Friday, November 9, 2012

Heart Consciousness!

One of the most difficult things to do in this life is to live through the consciousness in our heart. This is the place where all thoughts come from and depending on the programs in our computer (the mind) our entire life journey is put in motion.

The ancients use to teach that the element that controls the consciousness depended which element a person was born under. The elements were fire, water, air, and earth.

If you were born under a fire element it meant that the nature of the person would be head strong, aggressive, fighter, and determined. Their nature was said to be barren and not fruitful but simply driven.

If you were born under a water element it meant that the nature of that person would be emotional, impressionable, easily hurt, and needy. They were fruitful, nourishing, and have deep feelings.

If you were born under an air element it meant that the nature of the person would be mentally focused on Ideas, concepts, logic, science, and futurist in their outlook. They were said to be barren and not fruitful. If something cannot be visualized then it didn’t exist. The mind was the only reality.

If you were born under an earth element it meant that the nature of the person would generally unemotional, dry sense of humor, practical, but full of ambition; crawling along the way with no sense of urgency.  Sometime said to be born old and become younger as they age. They were said to be semi-fruitful and could exhibit spurts of creativity. Above all, they are reliable, consistent and dependable.

These observations were made about humans thousands of years and were the first science or study of humans developed based on these observations. For centuries governments and religions have fought over who should control the human mind and that age old war is still going on.  

Nevertheless, there are three Astrological signs under each element. Fire signs are Aires, Leo, and Sagittarius. Water signs are Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. The air signs are Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. A Libra can be semi-fruitful but the other two are barren. The earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.  

This is an interesting way to look at humans and it’s older than religion yet it is still frown upon in Western countries because of religion.

What do all these systems of thought have to do with heart consciousness?  It means that if one can live from their heart, it does not matter what sign you are or what religion you practice. The consciousness in the heart is shared by every living thing. It’s the desire to do good and be good. Loving without conditions and sharing without resentment.  Knowing that the life force of energy light is love and it creates every living thing.

Learning to shut the computer off (the mind) for an hour a day and just listen to your heart you will discover that the love that created you is still there within you. Embrace it and become one with it and nothing will disturb you for the rest of your days. Yes, it is difficult but possible.


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