Friday, November 23, 2012

Pure Illusions

What if you woke up one morning and discovered that everything that you have been taught to believe is not true? You become aware that all your perceptions about life are pure illusions.

All the people you have shared your life with and called family were not your parents nor your sisters or brothers. How would you feel, what would you think? You discover that you were the real Alice in Wonderland or Little Red Riding Hood being pursued by wolf.

What if you were the one living inside of a whale? You were Jack climbing the Beanstalk or Tiny Tim living with a poor family. You were Snow White living with Seven Dwarfs. You were one of the Three Little Pigs that built his house out of straw. You were Buckwheat or Stymie in the Little Rascals. You were Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Daffy the Duck, or Elmer Fud.

You were the Headless Horseman or the mother with the Tale Tale Heart. It was you who was faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall building in a single bound, yes, you were Superman. Maybe you were the singing cowboys, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry or Paladin, Have Gun Will Travel.

What if you were the masked man who fought against evil with the help of your Indian friend? Were you the little girl in the little house on the prairie or you were the leader of a Wagon Train bringing settler to the West? Maybe you were Cinderella, waiting for your handsome prince or a member of the Cartwright family living on the Ponderosa.

This was my generation’s house of illusions that lead us along the path to delusional land. Some of us learned early that we were being fed phony crap and some of us are still stuck in the illusions.

If you found yourself in a family that taught you that these fairy tales were not true, and that you must question everything presented to you as real. Never trust anyone outside of your family. The most important things were learning how to count money; the significance of the value of money and things, and how to get it and how to keep it, you were very fortunate. You probably ended up as one of the 1% in America or you inherited you wealth from that 1%.

You may not be a happy lot but you own everything and will kill anyone who threatens your wealth.  Your values are very different from the rest of us; having feelings or a lot of emotional reactions is never permitted. Your Martians life style can never be understood by the people or the other 99%. Your philosophical outlook is to know that if you don’t own, somebody will own you, and that’s an abhorrent condition.

As my generation is starting to crossover to the other side; we see that our illusions are being replaced by new ones, and our history is being suppressed or rewritten.  The things we thought were true were mere bridges of falsehoods to sustain us from one age group to the next. It was truly an emotional rollercoaster ride and the false sense of joy instilled in us will not die. Some of are still seeking the fairy tale hero journey of our childhood heroes on some unconscious level and are still amused about life.

As member of the 99% I am just happy to be still here and still feeling some amusement about life where fiction is now stronger than fact.  All we have is love, and that’s enough for me.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Heart Intelligence!

Heart Intelligence vs. Mind Intelligence, which one contains truth? Which one contains love?

Scientists have known for decades that the heart has a little brain and from it springs the key to understanding life while living in a body.

 Mind Intelligence is the brain in the head and its existence is in the field of duality. It’s the computer for the body. It divides, separates, and creates opposites. Reality is perceived as having two sides that are inconsistent with each other. It creates illusions about what is right and what is wrong. What is black and what is white. What is good and what is bad. What is a lie and what is true.

We are taught that reality is what our mind says it is or another way of saying it is whatever the mind is taught creates our perceptions about reality. We end of living a life filled with illusions and fantasies. Pain and suffering becomes our reality.

The ancients taught that the mind was the Seat of Error! We are living in a three dimensional world trying to survive with a dysfunctional computer. Truth and love can only be found in the heart!

From the time we are able to learn, our mind is filled with numbers, pictures, and illusion containing the stories of our cultural. They become our reality. When confronted with the ideals and illusion of another cultural the mind struggle to make sense of their reality or is simply denies its existence. It simply labels the different cultural as not good or incomprehensible and it’s to be avoided. This is the seat of bias and prejudice.

Unfortunately, there is a conspiracy in our society to keep us from discovering our heart intelligence, our true self. Some of the perpetrators of the illusions know exactly what they are doing to your mind while the great majority is simply following what they were taught by their parents as a child and never questioned it. The apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree.

Discovery of heart intelligence is difficult but not impossible. The first step is to understand that your true nature is peace and love and you are a product of love. Learn to love yourself and be grateful for the life force of energy-light of love that creates every living thing. Learn to control your mind. You have the power to shut it off when it appears to driving you crazy by bombarding you with strings of duality.

When you learn to silence your mind, you will hear the little voice from your heart that will tell you nothing but the truth and fill you with love. Truth and love are one!


Friday, November 9, 2012

Heart Consciousness!

One of the most difficult things to do in this life is to live through the consciousness in our heart. This is the place where all thoughts come from and depending on the programs in our computer (the mind) our entire life journey is put in motion.

The ancients use to teach that the element that controls the consciousness depended which element a person was born under. The elements were fire, water, air, and earth.

If you were born under a fire element it meant that the nature of the person would be head strong, aggressive, fighter, and determined. Their nature was said to be barren and not fruitful but simply driven.

If you were born under a water element it meant that the nature of that person would be emotional, impressionable, easily hurt, and needy. They were fruitful, nourishing, and have deep feelings.

If you were born under an air element it meant that the nature of the person would be mentally focused on Ideas, concepts, logic, science, and futurist in their outlook. They were said to be barren and not fruitful. If something cannot be visualized then it didn’t exist. The mind was the only reality.

If you were born under an earth element it meant that the nature of the person would generally unemotional, dry sense of humor, practical, but full of ambition; crawling along the way with no sense of urgency.  Sometime said to be born old and become younger as they age. They were said to be semi-fruitful and could exhibit spurts of creativity. Above all, they are reliable, consistent and dependable.

These observations were made about humans thousands of years and were the first science or study of humans developed based on these observations. For centuries governments and religions have fought over who should control the human mind and that age old war is still going on.  

Nevertheless, there are three Astrological signs under each element. Fire signs are Aires, Leo, and Sagittarius. Water signs are Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. The air signs are Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. A Libra can be semi-fruitful but the other two are barren. The earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.  

This is an interesting way to look at humans and it’s older than religion yet it is still frown upon in Western countries because of religion.

What do all these systems of thought have to do with heart consciousness?  It means that if one can live from their heart, it does not matter what sign you are or what religion you practice. The consciousness in the heart is shared by every living thing. It’s the desire to do good and be good. Loving without conditions and sharing without resentment.  Knowing that the life force of energy light is love and it creates every living thing.

Learning to shut the computer off (the mind) for an hour a day and just listen to your heart you will discover that the love that created you is still there within you. Embrace it and become one with it and nothing will disturb you for the rest of your days. Yes, it is difficult but possible.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Corporate Power!

It’s Moonday once again. My calendar tells me it’s the 9th month (November means 9) and it’s the 5th day of the 9th month. 9 + 5 = 14 -1+4 = 5. 5 is one of the sacred numbers associated with the freedom human spirit and 9 has always been the number for Universal Consciousness. So today is a celebration of the universal consciousness and the freedom of the human spirit. Tomorrow is another matter altogether.

Some of the founding fathers of this country understood the significance of these ancient musings because they were Masons. Our Constitution was based on the freedom of the human spirit found in the scared numbers of antiquity.  The number 3 and 7 are the two main numbers in the original U.S. Constitution. 3 is a symbol of creation and 7 is the symbol for completion.

The Constitution has 7 Articles and the powers to be exercise under it was as 3 separate powers.

The executive power, the congressional power and the judicial branch power; why 3 separate powers? It was because of the founding fathers recognition of what Lord Acton of England said,” Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

 It was the recognition that humans are fallible and incorrigible. They will make the same mistakes over and over.  Man’s inhumanity to humanity has no bounds. One issue they wrestled with was over how the salves would be counted for designating the number of votes each slave owner could cast in an election. They decided on 3/5 of their slaves could be counted by each owner.

They recognized that the Constitution itself was fallible and therefore it has been amended 26 times since 1791.

Most Americans are unaware that the U.S. Constitution is an Article of Incorporation and is governed by corporate law. It is not a democratic document. Democracy is an afterthought triggered by the 13 Amendments added to the Incorporation to get all the states to ratify the Articles of Incorporation.

So, when President Abraham Lincoln added this phrase in his Gettysburg address, “a government of the people, by the people and for the people” was mere rhetoric. It was an illusion.  Today, Electoral College is the fact and it can override the popular will of the people.

As a citizen of the United States, under the Constitution, we are beneficiaries of a giant Trust created in 1868 under the 14 Amendment. Up until that change to the Constitution, Lincoln, prior to his murder, was ruling by marshal law because of the Civil War. Corporations were to be treated as a citizen and could exercise all the powers of a citizen. A recent Supreme Court case has validated those right a few years ago.

So, we as citizens, including corporations, will elect our representative tomorrow as provided in the by- laws of our Corporation called US Inc. By the way, the States are also separate corporations and act as subsidiaries of the US Inc. Whatever the outcome is tomorrow it is not so much about political parties but a lot more about Corporate Power. If you are still undecided whether power corrupts or not, tomorrow will be a classic case of the will of the people vs. the will of corporate power.

Let’s see, 9+6 =15. 1+5 = 6. Now, 6 is the symbol for the breath of life; the 6 directions, the 6 steps of creation, etc.   1 is the creator, 5 is human freedom and it gives us 6.

We are living in interesting times! May God bless America!



Friday, November 2, 2012

Seven Stages of Human Development!

The seven stages of human development were recorded by the ancients over 11,000 y ears ago. Each stage was given a number. The first seven years were number 1. From 1 through 7 years old the human is concern mainly about discovering self. Running to and from different environments; tasting and touching everything; ambitious about every undertaking, and wanting to take control.

From 7 through 21, the number 2 prevails. Less focused on self but a little bit spoiled. Wanting things and wanting the approval of others, wanting to belong. Seeking attention by any means necessary, and sometimes with negative behavior; suddenly all adults appear to be stupid.

From 21 to 28, the number 4 enters the picture. Creativity is the go word. What can be created? How can I get respect? How can I get organized in my life? How can I make my mark on the world? Is this going to be my career, this job, this family and all the other bosses trying to tell me what to do?

From 28 to 35, the number 5 takes control. It’s time to lose control. I want freedom in every direction, sensual, sexual, games and outrageous experiences every night.  It’s party time! I’m sexing and I know it. Whose world is this anyway? Truly, a free soul!

From 35 to 42, the number 6 drives everything. It times to pay the piper for all the fun and indiscretions of the previous 7 years. It’s time to be responsible, domesticated, and a family person. For some males, this transition could be life or death choices.  Frankly, some of them will not survive.

From 42 to 49, the number 7 slowing emerges. It’s time to find out more about the entity that’s been living inside of your body. What was the purpose of life? Being around people is a real boar. I want to be left alone. Maybe it’s time to travel and see the world. My alone time is more important to me. I could learn to meditate to find peace within. There has to be more to life than what I have just experienced.

From 49 to 56, the number 8 is front and center. I will concentrate on business. How can I make more money? I need to get my financial picture in order. I owe, I owe, so off to work I go! Where is the television remote? Maybe I will go to more sports events.

From 56 to 63, the number 9 is in the house, the symbol for universal love.  How can I help others? How can we find peace in the world? Humans have a lot in common. I am going to be the change I want to see happen in my life.

From 63 to 70, the number 1 comes back again. We start to repeat the stages.

The ancients felt that these were the stages going on inside of humans. Their environment, family, and the society they lived in surrounded them with other challenges in the mist of this chaos in the inside.

The number 7 was important to the ancient world: 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 continents, 7 days a week, 7 notes in a musical scale, and 7 major planets.

 Maybe they didn’t know how much we know now but these stages may help you understand yourself or other people in your life.

Love, peace, and joy to all!