Friday, December 28, 2012


 From 2013 into infinity:

 I am sending out unconditional love in front of me, to the right, to the left, behind me, below me and above me. I am on the path of unconditional love for it is the only reality.

 The electromagnetic energy of light of unconditional love has created me and it sustains me. It is within me and all around me.

It provides its holy breath of life and its energy that allows me to move and to rest.

I am so grateful for its love, peace, grace, and joy. It has no name. It’s invisible and unknowable. It can only be experienced.

I know it has mercy on me in my words, thoughts, and deeds because it knows that I must suffer through illusions, falsehoods, and hypocrisy through my mind. It abides in my heart and helps me to discover the truth, and allows me to return quickly to love, peace and joy every day.

I am grateful for its power to sustain my body and give me peace within so I can hear its voice and avoid the abyss of darkness: hatred, anger, resentment, fear, greed, jealousy, and revenge.

There is only its eternal light of unconditional love that controls and sustains all. I know that it’s my Creator and my only desire is to be good and do good, though I am surrounded by fear, violence, corruptions, death, disease and suffering created by ignorance and greed. I shall not fear these imperfections in humanity because it is within me and protects me.

I love it with all my heart and soul, I love myself, I love my neighbor, I love my enemies and I will only do unto others as I would have them do unto me. I will not live in fear nor will I judge others. I will be of service to others when and where I can.

May it continue to lead me from this material world of illusion, falsehoods and fantasies to the real world of unconditional love, peace and joy; from darkness to light, from death to immortality, to become one with unconditional love.  Its will is my will, and its will be done.


Monday, December 17, 2012

Violence in America

It’s Moonday once again. The past week was full of tragedies all around us.  We have adults killing children, children killing children; adults killing each other; humans killing humans all over the world.

Love ones passing away due to illness or aging. Disease and suffering inside many homes. Mass killing of children has raised the bar to new heights of insanity and shocks our hearts and numbs our consciousness. The sorrow and pain those families have to go through will last the rest of their lives.

A culture of killing is not new in America. For generations we have accepted the programs our children are fed in the media that has violent overtones and gratuitous violence in general as the norm. My generation grew up with television and the afternoon shootouts between cowboys and Indians was drilled into our young minds. Whether it was “Have Gun Will Travel,” “The Lone Ranger,” “The Rifleman,” “Wagon Train,” “Shane,” our little minds were being program to except violence as value in our society. The later programs, such as “Roy Rodgers,” “Hop along Cassidy,” “Gene Autry,” “Little House on the Prairie,” “Ponderosa,” and “Matlock,” tone down some of the gun violence, even introduce singing cowboys, the gun and shootouts was still a central theme. I am always astonished when lives are taken in our country by the use of a gun and you here people reacting as if this is something new in America. There is a serious disconnect to the reality of our society and the fantasies that we are hit with every day in our commercial media. Most Americans cannot handle the truth!

America is a gun based culture and that’s nothing new. The U.S. Constitution clearly provides for the right of every America to legally own a gun. That may include rifles, handguns, target pistols, and military style weapons that have awesome fire power. Machine guns and automatic weapons have muddled the waters, though the Supreme Court has held that some of these types of weapons can be outlawed by the States, the illegal possessions of a gun or high power automatic weapons are very much a part of our culture and it’s very difficult to do anything about them.

The major problem facing America is the possession of or the ability to gain access to guns by people suffering from mental illness.  This problem is almost impossible to prevent because of a legal presumption in our country that every person is mentally competent until they demonstrate behavior that clearly shows they are incompetent. Every gun dealer operates under this presumption.

Parents who have guns in the home and children are present have a legal duty to control those guns and what access can be gain by the children, including teenagers and young adults.  As a parent it can be extremely difficult if not impossible to know whether or not your child is a potential threat to themselves or to society in general unless that child is openly demonstrating hostile behavior toward the parent or someone else. It’s twice as difficult for a working single parent to foresee what a child maybe planning to do in the future.

The sorrow and the suffering faced by the families in every shooting incident in America can’t be put into words. These tragedies can destroy your soul and cripple you the rest of your life. Know that violence is the mother’s milk in our national character and banning guns is not going to stop that fact. Freedom comes with a price and when we are not willing to pay that price by taking steps to counteract the language and culture of violence, and that any means necessary always includes violence to solve problems we see in our media, there is no end in sight with the loss of innocent lives in America.

We have the largest prison population in the world and we are the largest manufacture of guns and other lethal weapons in the world. We can’t turn our back on these facts when considering the controlling of guns and violent uses of guns in America. We must come to terms with the reality of our situation and come up with creative solutions to one of the downsides of freedom; some people can’t handle freedom and need help!

May the families who are suffering from this latest act if senseless violence finds peace and know that thinking and compassionate Americans have you in their hearts and prayers.




Monday, December 10, 2012

DECEMBER 21, 2012

It’s Moonday afternoon. What a beautiful day. I am enjoying sharing my photos with my family and friends on Facebook. We all have a thirst in our soul for knowledge or for things that intrigue us. I have always been a truth seeker. The desire to find what has been hidden from the people in order to maintain control over their lives. The knowledge I have gained from all the research and travel is beyond words.

Was it worth the time and effort to learn the knowledge of the ancients and to visit the ancient places? Absolutely!  The three dimensional existence of humans on this planet has not been a pretty picture. The levels of degradation, inhumanity, and pure evil destruction of human potential that one discovers is a low down dirty shame and repulsive to the idea of human life.

Nevertheless, the awesome things we see and experience in nature make mankind’s cruelty pale in comparison. The power of nature that we may have to experience in the future will awaken the entire globe to its infantile weakness to the cycles our galaxy must past through to sustain itself.

All of the theories about the significance of the ending of the Mayan Calendar on December 21, 2012, have been used to manipulate the people into a stupor of fear and mental suffering in the interest of greed. Our scientific community remains in chaos about the reality of global warming and our government is lost for words to even comment on the possibilities, leaving our minds to the ravages of Hollywood.

Well, with only two weeks to go I can only conclude that nobody has a clue what to expect on that fated date. I know I don’t but after years of studying the movement of the planets and reading the Ancient’s discussions concerning the cycles of our planet and galaxy go through, I can say that the date could be a beginning point for a new level of consciousness for life on earth that could go beyond three dimensional observations.  It is only my observation with no foundation in fact though there are a lot of groups putting forth this possibility.

From a planetary prospective on that date, the Sun will enter the constellation Capricorn, the Winter Solstice, and it means the Sun will stand still and will not start moving again to the South until three days later. The Moon will be in the constellation of Aries while Saturn will be in the constellation Scorpio for over two years. The planet Jupiter will be retrograding in the constellation of Gemini. Mars will be in the constellation of Capricorn and Venus will be in Sagittarius along with Mercury. Uranus will be in the constellation of Aries, Neptune is in Pisces, and Pluto is in Capricorn.

If you don’t understand what the implications are for the earth because of the locations of these planets on that day, don’t worry about it because most people don’t understand it. The scientist will tell us it’s irrelevant and the churches will tell us it’s irrelevant. The government will support either community and agree with the irrelevancy.

Martin Luther, the German Priest who attacked the Bishop of Rome for selling dispensations, loved to grow apple trees. He once said, “even if I knew the world was going to end tomorrow, I would still plant my apple tree today.”  So, I say, even if I knew the world was going to end on Friday, December 21, 2012, I would still sing Karaoke on Thursday night.


Friday, November 23, 2012

Pure Illusions

What if you woke up one morning and discovered that everything that you have been taught to believe is not true? You become aware that all your perceptions about life are pure illusions.

All the people you have shared your life with and called family were not your parents nor your sisters or brothers. How would you feel, what would you think? You discover that you were the real Alice in Wonderland or Little Red Riding Hood being pursued by wolf.

What if you were the one living inside of a whale? You were Jack climbing the Beanstalk or Tiny Tim living with a poor family. You were Snow White living with Seven Dwarfs. You were one of the Three Little Pigs that built his house out of straw. You were Buckwheat or Stymie in the Little Rascals. You were Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Daffy the Duck, or Elmer Fud.

You were the Headless Horseman or the mother with the Tale Tale Heart. It was you who was faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall building in a single bound, yes, you were Superman. Maybe you were the singing cowboys, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry or Paladin, Have Gun Will Travel.

What if you were the masked man who fought against evil with the help of your Indian friend? Were you the little girl in the little house on the prairie or you were the leader of a Wagon Train bringing settler to the West? Maybe you were Cinderella, waiting for your handsome prince or a member of the Cartwright family living on the Ponderosa.

This was my generation’s house of illusions that lead us along the path to delusional land. Some of us learned early that we were being fed phony crap and some of us are still stuck in the illusions.

If you found yourself in a family that taught you that these fairy tales were not true, and that you must question everything presented to you as real. Never trust anyone outside of your family. The most important things were learning how to count money; the significance of the value of money and things, and how to get it and how to keep it, you were very fortunate. You probably ended up as one of the 1% in America or you inherited you wealth from that 1%.

You may not be a happy lot but you own everything and will kill anyone who threatens your wealth.  Your values are very different from the rest of us; having feelings or a lot of emotional reactions is never permitted. Your Martians life style can never be understood by the people or the other 99%. Your philosophical outlook is to know that if you don’t own, somebody will own you, and that’s an abhorrent condition.

As my generation is starting to crossover to the other side; we see that our illusions are being replaced by new ones, and our history is being suppressed or rewritten.  The things we thought were true were mere bridges of falsehoods to sustain us from one age group to the next. It was truly an emotional rollercoaster ride and the false sense of joy instilled in us will not die. Some of are still seeking the fairy tale hero journey of our childhood heroes on some unconscious level and are still amused about life.

As member of the 99% I am just happy to be still here and still feeling some amusement about life where fiction is now stronger than fact.  All we have is love, and that’s enough for me.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Heart Intelligence!

Heart Intelligence vs. Mind Intelligence, which one contains truth? Which one contains love?

Scientists have known for decades that the heart has a little brain and from it springs the key to understanding life while living in a body.

 Mind Intelligence is the brain in the head and its existence is in the field of duality. It’s the computer for the body. It divides, separates, and creates opposites. Reality is perceived as having two sides that are inconsistent with each other. It creates illusions about what is right and what is wrong. What is black and what is white. What is good and what is bad. What is a lie and what is true.

We are taught that reality is what our mind says it is or another way of saying it is whatever the mind is taught creates our perceptions about reality. We end of living a life filled with illusions and fantasies. Pain and suffering becomes our reality.

The ancients taught that the mind was the Seat of Error! We are living in a three dimensional world trying to survive with a dysfunctional computer. Truth and love can only be found in the heart!

From the time we are able to learn, our mind is filled with numbers, pictures, and illusion containing the stories of our cultural. They become our reality. When confronted with the ideals and illusion of another cultural the mind struggle to make sense of their reality or is simply denies its existence. It simply labels the different cultural as not good or incomprehensible and it’s to be avoided. This is the seat of bias and prejudice.

Unfortunately, there is a conspiracy in our society to keep us from discovering our heart intelligence, our true self. Some of the perpetrators of the illusions know exactly what they are doing to your mind while the great majority is simply following what they were taught by their parents as a child and never questioned it. The apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree.

Discovery of heart intelligence is difficult but not impossible. The first step is to understand that your true nature is peace and love and you are a product of love. Learn to love yourself and be grateful for the life force of energy-light of love that creates every living thing. Learn to control your mind. You have the power to shut it off when it appears to driving you crazy by bombarding you with strings of duality.

When you learn to silence your mind, you will hear the little voice from your heart that will tell you nothing but the truth and fill you with love. Truth and love are one!


Friday, November 9, 2012

Heart Consciousness!

One of the most difficult things to do in this life is to live through the consciousness in our heart. This is the place where all thoughts come from and depending on the programs in our computer (the mind) our entire life journey is put in motion.

The ancients use to teach that the element that controls the consciousness depended which element a person was born under. The elements were fire, water, air, and earth.

If you were born under a fire element it meant that the nature of the person would be head strong, aggressive, fighter, and determined. Their nature was said to be barren and not fruitful but simply driven.

If you were born under a water element it meant that the nature of that person would be emotional, impressionable, easily hurt, and needy. They were fruitful, nourishing, and have deep feelings.

If you were born under an air element it meant that the nature of the person would be mentally focused on Ideas, concepts, logic, science, and futurist in their outlook. They were said to be barren and not fruitful. If something cannot be visualized then it didn’t exist. The mind was the only reality.

If you were born under an earth element it meant that the nature of the person would generally unemotional, dry sense of humor, practical, but full of ambition; crawling along the way with no sense of urgency.  Sometime said to be born old and become younger as they age. They were said to be semi-fruitful and could exhibit spurts of creativity. Above all, they are reliable, consistent and dependable.

These observations were made about humans thousands of years and were the first science or study of humans developed based on these observations. For centuries governments and religions have fought over who should control the human mind and that age old war is still going on.  

Nevertheless, there are three Astrological signs under each element. Fire signs are Aires, Leo, and Sagittarius. Water signs are Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. The air signs are Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra. A Libra can be semi-fruitful but the other two are barren. The earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo.  

This is an interesting way to look at humans and it’s older than religion yet it is still frown upon in Western countries because of religion.

What do all these systems of thought have to do with heart consciousness?  It means that if one can live from their heart, it does not matter what sign you are or what religion you practice. The consciousness in the heart is shared by every living thing. It’s the desire to do good and be good. Loving without conditions and sharing without resentment.  Knowing that the life force of energy light is love and it creates every living thing.

Learning to shut the computer off (the mind) for an hour a day and just listen to your heart you will discover that the love that created you is still there within you. Embrace it and become one with it and nothing will disturb you for the rest of your days. Yes, it is difficult but possible.


Monday, November 5, 2012

Corporate Power!

It’s Moonday once again. My calendar tells me it’s the 9th month (November means 9) and it’s the 5th day of the 9th month. 9 + 5 = 14 -1+4 = 5. 5 is one of the sacred numbers associated with the freedom human spirit and 9 has always been the number for Universal Consciousness. So today is a celebration of the universal consciousness and the freedom of the human spirit. Tomorrow is another matter altogether.

Some of the founding fathers of this country understood the significance of these ancient musings because they were Masons. Our Constitution was based on the freedom of the human spirit found in the scared numbers of antiquity.  The number 3 and 7 are the two main numbers in the original U.S. Constitution. 3 is a symbol of creation and 7 is the symbol for completion.

The Constitution has 7 Articles and the powers to be exercise under it was as 3 separate powers.

The executive power, the congressional power and the judicial branch power; why 3 separate powers? It was because of the founding fathers recognition of what Lord Acton of England said,” Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

 It was the recognition that humans are fallible and incorrigible. They will make the same mistakes over and over.  Man’s inhumanity to humanity has no bounds. One issue they wrestled with was over how the salves would be counted for designating the number of votes each slave owner could cast in an election. They decided on 3/5 of their slaves could be counted by each owner.

They recognized that the Constitution itself was fallible and therefore it has been amended 26 times since 1791.

Most Americans are unaware that the U.S. Constitution is an Article of Incorporation and is governed by corporate law. It is not a democratic document. Democracy is an afterthought triggered by the 13 Amendments added to the Incorporation to get all the states to ratify the Articles of Incorporation.

So, when President Abraham Lincoln added this phrase in his Gettysburg address, “a government of the people, by the people and for the people” was mere rhetoric. It was an illusion.  Today, Electoral College is the fact and it can override the popular will of the people.

As a citizen of the United States, under the Constitution, we are beneficiaries of a giant Trust created in 1868 under the 14 Amendment. Up until that change to the Constitution, Lincoln, prior to his murder, was ruling by marshal law because of the Civil War. Corporations were to be treated as a citizen and could exercise all the powers of a citizen. A recent Supreme Court case has validated those right a few years ago.

So, we as citizens, including corporations, will elect our representative tomorrow as provided in the by- laws of our Corporation called US Inc. By the way, the States are also separate corporations and act as subsidiaries of the US Inc. Whatever the outcome is tomorrow it is not so much about political parties but a lot more about Corporate Power. If you are still undecided whether power corrupts or not, tomorrow will be a classic case of the will of the people vs. the will of corporate power.

Let’s see, 9+6 =15. 1+5 = 6. Now, 6 is the symbol for the breath of life; the 6 directions, the 6 steps of creation, etc.   1 is the creator, 5 is human freedom and it gives us 6.

We are living in interesting times! May God bless America!



Friday, November 2, 2012

Seven Stages of Human Development!

The seven stages of human development were recorded by the ancients over 11,000 y ears ago. Each stage was given a number. The first seven years were number 1. From 1 through 7 years old the human is concern mainly about discovering self. Running to and from different environments; tasting and touching everything; ambitious about every undertaking, and wanting to take control.

From 7 through 21, the number 2 prevails. Less focused on self but a little bit spoiled. Wanting things and wanting the approval of others, wanting to belong. Seeking attention by any means necessary, and sometimes with negative behavior; suddenly all adults appear to be stupid.

From 21 to 28, the number 4 enters the picture. Creativity is the go word. What can be created? How can I get respect? How can I get organized in my life? How can I make my mark on the world? Is this going to be my career, this job, this family and all the other bosses trying to tell me what to do?

From 28 to 35, the number 5 takes control. It’s time to lose control. I want freedom in every direction, sensual, sexual, games and outrageous experiences every night.  It’s party time! I’m sexing and I know it. Whose world is this anyway? Truly, a free soul!

From 35 to 42, the number 6 drives everything. It times to pay the piper for all the fun and indiscretions of the previous 7 years. It’s time to be responsible, domesticated, and a family person. For some males, this transition could be life or death choices.  Frankly, some of them will not survive.

From 42 to 49, the number 7 slowing emerges. It’s time to find out more about the entity that’s been living inside of your body. What was the purpose of life? Being around people is a real boar. I want to be left alone. Maybe it’s time to travel and see the world. My alone time is more important to me. I could learn to meditate to find peace within. There has to be more to life than what I have just experienced.

From 49 to 56, the number 8 is front and center. I will concentrate on business. How can I make more money? I need to get my financial picture in order. I owe, I owe, so off to work I go! Where is the television remote? Maybe I will go to more sports events.

From 56 to 63, the number 9 is in the house, the symbol for universal love.  How can I help others? How can we find peace in the world? Humans have a lot in common. I am going to be the change I want to see happen in my life.

From 63 to 70, the number 1 comes back again. We start to repeat the stages.

The ancients felt that these were the stages going on inside of humans. Their environment, family, and the society they lived in surrounded them with other challenges in the mist of this chaos in the inside.

The number 7 was important to the ancient world: 7 colors of the rainbow, 7 continents, 7 days a week, 7 notes in a musical scale, and 7 major planets.

 Maybe they didn’t know how much we know now but these stages may help you understand yourself or other people in your life.

Love, peace, and joy to all!

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Did you bring joy to yourself? Did you bring joy to others? In ancient times these were the two questions you had to answer in order to transcend to the next dimension after death on this earth.

If you could not answer yes to both questions, you had to return to earth and continue your journey to perfection. That is, to be completely filled. For one who is fragmented will be filled with darkness. One who is whole will be filled with light.

To live in the light means that a person has found the key to eternal life. Though they still have to live inside a body they have discovered the light within their heart and lived their lives making it brighter and brighter by loving their Creator, loving themselves, and loving others including their enemies, not judging others, and doing good works until they are filled with light.

In our society a person who is logical, rational, and reasons well is applauded and rewarded. The person who is loving, helpful, grateful, and giving is seen as vulnerable, weak, and is exploitable.

In ancient times the logical and rational person was seen as fragmented and filled with darkness. They spend their lives, separating, dividing, defining, calculating and labeling things. They are obsessed with owning of things including other human beings.

Living in the light is so much more difficult to do but once you hear the music and learn the dance there is no stopping you! You will discover that all life is a dance.

The light is a product of your spirit. It was Rabbi Jesus who said, “So be filled with spirit and lacking in human reason, for reason is only reason, and soul, too, is only soul. Whoever knows everything but lacks within, lacks everything.”

So bring joy to others and bring joy to yourself. Dance in the light!


Saturday, October 20, 2012

You Are A Light In The World!

Love is when we see ourselves in others and we treat them the way we want to be treated. We all share the same life force- energy-light. We are all one!

We are all lights in the world living inside of matter. We have confused matter as reality because we can see it, touch it, smell it, hear it and taste it.

Yet a more powerful reality resides inside of us and all around us. It is the life force- energy-light that allows us to move and to rest.

Because of our belief in earth time and we see our body changing we believe we are going to suffer death. But only those who believe in death will suffer death. All things born of copulation with change and pass away. We are not things!

Life force energy-light is not born and nor does it die. It is love and it is eternal.

The concept of time we are taught to believe in is an illusion. We live in eternal time. You should live as if you are already dead.

When we consider how long the earth has been here before us and how long it will last after us, we will discover that our life in matter is just a single day and our suffering a single hour.

So let your love flow because it is the only reality! Let your light shine! Live in truth and love!

Be sincere, be just, have no fear, give to others, control lust, and love yourself and others.




Monday, October 8, 2012

What's On Your Mind?

It’s Moonday once again! What’s on my mind? The nature of the secret government that controls my country; the three or four wealthy families that control every aspect of our society and the blindness of the people to this enigma.  

 From energy, food, education, healthcare, media, and banking, this small group of aristocrats has us all dancing to their tune and believing we are dancing to our own music. Any challenge to this paradigm is met with suppression, misinformation, deception, and murder.

We are at a time in our country and the rest of the world when are coming face to face with amount of control over people that is centralized and so powerful that it appears to be hopeless to even consider other options and lifestyles.

Our minds are held hostage by the onslaught of media fantasies, the manipulation of information for political purposes, and constant disinformation, lies, cruel one-liner allegations with no foundation in fact. Manipulated video pictures spread throughout the landscape as news and truth. It’s an abomination.

Find out who owns the energy systems, oil, coal etc, and who owns the food supply chain. Who owns and profits from the healthcare system? Who is responsible for setting up the U.S. Education system? Who owns the media, television networks, cable television, satellites media, major movie studios, and book publishing companies? Who is controlling the banking system in our country and around the world? Who controls our political system?

With a good computer and access to the internet you can discover the answers to all of these questions and decide for yourself who is controlling your life. You will be surprised to learn that only a few families have been at the helm for the last 300 years.

Over the last several years the earth has been on a course that appears to be apocalyptic in scope and there is very little we can do about it. The history of the earth that we have been taught in our schools and churches will not come close to helping us understand what’s happening to the earth’s cycles in space today. The scientific community is no help at all. Their allegiances to the wealthy foundations that support them have caused them to become irrelevant to the lives of people in general.

This is what’s on my mind. I have researched all of the subjects listed in this message. What I have learned is atrocious and unthinkable. Yet, my hope and my love for humanity remain unshaken. I sincerely believe it is love that created all that lives and it is only through love that we will survive the tribulations this earth will face.

The truth about our country you may never learn but if you love yourself and others and know that truth and love abides within you then peace will be your reward regardless of the fate of our country and the world. You will not be disturbed.


Saturday, October 6, 2012

Cancer Provides Full Employment of Doctors!

The Cancer Cure That Worked,
Fifty Years of Suppression
By Deki and Jon C. Fox
The Cancer Cure That Worked, Fifty Years of Suppression
By Barry Lynes with John Crane
A Book review
Toronto Marcus Books 1997.
167 pages.
In 1934, Mr. Royal Rife and his associates opened 2 small clinic in Ca1ifornia and cured sixteen cases of cancer. Sworn affidavits and medical experts testified to the complete remission of "hopeless" cases within four to six weeks. Virtually every patient treated by Rife's -Frequency Instrument.- as he called it. was cured with no adverse side affects. Since that time. millions of people have died from viruses that Mr. Rife convincingly destroyed over 50 years ago. Who was this man? What can his work teach us today, as we face the worldwide spread of AIDS? And why is this information being suppressed?
A detailed account or Rife's inventions and discoveries is the subject of The Cancer Cure That Worked. This startling book documents events from 1913 to the time of Rife's death in 1972. Rife was an optical engineer and technician of great skill. His first success was the building or the Universal Microscope in the late 1920s. With it he was able to view the living cancer virus-a feat our modern- high-powered electron microscopes still cannot do. His microscope used many quartz prisms and 1enses, placed to compensate for losses of refraction due to air. This enabled him to view far tinier particles than had ever been seen before.
Although the biologists or his day were impressed with the power of this invention both the medical community and the optical physicists would have little to do with Rife. That there were no principles in physics to explain how the Universal Microscope worked was enough reason for them to reject Rife's ideas. What Rife saw, as did the other microbiologists who later used his instruments, was astounding. and shook the established theories to their roots. The medical community at large, however, did its best to suppress the work or Rife and his co-workers and to harass them personally.
Acceptance. however, was not what interested Rife. He could see what others would not. Using the Universal Microscope he observed cancer viruses as they changed their size and form. He discovered, that exposing a virus to certain frequencies of radio waves killed it quickly. Years or experimentation led to Rife's invention of the Frequency Instrument, a device that produced the exact frequencies needed to destroy various viruses.
In 1934. at the clinic in California, diseased people were exposed to the exact same frequencies that had been seen (through the microscope) to destroy the virus causing their illness. Treatments lasted only three minutes. The person would wait three days before another exposure giving the lymph system time to cleanse the dead virus from their bodies. Unlike the chemotherapy treatments currently in use, Rife's therapy was 100 percent effective and engendered no adverse symptoms.
Unfortunately the American Medical Association opposed the use or this incredible device. Physicians who defied this official stance and continued to use the Frequency Instrument had their licenses to practice medicine revoked. Individuals known to make use of the Universal Microscope had their equipment confiscated or destroyed.
Yet, 53 years after the arrival of Rife's Frequency Instrument, hundreds of thousands or people still die each year of diseases he cured. What keeps us blinded? The onset of AIDS now threatens virtually the entire human life stream. Perhaps the time has come for individuals to look for new answers on the horizon and to temper our dependence on the "authority"- of medical professionals.
Reading "The Cancer Cure Thai Worked" is a good start. It's contents will profoundly affect you, and as you turn the final page, you will see your world anew. The book's three-page bibliography and numerous reproductions add punch to this already powerful story. It is not too technical, nor is it philosophical. Facts are well-presented in a manner that intends to educate, not overwhelm the reader.
The chapter on AIDS ties together Rife’s ideas and today’s theories especially the provocative relationship between cancer and AIDS. The ideas of Alan Cantwell, M.D, one of the leading scientists in the forefront or AIDS research, are included here, supporting and updating Rife's work.
To see Rife's work re-created with - today's sophisticated technology is the author's vision. What modem integrated circuits and computer analysis could do to streamline and further improve the Frequency Instrument is a thrilling possibility. It is time to explore the horizon upon which Mr. Rife’s cure for cancer floats like an illusion.
By Deki and Jon C. Fox

The Background to the John Crane Trial
as told by Barry Lynes
By 1960, Crane had written and copyrighted a manual which explained how the Frequency Instrument was to be used in the experimental treatment of various diseases and on different parts of the body. By that year, 90 instruments were distributed for research and verification on notarized contracts. And then the medical authorities struck.
They raided Crane's office, took over $40,000 in machines, frequency instruments, and one large Rife ray tube instrument, along with engineering data, research records and reports, pictures off the wall, private letters, invoices, tape recordings, and electronic parts-all without a search warrant.
They smashed all the research which had been put together over 10 laborious years. As in 1939, they visited the doctors who were experimenting with the machines and forced them to abandon them. They also pressured ordinary citizens who had begun experimenting on a personal basis.
These visits were made by teams of investigators. "One woman was scared so bad that she has been in a sanitarium driven entirely out of her mind. Her husband cursed them out and told them, to get off his property and has threatened to exterminate them should they return. His wife has undergone shock treatments and two months of hospitalization."
The records and materials seized were not allowed to be used by Crane in his own defense during his trial.
Roy Rife, almost 73 and incapable of suffering the abuse of another trial at his age, went into hiding in Mexico. His deposition was not permitted to be introduced at the trial. Neither were the medical and scientific reports from the 1930s and 1940s. Nor were medical reports from Dr. Stafford in Ohio. Dr. Couche's letters were also declared inadmissable. No medical or scientific report which indicated the Frequency Instrument worked as represented was permitted to be introduced at the trial. Crane was left naked with only the patients who had been cured or helped.
The trial was held in early 1961. After 24 days, and despite the testimony of 14 patients who told how the Frequency Instrument cured ailments and diseases which orthodox medicine could not alleviate, Crane was found guilty. The only medical opinion offered by the State of California came from Dr. Paul Shea who had been given a Frequency Instrument by the Public Health Department for 2 months before the trial. Shea admitted he never tried the Frequency Instrument on anything or made any tests to evaluate it. He simply examined it and decided that it had no curative powers and didn't lend itself to investigative use.
Also, and most disturbing, the foreman of the jury was an AMA doctor. Everyone else was carefully screened to see that they had no medical knowledge, no electronic knowledge, and didn't read any newspapers supporting alternative healing. The verdict was a foregone conclusion. Crane was sentenced to 10 years in jail. Following appeals, two of the three counts against Crane were reversed in the California Supreme Court because no specific criminal intent had been proven. But Crane still spent 3 years and 1 month in jail. The cure for cancer had been effectively suppressed again.
During the trial, James Hannibal, age 76, testified. Blind in one eye, he'd been treated by the Frequency Instrument. After several applications, his cataract disappeared-just as cataracts had dissolved in many of Dr. Milbank Johnson's patients during the 1935-37 clinics. Other witnesses at Crane's trial testified to the curing of chronic bladder irritation, and the elimination of a throat lump one-half of the size of an egg. Also cured were fungus growths on hands, fissures in the anus, pyorrhea, arthritis, ulcerated colon, varicose veins, prostrate troubles, tumorous growth over eyes, colitis, pains in the back, and heart attacks. One man testified that for 17 years he had a growth the size of an egg on his spine. After treatment, it had disappeared.
After Crane was imprisoned, so much pressure was put on Dr. Stafford in Ohio that he gave up medicine and became a salesman. Another doctor in Salt Lake City had his Frequency Instrument sabotaged and then was hounded by the orthodox medical authorities to such an extent that he committed suicide. Such were the lengths to which the anti-Rife forces were willing to go in order to prevent the testing and use of this breakthrough technology.
Barry Lynes

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fighting for Good Karma!

It’s Moonday afternoon! Enjoy the weather this week and spread some good karma to all that you can. “What goes around comes around” is true today than ever. If you are expecting good karma from the media, forget about it! The only purpose of the media is to keep you fearful and make you consume!

Good karma is about living in your heart and not fearing to express it to others, even those who may want to hurt you.

The ability to be sincere, just, fearless, giving and loving to others is extremely difficult to master. It’s like a work of art. You have to keep working on it until it clearly expresses what you are trying to communicate. Never give up! Giving good karma is worth the fight.

There are many people specializing in giving bad karma because they are not aware of why they are doing it yet; they are trapped in a vicious cycle. After many years of living a life of passing bad karma it begins to feel normal. It starts to feel good to feel sick and depressed all the time and sharing those feeling with others who are on the same trip. Drugs or Alcohol is a temporary fix but the pain remains.

Every thought and every action creates a vibration similar to a sound wave. To create good karma you must force yourself to have good thoughts for yourself and others and perform good actions. You must be good and do good.

Love yourself and others as yourself unconditionally; fear no one, judge no one, know that life is eternal and do good works. Good karma is your birth right! It will return to you if you fight for it!

Never give up!


Friday, September 14, 2012

It's Just a Matter of Time!

Once upon time there was a great ruler who had to go on a long journey. He had three sons and a daughter and a large estate. Before he left told the oldest son Adam, “Divide the estate up with your brothers and sisters while I am gone.”

After the father left, Adam held a family meeting. He said to his younger brothers, “James, I am making you the general manager of the estate. Paul, I am making you the accountant to keep track of our wealth.” He told his young sister, “Mary, I want you to get the hell of the estate. You are no longer welcomed here.” He cast her out into slavery.

After a long period, the father returned and when he became aware of what Adam had done, he cast him out into the desert for 40 days without food or water.

The estate is still undivided among the people on the earth and the father is coming back. Do not distress over what you don’t have or have lost because of the economic conditions that has been thrust upon you by the current owners of the estate.

Truth, justice, and righteousness will prevail; it’s just a matter of time.

Seek the peace and joy that is naturally within you. Be aware of the media; its only purpose is to scare you into a paralyzing fearful state of mind while you consume like crazy to fill the void.

The void is the lack of knowledge of who you are and what should be your rightful estate.


Friday, September 7, 2012


Questions, questions and more questions with few answers, why? Some of the questions being asked do not have conventional western answered based on reason or logic. Why are the birds falling from the sky? Why are fish dying in our lakes? Why are dead whales lying on our shores? Why are dolphins beaching themselves? Why are the earthquakes becoming more severe and often? Why are people becoming more anxious about life? Why is the earth speeding up in its rotation?

If you can image yourself sitting on top of the earth and realized that it is flying though space at  18 miles per sec in a magnetic field that is collapsing while pulling the earth in different directions; you are aware that the earth’s center is a volcanic fire and that the various continents sitting on that fire are moving and shifting position in response to the magnetic field. Every form of life has a magnetic field within it and all round it. You can start to visualize what’s happening to life on earth and what little control is in the hands of humans.

Every 26,000 years our galaxy realigns itself and all the wobbling of equators of each planet in our galaxy over that period of time is brought back into its original alignment at the birth of our galaxy. Yes, we are living in interesting times. Our sun, once again, will be in sync with the rest of the universe.

The animals and the plants have the most sensitive magnets vibrations and the slightest subtle changes in the field results in instant death. The beginning of this alignment will start on December 21, 2012 and will continue until it’s in place.

We are now getting a preview of the coming events. Don’t expect much information from the government nor our scientific community on this phenomenon. The few who are aware of the process have all reading started taking precaution for themselves. Some are actually building shelters underground.

Unfortunately, the great mass of humanity will have to suffer the consequences of lack of knowledge and preparation. As the more irrational we become the infrastructure of our society will suffer and there will be a needless loss of life.

This is not the time for angry recriminations against each other because of our differences and economic chaos in our world. It’s time to come together as a family and support one another during this time of calamity.

Discover peace within and find the joy it brings. Share it with others. Make this our goal, love one another and know that we are one.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day 2012

It’s Moonday and Labor Day and here is what’s on my mind:

13 Colonies of British North America and the Evolution of Labor!

The Royal land grants made to some of the wealthy families of England marked the beginning of the settlements in British North America. What became Virginia and the Carolinas was the fertile land used for growing tobacco and later on, cotton became king as the other 13 colonies were established via land grants from the King of England.

In order to grow crops for trade the wealthy land grant owners needed labor. The first source of labor was the criminals and other misfits in England who were given a sentence of “transportation” to the colonies as forced labor. When they finished their sentences they received land and tools to grow food and crops on their own. Labor shortage was a constant problem for the wealthy land grant owners. They tried contract labor, the indentured servants system. English poor people would sign contracts to work for a certain number of years and at the end of the term they would be provided land and tools to start their own crops and make a home.

Labor shortages remained a serious problem. The Native Americans were not dependable as workers and not strong enough to do a lot of the heavy lifting. Cheap labor was hard to find but when the word about the wealth being made by those using the slave trade in the British, French, and Spanish Caribbean, the cheap solution for labor was discovered.

The British, Portuguese, French and Spanish slave traders were running a booming business off the coast of West Africa. They traded with the African Kings who had slaves to sell that were captured during wars with other African tribes. The Arabs were running a slave trading market to the Middle East from the mainland of Africa.

Long after the British outlawed slavery, the British North American Colonies were wading into slave market with vigor. The initial 6,000 slaves brought to America became a population of over 4 million in a few decades. These black slaves became the back bone for labor in the colonies and help produce a vibrate economy that made the wealthy land owners filthy rich.

Not all the colonies were involved in the slave trade but those who were out of guilt had to develop an elaborate mythology to relieve them of guilt for what they were doing to their fellow human being.

They used the King James Bible to vilify their color as being inferior because of the acts of Ham in the Noah story of drunkenness and nudity. He cursed Ham for laughing at his nakedness and made his descendants the slaves of the other tribes. Ham was apparently one of his darker sons. The color became a symbol of inferiority and his descendants would be forever cursed. The white superiority vs. black inferiority paradigm was invented and racism was born in America based on this biblical tale.

Slave labor became an abomination for those in the Northern part of America and the Civil War broke out after the South refuse to end slave labor and withdrew from the Union. Even before this juncture in American history, some of these slaves had fought in the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 on the British and the Colonies side. They fought in the Spanish American War, the Indian Wars, World War I, World War II, Korean Police Action, Vietnam, and every America war thereafter. The right to be treated as a citizen was granted after the Civil War in the 14th Amendment, but that right was not seriously protected until the beginning of the 1960’s.

The Master and Servant relationship in the labor market has evolved into an extremely sophisticated system today after years of bloodshed and suffering between 1865 and the late 1900s. The invention of labor unions, labor laws (employment law), and the civil rights act of 1964, America has been able to maintain labor peace in the master and servant paradigm needed to produce goods and services.

With new global paradigm evolving today, cheap labor needs are being redefined around the world and America labor is feeling the new reality.

Congress set aside a special day to celebrate labor in America starting in 1894; though in some States the unions started the celebrations in 1882.

So, here we are, Labor Day, 2012. I have carried two labor union cards during my younger days, The International Brotherhood Electrical Workers (IBEW) (Broadcast Engineer) and The United Transportation Union (UTA) (school bus driver). The importance of the labor movement and it’s creation of the middle class is not forgotten.

I celebrate my father today. My father retired after being one of the first blacks in Bakersfield, California allowed in the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization (AFL-CIO) union in the late 1950s. During that time he brought our dirt poor family into a higher standard of living. I stand on his shoulders today. I love and honor you Dad! (1913-1983).


Friday, August 31, 2012

The Money Changers!

The Money Changers!

The majority of the people in America do not know what’s happening to the country and they don’t know that they don’t know! It is not their fault because if they were truly educated about the real history of our country they would have stood up to the Money Changers long time ago.

As an American Patriot I find it difficult, if not impossible, to explain how the money powers around the world through their ancient bloodlines have bamboozled the majority of the people in the America.

The ancient bloodlines of Europe and their descendants in America own everything that touch our lives and their profit corporations and nonprofit corporations are hidden in deep cover all around us and have infiltrated every level of our government.

Every since 1776 the ancient bloodlines have fought for the control of our country and the control of our minds. The first casualty was our government when they gain control of our money system in 1913 and established a taxing agency (IRS). Then they planned three world wars to bring all of the governments around the world under their control with slogans like, “a war to end all wars!” “Making the world safe for democracy!” and now, “to rid the world of global terrorists!”

The people have been deceived by a few who own and control our natural resources and all of our land and own our debt. The American people have become mere cattle to be moved from on pasture to another and contained by the manipulation of the political system at every level.

These small groups of families have been ruthless and barbaric in maintaining their superiority over the majority of the people. How is it done? Here are some of the weapons they use: mind control, manufactured conflict between citizens, divide and conquer, fear and terror, economic inequality, religious bigotry and greed.

Mind control is by ownership of the press, media, educational system and movie industry. Our mind has been controlled from the cradle to the grave by the use of our patriotism and the creation of a need to consume guided by commercial propaganda.

The owners are never seen in the media and their life styles are never on display for public consumption.

Manufactured conflict is the oldest tool used by the few. It is based on philosopher Hegel’s theory of opposites. You create conflict by creating a system of control and then create another system that is opposite of that system and let them appear to be fighting each other.

For example: democracy vs. communism or socialism vs. democracy. Republican vs. Democrats, blacks vs. whites, sports teams fighting for a championship.

Both sides of the conflict are supported by the money changers. One of the most profitable events in this polar of opposites is war. The few who make the weapons, supply the oil, the tanks, airplanes, and uniforms for both sides make a killing with new wealth.

Fear and terror is an ancient tool! When the few can’t get what they want done a major terrorist event is staged and the people are paralyzed with fear of losing their lives. The lives of America’s boys and girls are once again placed upon the alter of sacrifice so the few can triumph in the glory of greed.

Economic inequality is a product of the few’s needs for labor. Cheap labor is best and that includes slavery. You can not exploit the resources without labor. The thought of dealing with a labor union is an abomination to the few. The middle class is a by product of big labor and the economic disparity between the people is always ripe for divide and conquer to keep wages low or move the jobs to a country with none of theses hassles.

Religious bigotry is a powerful tool. By supporting all the different religions in the country through nonprofit corporations the few can keep those groups fighting among each other in perpetuity.

We don’t know what’s happening to our country and we don’t know we don’t know but more and more Americans are waking up everyday to the plans and schemes of the puppet masters, the money changers.

If you want to learn the true history about America as oppose to the propaganda taught in school here are some family names you should investigate on your own: Astor, Bundy, Collins, Kennedy, Russell, Rothschild, Rockefeller, DuPont, Krugg, Merovingian, Reynolds, Van Duhn, Li, Freeman, and Onassis.

Here are some organizations worth investigating: Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Round Table, Illuminati, Bildeberg Group, The Holy Roman Empire and the Masons.

You have to research on your own. The internet is a great tool. You may not be able to change what is happening to America but you will be able to understand the fights and bloodshed in the future and hopefully, not a victim!


Friday, August 24, 2012

The Path to Peace!

The Path to Peace!

The greatest distance we have to travel in our lives is not to the stars in the heavens and back to the earth. The greatest distance is from our mind to our heart!

Earth time and space is consumed with negative and positive energy. This is the place of limited existence. All our mythologies are based on the separation of negative and positive energy. Our mind is the foundation and perpetrator of this dichotomy.

Some cultures express the energy cycle as yin and yang while others see it as the struggle between good and evil, god verse the devil, nature verse man, man verse nature, woman verse man, man verse woman. From this duality in thought come the moral judgments of human behavior.

The source of this energy is unknowable and undefinable. We can only experience it.
The path to peace is when we discover and recognized how this energy works within us and all around us.

From birth our mind is filled with images of what is good and what is evil. We are taught to discriminate between colors, what is right thinking and what is wrong thinking. We are taught how nature should be viewed and to name the different parts of nature. We are taught who we should love and who we should hate. We are taught the history of those who won the wars.

When we start on the path to find our heart we began to see the emergence of the dichotomy as it is transformed to one energy in all that lives. We find that we are all one with what we call the universe.

When we finally get control of our mind and recognize that all reality starts from the heart. We will feel the universal heart that exists in all mankind. The name that is given to it is love. All that lives in the universe come from love.

When we love we see our self in others on the entire planet and see that nature is part us and what we do to others and to nature we do to ourselves.

From birth, there is a silent conspiracy to prevent you from discovering this truth about the oneness in humanity. In order to except this truth, we must embrace the fact that death and life are one in the same. That war and the destruction of cultures and the violent storms of nature, the shaking of the earth itself are part of this oneness.

From the perspective of the universe it is all good. It is humans who create the moral values of good and evil and thereby control all the human minds on the earth.
It order to find the path to peace you must move beyond all of these forms and matter that are miraculously place before you as reality.

The forces aligned against us are the same since ancient times. Their kingdoms still reigning and their wealth surpass all imagination. They own the media and the natural resources of our world. They use this dichotomy in our minds to separate us and make us struggle against each other. Their goal is the same as in ancient times is to divide us and conquer us. They create fear in us by creating controlled terror. Oh, yes, be afraid; be against the things you fear. Live in the world of negative attacks and hatred. Let your mind be consumed by violence in thought and behavior.

Our mind is used against us by the branding process that tells us what to think and what to do, even if it’s based on gross falsehoods.

When you live in heart consciousness you will escape the darkness found in duality and recognize that you do have control over you own mind and you will find peace.


Friday, August 10, 2012


For the record: The history of humans on this planet has not been a pretty sight. The lies that have been written down about events that happen or did not happen is so overwhelming it’s an abomination. As President Truman once said, “There are lies and there are damn lies.”

Our more recent history, say the last 500 years, has been filled with massacres, human sacrifice, and mutilations on every continent populated by humans.
These actions taken by humans were done in the name of various gods and family bloodlines in the quest for control over wealth and labor. The days of kings, queens and dynasty ruled the land. They still rule today.

Since World War I there has been a group of wealthy land owners and international bankers trying to rid the world of war by creating a one world government with an international monetary system. Can you imagine a world without war?

Before British America became just America, a wealthy family of bankers have controlled and manipulated the destiny of our country. These families own most of the resources, the land, and the control of information. Through thousands of different corporations and foundations with interlocking management these families still strive to bring America under the one world government umbrella.

World War I was created to “end all wars.” World War II was created to bring “democracy to the world.”  World War III, the silent war, will be created to establish a one world government. It will be silent because it is hidden in a quagmire of misinformation, suppression of information, deceptions, and misdirection.

Yes, a silent war by the use of riddles within an enigmas. The war will be biblical as prophesied about the rise of the devil to punish god for his destruction of Egypt. It will also be about consolidation of wealth in the few. This sounds unbelievable and horrendously absurd.

I am going to recommend two books that will help those who would like to understand what has happen to America over the last 236 years. You will have to figure it out for yourself because the control of our minds by the wealthy families is absolute:

BEHOLD A PALE HORSE, by William Cooper, 1990, and BLOODLINES OF THE ILLUMINATI, by Fritz Springmeier, 1995-2007.

These books are not for the faint of heart or people without an open mind. Again, you have to figure it out for yourself.


Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Movie Theater

The movie theater shooting in Colorado and all the recent rash of mass killings in our country is disturbing and heart breaking. Our sorrow for the victims and their friends and family is beyond words.

The sting of death is always revolting and crippling to those of us who live through our feelings and emotions as opposed to the rational brain types who can be dismissive and unresponsive to the loss of human life.

On July 1, 1993, I personally dealt with a mass killing incident that left 9 people dead and 6 injured. On that day at 101 California, a 148 story high rise in San Francisco, a business man name Gian Luigi Ferri, upset after losing 4 million dollars on a land deal in Nevada, came after the law firm that handled the deal with a two Intratec Tec-Dec 9 pistols and a Norinco M1911.

During that time of my life I was a single parent with two kids practicing law part-time and working with a private security company in San Francisco. 101 California was one of my accounts along with Embarcadero Center and several other buildings.

On that day, July 1, I notice fire trucks and ambulances rushing down
Market Street
toward the waterfront.  When I reached 101 California the police had the building surrounded with police tape blocking people from coming end. One of my field supervisors in the building notice me across the street and came over to escort me in. The police were still looking for the shooter.

After a quick briefing on what was happening, I met with the building manager and took charge of the security operations. We had a triage unit set up in the lobby handling the wounded. As I entered the lobby the deputy chief of police was coming in the building to take charge of police operation. All the elevators were at ground level except for a couple that were being used by security bringing groups of tenants down to the lobby.

My first job was to operate one of the elevators on manual along the building security project manager to take the special weapons team (SWAT) to the 34th floor to search for the shooter. They were carrying M-16 rifles. There were sniper shooters in the building across the street looking for the shooter as well. I was carrying a two-way radio. Once we got the floor the officer in-charge told us to take the elevator down to the 33rd floor and wait. When we got to the 33rd floor and walked into the lobby, the sound of rifles cocking for fire was all around us. We fell back into the elevator on to the floor when we heard one of the officers shout, “It’s clear!” It was funny at the time but we could have been killed.

After the reports on the radio that the shooter was down in the stairwell between the 30th and 29th floor I headed to the 34th floor. The shooter committed suicide after he was trapped in the stairwell while chasing two ladies who held the door closed on the 30th floor while shouting for help. At that same time, the building engineer was resetting the floor stairwell locks that activated as the ladies were holding the door. Gian was finished.

I walked out of the elevator on to the 34th floor. Bullet shells were all over the floor. I proceeded to the conference room where three bodies were lying on the floor under the table. Then I continued down the hallway in looked in one office where another body slumped in a chair behind the desk. On 33rd floor was another body near the library. I headed down to the 32nd floor and walked into a small law firm office. There was a female body on the floor at receptionist’s desk and another body under a desk in the office behind her. I found out later that there was another lady wounded on that floor who later died at the hospital.

I went back down to the lobby and noticed a white van pulling up on the plaza area that turned out to be the coroners. I instructed them to take the van to loading dock area. All the bodies would eventually be taken down there for processing. I got a radio call to take the freight elevator to the 29th floor. When I arrived they had the shooter on a stretcher to be taken down. I help them get the body on the elevator and carried them down to the loading dock.

When I returned to the lobby I was told that the police detectives’ had arrived and was on the 34th floor and need some assistance. I met with them. They needed a special room to put the evidence collected so I unlocked a space for them.

It was close to midnight when I left the building to go back to the office and then home. My son and I along with some friends drove down to Los Angeles for the 4th July that next day. I drove most of the way. I didn’t see much of the ocean, the mountains or trees. My mind was still some place else!

Today, my heart is with the families in Colorado and I share your sorrow. I wish I could say something like this will not happen again but it will.

How do we protect ourselves when another one of our fellow citizens who suffers meltdown and seeks revenge or suicide by mass killing? I know that since 1993, my focus was never over the threat of foreign terrorists, even after 911. My concern and weariness is always about my fellow citizen.

America is a great country but we are plague with awesome alienation from one another. It’s because of our values grounded in independence, self determination and rigorous competition. Normally we are left with only a few close friends and everyone else is a mystery.

We can call theses shooters nuts, kooks and crazies but that only leads intense media speculation full of folklore and provides a greater audience for their advertisers.

Attacks on the NRA and gun control by congress carry little weight. An attack on the 2 Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is also a nonstarter. The gun has played an intricate part of American history and will continue to do so. 

In America, some live by the gun and some us will continue to die by the gun with little recourse. No, I don’t own a gun but it does not make me less aware that my neighbor probably does and I still don’t feel any safer.

As we mourn the lives of another group of Americans who have been victimized by our own style of living let’s not forget that the police can’t protect us, congress can’t protect us and we must be forever be vigilant in finding ways to protect ourselves.

 God bless America! It will find its way!
