Friday, November 23, 2012

Pure Illusions

What if you woke up one morning and discovered that everything that you have been taught to believe is not true? You become aware that all your perceptions about life are pure illusions.

All the people you have shared your life with and called family were not your parents nor your sisters or brothers. How would you feel, what would you think? You discover that you were the real Alice in Wonderland or Little Red Riding Hood being pursued by wolf.

What if you were the one living inside of a whale? You were Jack climbing the Beanstalk or Tiny Tim living with a poor family. You were Snow White living with Seven Dwarfs. You were one of the Three Little Pigs that built his house out of straw. You were Buckwheat or Stymie in the Little Rascals. You were Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Daffy the Duck, or Elmer Fud.

You were the Headless Horseman or the mother with the Tale Tale Heart. It was you who was faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall building in a single bound, yes, you were Superman. Maybe you were the singing cowboys, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry or Paladin, Have Gun Will Travel.

What if you were the masked man who fought against evil with the help of your Indian friend? Were you the little girl in the little house on the prairie or you were the leader of a Wagon Train bringing settler to the West? Maybe you were Cinderella, waiting for your handsome prince or a member of the Cartwright family living on the Ponderosa.

This was my generation’s house of illusions that lead us along the path to delusional land. Some of us learned early that we were being fed phony crap and some of us are still stuck in the illusions.

If you found yourself in a family that taught you that these fairy tales were not true, and that you must question everything presented to you as real. Never trust anyone outside of your family. The most important things were learning how to count money; the significance of the value of money and things, and how to get it and how to keep it, you were very fortunate. You probably ended up as one of the 1% in America or you inherited you wealth from that 1%.

You may not be a happy lot but you own everything and will kill anyone who threatens your wealth.  Your values are very different from the rest of us; having feelings or a lot of emotional reactions is never permitted. Your Martians life style can never be understood by the people or the other 99%. Your philosophical outlook is to know that if you don’t own, somebody will own you, and that’s an abhorrent condition.

As my generation is starting to crossover to the other side; we see that our illusions are being replaced by new ones, and our history is being suppressed or rewritten.  The things we thought were true were mere bridges of falsehoods to sustain us from one age group to the next. It was truly an emotional rollercoaster ride and the false sense of joy instilled in us will not die. Some of are still seeking the fairy tale hero journey of our childhood heroes on some unconscious level and are still amused about life.

As member of the 99% I am just happy to be still here and still feeling some amusement about life where fiction is now stronger than fact.  All we have is love, and that’s enough for me.


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