Saturday, March 5, 2011


Understanding of the use of numbers in history and the revelations in the Great Pyramid of Giza is exciting and captivating. According to numerology, the word "salvation" is the number 5.  This is the same number for the Great Pyramid of Giza, the monument containing the path for the life of Rabbi Jesus, with his message, the freedom of the soul with the spirit within it. 
Once again, Rabbi Jesus said:  "I am the resurrection and the life, and he that believeth in me though he be dead yet shall he live and he who liveth and believeth in me shall never die." He said that to Martha and Mary just before he raised Lazarus, their brother, from the grave. Lazarus had been dead for 4 days.
The number 4 in numerology means, of the earth. It is understood that to believe what this lesson taught, "your spirit lasts forever," is what the word faith meant. If you believed that lesson then you had faith. Not the way most people use the word. Having faith that something will come out right or having faith in oneself, etc.  Faith is belief in ever lasting life and as a result, living without fear of death. It simply meant that if you believe that your spirit lives forever and that your soul when impregnated with the spirit will survive the death of the body, then you have faith.
Faith is set by the number 8 and that number stands for the Creator some writers like to call it infinity.  If the soul-spirit did not escape from the bitter fire that was consuming the body, the soul was doomed. Only the spirit could save it. So it made perfect sense when Rabbi Jesus said: "Remember the word, the first aspect of the word is faith, the second is love, and the third is doing good works, from these comes life. The spirit animates the soul but the body kills it." This is the truth. Rabbi Jesus said: "The truth shall make you free." To live within the spirit is to have faith, love your neighbor, and do good works.  As he said: "What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his own soul?" Rabbi Jesus gave directions for he said:  "For the father knows about desire and what the flesh needs. The flesh does not long for the soul and the spirit is never saved apart from the soul. If the soul is saved from evil then the spirit too is saved and the body becomes sinless."  To understand what the struggle was going to be with evil and the desires of the flesh one had to keep the spirit strong by faith and to keep the soul from evil.

            So what was evil? How could it be avoided? We turned to numerology for the meaning of the word. The number 3 is the symbol for evil. That can't be, because the number 3 is the meaning of creation. Is there a conflict? Does evil mean doing things that are contrary to creation? The number 3 is about self- expression, it was about imagination, and it was about thought. In a deeper sense, the number 3 is about energy, the flow of motion and rest. At one point, Jesus was asked about the nature of his father and he said: "The evidence of my father is motion and rest."  The invisible substance that makes thing move and stop is energy. Energy is the best description for spirit. The Holy Spirit is what makes us move and rest. It's like electricity, it gives us light and makes things move, but we can't see it. It's like the wind; it comes from out of nowhere and then leaves. We know not where it goes. That's the nature of the Spirit.
In a Hindu text the Holy Spirit describes creation by saying that the first cause is the infinite and eternal cause, the Holy Spirit. From the Holy Spirit comes pre-thought and from the Holy Spirit comes thought, the word. It goes on to say that from the thoughts of mankind comes the creation of duality in nature, the bondage of karma. Evil is about thoughts, i.e., imagination, self-expression, but what kind of thought was evil?  Karma is described as being multiple thought forms inside of humans that result in bondage on the earth. Then our thoughts must be where the creation of evil comes from. "What's an evil thought? What is evil behavior?" The Hebrew Bible, take from the Kamet people's Book of the Dead, the Ten Commandments set forth what behavior is evil, i.e., killing other humans, lying, false witness, adultery, stealing, etc. but what about evil thought? 
If thought is not based on a holy thought then it had to be evil. A holy thought would come from the Holy Spirit within. The Holy Spirit is shared by all humanity therefore any thoughts or actions to cause harm to humanity would be evil. It would be against the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, "If every human is of the Holy Spirit and if you harm your neighbor, you harm yourself. So, any thought to cause harm to others is evil.
So it is true, "It's not important what you think you are, but what you think, you are." If your thoughts are focused on harming others, then you will. All things are thoughts of the Creator. Eternal thoughts are one with the Creator and come from force, intelligence, and love. Universal love is found in the life of "The Christ." Rabbi Jesus said, "For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasures of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh."

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