Saturday, November 17, 2012

Heart Intelligence!

Heart Intelligence vs. Mind Intelligence, which one contains truth? Which one contains love?

Scientists have known for decades that the heart has a little brain and from it springs the key to understanding life while living in a body.

 Mind Intelligence is the brain in the head and its existence is in the field of duality. It’s the computer for the body. It divides, separates, and creates opposites. Reality is perceived as having two sides that are inconsistent with each other. It creates illusions about what is right and what is wrong. What is black and what is white. What is good and what is bad. What is a lie and what is true.

We are taught that reality is what our mind says it is or another way of saying it is whatever the mind is taught creates our perceptions about reality. We end of living a life filled with illusions and fantasies. Pain and suffering becomes our reality.

The ancients taught that the mind was the Seat of Error! We are living in a three dimensional world trying to survive with a dysfunctional computer. Truth and love can only be found in the heart!

From the time we are able to learn, our mind is filled with numbers, pictures, and illusion containing the stories of our cultural. They become our reality. When confronted with the ideals and illusion of another cultural the mind struggle to make sense of their reality or is simply denies its existence. It simply labels the different cultural as not good or incomprehensible and it’s to be avoided. This is the seat of bias and prejudice.

Unfortunately, there is a conspiracy in our society to keep us from discovering our heart intelligence, our true self. Some of the perpetrators of the illusions know exactly what they are doing to your mind while the great majority is simply following what they were taught by their parents as a child and never questioned it. The apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree.

Discovery of heart intelligence is difficult but not impossible. The first step is to understand that your true nature is peace and love and you are a product of love. Learn to love yourself and be grateful for the life force of energy-light of love that creates every living thing. Learn to control your mind. You have the power to shut it off when it appears to driving you crazy by bombarding you with strings of duality.

When you learn to silence your mind, you will hear the little voice from your heart that will tell you nothing but the truth and fill you with love. Truth and love are one!


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