was a serious mistake and that he had sold the future of Americans and their financial welfare down the tube. He was remorseful and disappointed in himself.

So what’s the connection between April 15 being designated as the date to collect money from the people or give some back where they have taken too much during the year? Maybe it’s the celebration of the banking institutions win over Mr. Lincoln and his bothersome “Greenbacks” and their war with him to have a central bank. It’s a real cruel joke to desecrate the date of Mr. Lincoln’s death. The fight for a central private bank never stopped after Mr. Lincoln’s death. 50 years later, they were successful! The rest is history.

Mr. Lincoln’s declaration that America was a government by the people and for the people that would not perish from the earth was well intended but if the government has no control over the purse it is powerless to be an instrument of the people.  The reserve bank, the IRS (power of the purse) and major corporations are the power behind the throne of government and the people have become mere cannon fodder. The federal employees in the Treasury Department have not held a real job since 1913.

Mr. Lincoln, I honor the day of your death today and I am grateful for the ideas you shared with us about human freedom. You said, “No man is good enough to govern another man without his consent…there can be no moral right of one man making a slave of the other.”  It is sad but true, the degrees of enslavement are many and that includes the human mind, and that man will always find ways to exploit the labor of another man through various schemes and subterfuge if it’s about making more money.

The struggle for human freedom is unending and ruthless as long as the true nature of man is to exploit, take, and control the destiny of others.  It’s like watching a beautiful woman in shorts, long hair flowing in the wind, walking  down the side walk oblivious to all, it brings a pleasurable smile to our face, the struggle for human freedom will always be a feeling of awesomeness, a thing of beauty, leaving sighs of wow in our heads. The human soul always longs to be free.

Is there a connection? In my opinion there is a connection but can’t be proven. Who cares anyway! Enjoy the beautiful day!


Saturday, April 6, 2013


The growing up process is filled with surprises and one that is quite daunting: Death. Depending on your age the reality that is perceived can seem so real and permanent and yet our perceptions continue to change according to the times. All of the experiences, trials and tribulations carved into our minds at each stage seem so important.

All the things we have accumulated over the years were important to us yet as we got older only a few of them remained in our lives. People came into our lives and left our lives. The memories faded and soon most of them were forgotten.  Those people who made an impression on us that is lasting and caused major turning points along the way are soon gone as well.

It was once said, “All things born of copulation will change and pass away and has no more hope for life.” We never face the true reality of life and death until much later in life. There can be no life without death and there can be no death without life. They are the two sides of the same coin.

Rabbi Jesus once said, “Those who believe in death will suffer death.” That means that if you don’t believe in death you will not suffer death. During our growing up process most of us were taught to believe in death so every time someone died we suffered from their loss. The fear of death became a part of our reality and the sting of death is felt as real.

Since the dark ages the churches have made millions exploiting this dilemma and will continue to do so. The fear of death is used by the ones who control our lives to keep us fearful and easily manipulated. There are few events in our media that don’t use death to motivate or de-motivate the population. Pain, suffering and death is the constant mantra that play in our moving theaters or on television as a constant reminder that death is real and something to be afraid of at all times.

People in the news media have a saying, “If it bleeds it leads.” That is, the first news stories deal with death. If we take the fear of death out of our lives what do we have left to fear? Only fear. Yes, be afraid of everything we don’t understand and other people we don’t know. Be afraid. The more you stay in tune with the media the more afraid you will become.  President Roosevelt once said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  He made that statement during the depression of 1930 when people had no jobs, couldn’t feed their families nor pay their mortgage. If the people stay in fear they would be too paralyzed to act and regain control of their lives.

Today, the people are full of fear and are paralyzed to act for their own best interest. For a few, the bad economy has affected very little but the majority of people are still watching their things disappear and may soon be standing in soup lines to survive. Get rid of the fear and perceptions of life will change. Your hope will return.

The human spirit is ever lasting and is neither born nor dies in matter. When the spirit-soul enters into matter it is only for a few days and then it leaves matter and continues in the circle of life. When you consider how long the earth has been here before you entered matter, and how long it will last after you leave matter, you will discover that your life is only a single day and your suffering is but a single hour. So, care about life while you are here and appreciate every moment you have inside of matter. Rabbi Jesus said,” Live as if you are already dead.”  You will not be a free spirit-soul until you are no longer afraid of death and paralyzed by fear!


Friday, March 22, 2013


It’s Friday once again and I find myself in a reflective mood and not quite ready to start working.  I self-published a book in 1993 called “Great Spirit…The Comforter.” The book was written for my daughter and son to explain to them the evolution of their father from the cotton fields of Bakersfield to the Halls of Justice.

 I taught them some of the things I had learned about the ancient sciences of astrology, numerology, and Chinese astrology. At the young age of nineteen my interest was caught in the fascination of how human’s interpreted the universe prior to the religious hegemony.  

I was always working at two or three jobs while they were growing up so I had limited time to spend with them. Later, as a single parent, watching over two children, working, my role as a loving parent became even more precarious. Well, that’s all behind us and the two adults in my life are truly a blessing and I am grateful that my heart would not allow me to give up them nor give up on myself.

Writing the book in 1993 was great therapy for me and something that will be a lasting memorial to my time spent on this earth.  I never gave much reflection on the title of the book because the title came to me one morning while I was taking a shower.

Several years later I was visiting friends in Los Angeles. We went out to dinner at a small oriental restaurant. While walking down the sidewalk to the restaurant I notice inside of the window a Jewish bookstore, a book was opened to a page with an article discussing the coming of Great Spirit the Comforter. I grabbed my friends show them the book and explained my concern about how this Great Spirit name ended up as the title for my first book.

After further research I discovered that in the Jewish religion there is always a Messiah who comes to each generation of humans, about every two thousand years, to save them from the struggles of life. Though some claimed that Rabbi Jesus was the Messiah of the Age of Pisces, the water age, most reject that conclusion.  An Age last about 2150 years is governed by the movement of constellations and the movement of the sun.

The next Age, the Age of Aquarius, air age, is scheduled to start in about 140 years. I can remember the students of the 60’s generation singing about the dawning of Aquarius in high school and college. I didn’t have a clue concerning the significances of this so called coming of the Age of enlightenment.  I was in the military during that time and my mind was focused on being a good Marine.

Well, after many years of using my mind to help others with legal problems and teaching many students about the legality of our system the recent economic slowdown has given me more time for reflection and to start listening to my heart.

 I have come to recognize that the Great Spirit has been with me all my life. I often wondered why Native American refers to the Creator of the Universe as the “Great Spirit” and now I know.  I am grateful and pleased that the Comforter is coming and that I already abide in its spirit.  We are all little spirits embodied in the Great Spirit. The Age of Aquarius will have the Comforter as its savior.

This probably makes little sense to most of you but it’s Ok. 


Thursday, March 7, 2013


Usury: the act or practice of lending money with interest.

For centuries usury was consider to be immoral and contrary to God’s law. However, the ancient merchants were oppose to this law and decided to disobey it and permitted the great snake of evil to cause perversion in the land. The money changers headed down the road of corruption and devastation of financial slavery and imposed it on the mathematically illiterate people. The would only charge those not a part their cartel and as far as loans made to each other there was no interest charge and if the debt was not paid in seven years it was forgiven.

The word, usury, is found in the Bible and the act or practice is objected to as an abomination. Why? In ancient times the practice of placing a use upon a use was evil and illegal. To lend money is a use, allowing others to use your money. When interest is charged, it’s another use on top of the original use. A use upon a use was deemed evil because the lending party is getting more money that it had lent and did not have to expend anymore of their own money. It was all gravy and it flowed like milk and honey and it’s still flowing today.

Over the centuries the money changers have convinced the people that interest rates are fair for them so that they are able to buy something they wanted credit leading to a higher standard of living. However, the great snake of evil always lurked in the shadows. Interest rates could be raised or lower at will if the lender felt the consumer was not paying on time. Other fees were added to punish for being late or causing any extra work for the lender. The credit card became the instrument of instant wealth but also devastation for the wage earner.

Today, the lending institutions have gain control and access over our government and the laws have been put in place that completely legalizes usury if you are a part of the financial cartel. As the ancients said, the act or practice is immoral. The job of convincing the people that usury in not immoral but is perfectly innocent has been extremely effective and devastating at the same time.

The American consumer is a victim of this system and at beginning of all the uncontrollable economic depressions ( if you lost your job) or a recession, if you only loss a little equity in your retirement fund, the affect of the great snake was being felt by most. But for those who live on interest income or mortgage property with high interest rates (adjustable loans) or equity loans, inherited money, the struggle was to get the interest rates stabilized and back on track. The government was quick to make that happen through with bailouts!

The owners of America strive on interest income, control and ownership of our scarce resources. Their only real threat is inflation. If inflation goes up the value of interest income comes down and the wealth holders could be devastated. So Job one for our regulators is keep interest income high and fights inflation like it’s a plague. By the way full employment causes inflation and through they talk about creating jobs there is really no serious urgency to do that. The American wage earners major concerns are having a job and not having to pay high interests rates on consumer goods along with higher prices, but they don’t realize that they don’t have a dog in the fight to control our economy that protects the wealthy.

Usury is not only immoral it’s evil! The Americans who have been hurt by usury over the years don’t have a clue who or what the enemy is so they are left fighting with each other and suffering through the devastation of their homes and loss of their families members with one tragic event after another. Climate change is not helping and they have no one to fight or blame, at least, that’s what they have been taught. Ignorance is evil and the uninformed are paying a high emotional and mental price, no peace of mind.


Monday, March 4, 2013


It’s Moonday once again! I am at peace but I find that most of my fellow citizens are still trapped in the misery of double talk and hoodwinks. The ingrained duplicity that flow from negative to positive, hot to cold, up then down, right then left and black then white. The cruelest part of human nature is exploited for financial gain on television and in movies; the constant barrage of buy something now in commercial deluges every minute has left them stupefied.  

A dysfunctional government that masquerade as legitimacy and a hopeless drool  flowing from those who lack knowledge but media access about the very nature of government , glorifying hideous and hateful slurs toward their fellow citizens masquerading as intelligence. It’s like every drop of morality and hope is being drained out of the body politic.

The other part of our society who owns everything or live off interest and the wealth pass down to them by their wealthy parent are watching their wealth grow in leaps and bounds. The more things appear to change the more they remain the same.

The lack of understanding by the majority of Americans of their government and the Constitution is an abomination.  It is not their fault because of a huge conspiracy by the owner class to keep them dumb and clueless, leaving them ripe for exploitation and deception.

Take for example the Second Amendment our Constitution, loosely referred to as the” right to bear arms and maintain a militia.” Who profit most from this right? The gun manufactures are at the top of list. Why was the Second Amendment added to the Constitution?  During slavery the Southern States had laws requiring all white men between the ages of 18 to 45 to gather once a month and inspect all of the slave quarters in the ,to search for contraband and seize any runaway slaves, and to prevent slave’s insurrections which happened quite often.

 In most cases, the slave population outnumbered the white population. Also, they maintained slave patrols that caught runaway slaves and slaves out after dark.  The Southern States would not vote for the ratification of the Constitution unless an amendment was added to protect their slave patrols and slave regulations laws. Over the years, the gun lobby has protected the Second Amendment as the right of every citizen to have possession of a gun and the gun manufactures have supplied the money and all types of weapons  for the frighten population being led by National Rifle Association. Yes, the American Citizens have a right to bear arms, and maybe the same fears they had in the 1860’s are the same fears they are suffering from today. The double talk and the hoodwinks by the gun industry to maintain the fear and hatred by exploiting the poor illiterate Americans make great news copy and it’s only carry us toward more death and destruction.

Most Americans believe that the President of the United States is responsible for everything that goes wrong in American. While our Constitution compels the three branches of government to carry out its mandates in the Constitution, the Congress makes the laws and decides how to pay for them and enforce them, while the President is supposed ensure that those laws are enforced.  When the President starts making laws and enforcing them it’s a violation of the Constitution. The Judicial Branch is responsible to ensure that the laws made by congress do not violate the Constitution, including Executive orders made by the President.  

Since 1913 two branches of power in America operate the financial system, the Federal Reserve Bank and the Internal Revenue Service and they are independent of our three branches of government. This set up has caused a tremendous imbalance between the wealthy and the poor. The poor direct all their rage toward the government. It’s like they drink a glass of poison and expecting the government to die while the financial manipulators are kicking their ass all over the country. This condition is a low down rotten dirty shame.

Today, there is even a bigger wedge separating American Citizen from each other and causing severe pain and suffering and it’s the use of technology by the younger generation and the hardships being place on the older generation to keep up with new technology. Most of the older generation are living in an apartheid conditions and watching their living conditions being surrounded by things they don’t understand and are afraid of. This technological divide is devastating.

In the old days when one powerful country took over another country they would first double talk and try to hoodwink the unsuspecting natives, and if that didn’t work they would kill them. When Americans become more knowledgeable about their government and where the power over their lives is really coming from the double talk and the hoodwinking will not work anymore, the powers that be may simply figure more sophisticated ways to kill them or have them kill each other by media manipulation.

Double talking and hoodwinking works well in an unsophisticated illiterate unengaged population and its working overtime today.


Monday, February 25, 2013


It’s Moonday once again and a full Moon as well. Emotions will run rampant and little will get done that you don’t have to rethink tomorrow. The best thing to do today is to relax and enjoy the parade of nonsensical events by those who didn’t get the message. It’s a full Moon, so chill! Only Cancers can understand days like today.

The Oscars didn’t surprise me last night. I felt that the fix was on for Argo for best movie in light of all the hints being dropped by insiders all last week.  I felt that “Lincoln” is a better movie, the fix to too powerful to overcome. Stories about the CIA seem to overshadow historical truths when they make it to the light of day. Therefore, I had already marked my ballot two weeks before that my choice was “Lincoln” while the Academy would choose “Argo.”

I did not care for the movie “Django” because my heart is still aching about recent history of the civil rights movement and the deaths of so many people fighting economic and social injustice I could barely look at the movie without wanting to cry. I did select Christoph Waltz as the best actor in a supporting role. He is brilliant!

Daniel Day-Lewis was my pick for best actor in a leading role though I felt that the Academy might slip Bradley Cooper in at the last minute. With the Academy, anything can happen but most of the time they are pretty predictable. Anne Hathaway was outstanding in Les Miserables and her Oscar is well deserved. I loved the dress she was wearing; not much left to the imagination.

The honors received by the “Life of Pi” were right on point. Ang Lee deserved the recognition for his direction in that movie. It’s was a little more complicated than “Lincoln.” Jennifer Lawrence (“Sliver Linings Playbook”) vs. Jessica Chastain (“Zero Dark Thirty”) was a tough choice do decide but understanding Hollywood where mental issues are a serious concern I can understand the Jennifer selection as best actress in a leading role.

Overall, the show was a good conclusion to a season of great movies. I became a Cinema enthusiast over 30 years ago. I can’t think of a better hobby.  The question asked some time ago was “Is life imitating art or is art imitating life” deserves an answer but I don’t have one. I just know the movies are a great escape from the reality of life and that’s enough for me.

I can’t leave this subject without say something about the host for the evening, whatever is name was, I don’t remember right now but I found him irritating and out of touch. He was no Billy Chrystal though he tried. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would have rated him as a 5. He was a light weight in a heavy weight arena.

If you don’t care about the Academy are the Oscars, point well taken.

Remain in peace and love. Enjoy your week!


Friday, February 22, 2013



Though I was not born in Africa but Africa is in me, simply because of my color, a Black person.  As a person of African descent born in the great State of California and saturated with an education that only taught me that I was a product of African Slavery in America and as a result I was inferior to the whites who ran the country and that there was only a few avenues of advancement in America for Blacks, sports and entertainment; my history would not support a reason to have high self esteem, and dreams of greatness in life. I am glad that I was not a very good listener and I found it difficult to trust what anyone said about the problems that Blacks have had in America as the result of mental and physical slavery.

Now that I know that the history of Africa is about the beginning of civilization on the earth and that people of African descent are found on every continent and their history from 4500 BC to 2000 AD has been suppressed and negated for political and social reasons by those who own and control the monetary systems and precious resources of the world my eyes have been opened to the truth about Africans and the pervasiveness of their cultural throughout the world.

The movie “Lincoln” and “Django” are vivid images of what has been paraded as a glimpse of history of slavery in America. As a child of the 60’s I witness the bloody civil rights marches, the blacks hanging from trees, and those being burnt to death by angry white mobs. Even in my own hometown there were stories of blacks being hung from oil derricks. Hollywood can be a poor teacher of American History.

My parents did everything possible to shelter us from this reality of murder, hatred and physical abuse, though as I got older, I found myself in Los Angeles during the Watts Riots, experiencing the death of Dr. Marin Luther King and Senator Robert Kennedy who was killed about a mile from where I lived.

I never directly experience the white hatred of blacks and the blacks hating white people. I was raised in a Christian home and an integrated church of whites, blacks and Mexican Americans. I was made color blind and had friends from every nationality; having relationships, with Black women, White women and Mexican women. My perception of them was only as women. My friends in high school came from every nationality and color. We had a student body of over 4,000 students with a 3% of them being black. I was the first black Vice-President of the school and I was totally oblivious to the fact that was some kind of milestone.

I loved all people and treated them the way I wanted to be treated.  Once, I was told by white girl in high school that I was the best Christian that she had ever met. Strangely enough I never thought of myself as a Christian or any other religion. I did what was naturally and instinctively inside of me, be good and do good and work hard.

When you discover that there is no such thing as “race” and that all human beings evolve from the same bloodline you will realize that you have been “hoodwinked” to live a “lie” that has created duplicity and suffering in the human family.

Now that I am in the autumn of my years, the whole scheme in place for world domination by the few is apparent and a foregone conclusion. The ability to suppress information by control of the media, and to mislead and deceive by the owners of the media has led the mental enslavement of billions of people who don’t even know how they are manuplated to work against their own interest. It is a sad and sick abomination! It’s ingenious and it’s working. The truth is dead!

The biggest challenge facing Africans in American is mental enslavement and the proclivity to be easily misled and divided against each other. This has been true since the first invasion into Africa by Asians, Europeans, and Arabs at least 4500 years ago. It is a phenomenon that I will never understand.

For one month out of the year, Black History is shared with the whole human family in America. It’s like growing mushrooms. They are kept in the dark and every once and awhile you have to put a little fertilizer to help them grow.

I hope the information on Black History I have shared with you over the past month has given you insight in to a people whose history is suppressed intentionally by the owners of America at home and throughout the world.

I wish for love, peace and joy to every living creature. We all come from the same source of life and we shall return to it.
