Saturday, March 5, 2011

Living In The Moment Now!


"Absolute silence is the creative energy and intelligence of the holy spirit, the source of life, the fountainhead of all creative energy and intelligence in the relative existence."

 "The force of the holy spirit of life can only be experienced because the inner self is of the Holy Spirit. True knowledge, love, peace, joy and service to others is of the Holy Spirit. We reveal it in ourselves through renunciation of self, and to seek truth, goodness and beauty."

 "The experience of the Holy Spirit within you cannot be defined by anyone but you and your own definition will be only a reference point because we are a part of the spirit, our experience, our emotions, sensations, feelings, and thoughts come from the Holy Spirit and are in constant motion."

 "We have only one experience at a time and we infer existence from each experience."

 "Eternal life is the realization that the present is the only reality, that reality is the Holy Spirit, the un-definable this, our spirit, undying, omnipresent, the unchanging holy breath of life."

 "Our imagination shows us the vision of our eternal life because it comes from the inner reality which is imperishable and unchanging. The physical reality has its own existence and is always in a state of change, moving along the path of evolution, creating then destroying. Death in the physical world is the absence of thought, the return to the unknown where we all lived before birth, from something to nothing and then something again."

 "We experience the world we have created through our thoughts which are created by our spirit, the force of the Holy Spirit. The physical senses perceive and cause a reaction in our thought which creates a change in our sensations, feeling and emotions."

 "Our thought forms symbols and we project those symbols outward into physical forms which are mere illusions since they are from our thoughts which are in a constant state of change. Our Personality is a gestalt of ever-changing thoughts as guided by our spirit."

 "Life is our spirit and our spirit causes change, to embrace change is to embrace life."

 "The thoughts are created by our spirit and then the thoughts create us. It becomes the ever-forming state of being in which the present sense of existence resides. Thinking organizes our experiences by associations, which are tied together by emotions according to our beliefs. The thinking is male and female, it has many different environments."

 "The thought create and forms matter. It works within us. It is a thought pattern through which we interpret and form reality. We have many thought forms and each from can create its own reality with its own kind of knowledge."

 "Each emotion has its own electro-magnetic reality, completely unique.  The spirit vibrates and becomes thought, and a thought form arises, the thought form develops into desire."

 "Desire is vibrating spirit set in motion and channeled in a particular direction. Obstruction of the desire motion by another energy flow creates anger."

 "Desire functions through the senses. Unless the thoughts turn to being they are naturally engaged in desire. Desire and anger destroys creativity."

 "The only experience is in the moment now, there is no life in memory, it is a mere corpse of an experience. The experience of objects to the senses, pleasure and pain will come and go, they are not and can never be eternal. The highest which man can attain is wonder."

 "Be aware of experience as one with all, to be one with this knowledge is love. We become love, we love. We act with creative morality – not rules and regulations based upon reward and punishment or on the benevolent exploitation of our illusions. Love is when we realize ourselves in others and our behavior toward them is the way we want to be treated."

 "We are infinite, the eternal, we are love the eternal spirit of joy. Living in the infinite, do not deceive each other, do not despise anybody anywhere, never in anger wish anyone to suffer through your body, words or thoughts, keep thy immeasurable loving thoughts for all creatures."

 "Love does not mean sex, sex is only one expression of love in its most exuberant form. It is not natural to express love only through sexual acts."

 "For your own peace of mind, you must believe in mankind's good intent."

 "Love is a biological necessity. Without love, there is no physical commitment to the Holy Spirit. We show love by our behavior not by how we feel."

 "Love seeks expression and creativity. When our behavior is founded on love, we are being creative. Love is the force out of which being comes."
 "Lesbianism, homosexuality and heterosexuality are valid expressions of mankind's bisexual nature. It implies loyalty and commitment."

 "The source which creates life is love."

 "Whenever and wherever there is a sense of two, fear or suffering can exist. No one should ever suffer in life. When the Holy Spirit and thought are not one, we create opposing forces in the inside and create problems. Where the Holy Spirit and thought are one, the answer to every problem is that there is no problem."

 "One must be free of illusions and falsehoods, be free form multiple thought forms. The illusions are the forces born of physical senses and are our own creation."

 "The holy spirit is the flow of energy and movement, the source of all thought. Fear and anger checks or retards the flow of energy. Our desire for things and others directs the energy. Fear, anger, and desire represent destruction and creation, negative and positive along the path of evolution, the changes in the physical world."

 "Activity starts with the flow of desire, multiple thought forms cause a feeling that something is lacking."

 "Desire comes from impressions, and activity creates impressions. This is the physical play of multiple thought forms, which are created by though when separate from the Holy Spirit. The bondage of Karma. The holy spirit is devoid of activity and represent awareness which is knowledge."

 "Living consists of being without multiple thought forms by being completely sensitive to each moment, in the infinite. We are all one!

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