Monday, November 5, 2012

Corporate Power!

It’s Moonday once again. My calendar tells me it’s the 9th month (November means 9) and it’s the 5th day of the 9th month. 9 + 5 = 14 -1+4 = 5. 5 is one of the sacred numbers associated with the freedom human spirit and 9 has always been the number for Universal Consciousness. So today is a celebration of the universal consciousness and the freedom of the human spirit. Tomorrow is another matter altogether.

Some of the founding fathers of this country understood the significance of these ancient musings because they were Masons. Our Constitution was based on the freedom of the human spirit found in the scared numbers of antiquity.  The number 3 and 7 are the two main numbers in the original U.S. Constitution. 3 is a symbol of creation and 7 is the symbol for completion.

The Constitution has 7 Articles and the powers to be exercise under it was as 3 separate powers.

The executive power, the congressional power and the judicial branch power; why 3 separate powers? It was because of the founding fathers recognition of what Lord Acton of England said,” Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

 It was the recognition that humans are fallible and incorrigible. They will make the same mistakes over and over.  Man’s inhumanity to humanity has no bounds. One issue they wrestled with was over how the salves would be counted for designating the number of votes each slave owner could cast in an election. They decided on 3/5 of their slaves could be counted by each owner.

They recognized that the Constitution itself was fallible and therefore it has been amended 26 times since 1791.

Most Americans are unaware that the U.S. Constitution is an Article of Incorporation and is governed by corporate law. It is not a democratic document. Democracy is an afterthought triggered by the 13 Amendments added to the Incorporation to get all the states to ratify the Articles of Incorporation.

So, when President Abraham Lincoln added this phrase in his Gettysburg address, “a government of the people, by the people and for the people” was mere rhetoric. It was an illusion.  Today, Electoral College is the fact and it can override the popular will of the people.

As a citizen of the United States, under the Constitution, we are beneficiaries of a giant Trust created in 1868 under the 14 Amendment. Up until that change to the Constitution, Lincoln, prior to his murder, was ruling by marshal law because of the Civil War. Corporations were to be treated as a citizen and could exercise all the powers of a citizen. A recent Supreme Court case has validated those right a few years ago.

So, we as citizens, including corporations, will elect our representative tomorrow as provided in the by- laws of our Corporation called US Inc. By the way, the States are also separate corporations and act as subsidiaries of the US Inc. Whatever the outcome is tomorrow it is not so much about political parties but a lot more about Corporate Power. If you are still undecided whether power corrupts or not, tomorrow will be a classic case of the will of the people vs. the will of corporate power.

Let’s see, 9+6 =15. 1+5 = 6. Now, 6 is the symbol for the breath of life; the 6 directions, the 6 steps of creation, etc.   1 is the creator, 5 is human freedom and it gives us 6.

We are living in interesting times! May God bless America!



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