Friday, November 2, 2012

Seven Stages of Human Development!

The seven stages of human development were recorded by the ancients over 11,000 y ears ago. Each stage was given a number. The first seven years were number 1. From 1 through 7 years old the human is concern mainly about discovering self. Running to and from different environments; tasting and touching everything; ambitious about every undertaking, and wanting to take control.

From 7 through 21, the number 2 prevails. Less focused on self but a little bit spoiled. Wanting things and wanting the approval of others, wanting to belong. Seeking attention by any means necessary, and sometimes with negative behavior; suddenly all adults appear to be stupid.

From 21 to 28, the number 4 enters the picture. Creativity is the go word. What can be created? How can I get respect? How can I get organized in my life? How can I make my mark on the world? Is this going to be my career, this job, this family and all the other bosses trying to tell me what to do?

From 28 to 35, the number 5 takes control. It’s time to lose control. I want freedom in every direction, sensual, sexual, games and outrageous experiences every night.  It’s party time! I’m sexing and I know it. Whose world is this anyway? Truly, a free soul!

From 35 to 42, the number 6 drives everything. It times to pay the piper for all the fun and indiscretions of the previous 7 years. It’s time to be responsible, domesticated, and a family person. For some males, this transition could be life or death choices.  Frankly, some of them will not survive.

From 42 to 49, the number 7 slowing emerges. It’s time to find out more about the entity that’s been living inside of your body. What was the purpose of life? Being around people is a real boar. I want to be left alone. Maybe it’s time to travel and see the world. My alone time is more important to me. I could learn to meditate to find peace within. There has to be more to life than what I have just experienced.

From 49 to 56, the number 8 is front and center. I will concentrate on business. How can I make more money? I need to get my financial picture in order. I owe, I owe, so off to work I go! Where is the television remote? Maybe I will go to more sports events.

From 56 to 63, the number 9 is in the house, the symbol for universal love.  How can I help others? How can we find peace in the world? Humans have a lot in common. I am going to be the change I want to see happen in my life.

From 63 to 70, the number 1 comes back again. We start to repeat the stages.

The ancients felt that these were the stages going on inside of humans. Their environment, family, and the society they lived in surrounded them with other challenges in the mist of this chaos in the inside.

The number 7 was important to the ancient world: 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 continents, 7 days a week, 7 notes in a musical scale, and 7 major planets.

 Maybe they didn’t know how much we know now but these stages may help you understand yourself or other people in your life.

Love, peace, and joy to all!

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