Friday, March 4, 2011


In the center of our known universe is what we call the polar star. Near that star is a series of stars that over 60,000 years ago the Ancients scientist in Africa named the Great Bear. It consisted of seven (7) stars that rotated around the polar star. One of the seven stars would remain in one place for 25,850 years before it moved and one of the other seven stars took its place. The early humans in Africa have observed this change at least twice.
Other observations by the ancients included the movement of what became known as the constellations. They noted that each constellation stayed in one place for 2, 155 years before a new one moves into place. It was called the end of an Age and the beginning of a new one. Each constellation was given a name and the circle they moved in was in reverse of the movement of the solar system. They were the time keepers for the changes of the Ages. Current Ages of recorded history cover only 10,000 years.
Each Age was labeled with the four basic elements of nature: fire, water, air, and earth. The ancients felt that each Age demonstrated the prominence of the elements within it. We are now coming to the end of the Water Age element and we will enter the Air Age in 2,155. Each Age was casts in Astrological Symbols. The last Age was called the Piscean Age and was ruled by water, it was the symbol of the fish. The new Age will be the Air Age and is called Aquarius and its symbol is the Water Bearer. The Age before the Piscean Age was the Age of Aires and was symbolized by the ram. The Age prior to the Aires Age was the Taurus Age and it was symbolized by the bull. The Age of the Twins (two people symbol), Cancer (the crab), and Leo (the sun) came before the bull. Keep in mind that these were symbols of time in the sky. They called it the Grand Cycle!
The Ancients worshipped these symbols. The movement of the stars was how they viewed the mystery of creation. Later the focus of humans was on the moon and its cycles. The phases of the moon became the time keeper on earth for planting and ocean movement. Some cultures still worship and follow the phases of the moon in their
religious practices.
The focus on the sun as a life giver on the earth soon became of the primary symbol of worship. The cycle of the sun, the moon, and the planets became the symbols of time and the invention of the Calendar. Ancient humans developed numerous rituals and mythologies based on the cycles and the behavior of animals on the earth. Humans developed their basic beliefs about life by observing how animals lived and the sounds they made.
Today, modern humans have evolved to a level consciousness that allows them to understand that the sun moves in a circle, each planet moves in a circle, the stars move in a circle, and some cultures believe that human life itself moves in a circle. When one realizes how long these circles have been moving before birth and how long they will continue to move after death they will realize that their life is but a single day and their suffering a single hour.
It takes the sun 12 months to travel through its hemispheres and it rotates on its own axis every 25 hours. The sun and the earth spend 30 days in each constellation and the earth rotates approximately every 24 hours. The moon stays in each constellation 2 and ½ days and rotates in 28 days on its own axis and cycles around the earth every 28 days.
Also, the Ancients focused on the cycles of Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Modern humans are tracking Uranus, Neptune and Pluto as well.
The modern human life cycles as compared to the cycles of the universe are almost insignificant. Yet, the space-time continuum we live in causes us to feel that our short time on earth is a long time. However, the older you get the realization of your own mortality takes on a greater significance.
 As we live out our lives in this life-death cycle we need to understand that each moment of our life is a miracle. Every relationship with another human being should be viewed as an opportunity to learn something about yourself because we will all mirror each other.
The mystery of the universe will always remain a mystery, and the mystery of why you are here, where did you come from, and where you will return to will remain a mystery. These are referred to as the great and minor mysteries that humans have struggle with from the beginning of evolution.
Always remember that you are not in the world the world is in you. The most important time in your life is this moment right now. You will always be living between yesterday and tomorrow. So within that space fill it with as much joy as you can and concentrate on bringing joy to others.

Stay focused! Make this cycle a meaningful one and don't sweat the small stuff because it's all small stuff!

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