Saturday, March 5, 2011


                             BOOK: "GREAT SPIRIT… THE COMFORTER,"    
                                                    by Aubrey W. A. Weldon, J.D
                                           © 1993, Aubre' Publishing Company

                                                    CHAPTER 2


    Jesus said, "There is no TRUTH in reason. Reason is 
only reason." This statement came from the book, The Secret Teachings of Jesus: The Dead Sea Scrolls. The importance of understanding this sacred truth cannot be overlooked. The word reason comes from the word ratio which means to compare differences that are expressed in mathematical formula. For example, if you have ten horses mixed in with thirty cows, the ratio is ten horses to thirty cows, that is, 1/3. Reason is used to compare many different issues, people, or circumstance, but it cannot express what is truth. The conventional Western thought is that reason and logic is used to discover the truth, NOT! Reason and logic are limited to the forms in which the arguments are structured. It does not tell us what is true about the universe. It does not tell us what is true about ourselves. The popular definition of reason or logic is, "When one draws a conclusion or an inference based upon a set of facts." Facts are the entire phenomenon we experience through our senses.
    Can our five senses show us the truth about the purpose of life? Can they tell us where life comes from? Can they tell us where we came from? The Hindu defined thought as the sum of our experiences tied together by our emotions according to our beliefs. What we believe controls our thoughts as dictated by our emotions. Each experience we have creates emotions and thought. The thoughts we create from the experience will be set by our beliefs. It sounds reasonable and it sounds logical, but is  it true?
     Under this concept, our experiences will be explained by what we believe in. It is well settled that beliefs come from early childhood and are directly related to our self Image. To find out how a person thinks, you have to find out what was the content of their physical, emotional, and mental stimuli during their early childhood.

     The Hindu teachers viewed our experiences as activity. From activity comes thought according to our belief. What we desire or want is what creates the activity. What we desire depends upon our beliefs. Reasoning stands at the center of the circle of thought, activity, and belief, it is the road map that we set our life upon to find the truth. It is a road map that leads to nowhere!
     This process of multiple thought forms is the activity of the brain. What you believe becomes the reality you create and it dictates your thoughts and the emotions connected with the various thoughts. You choose the activity that will cause more thoughts to reinforce your beliefs. You will find later in our discussion that the brain is subject to error. It is susceptible to Illusionary and delusional activity; it can be affected by defects in the senses.
     The multiple thoughts forms drive us in our activities until we fall asleep. Some of those thoughts and emotions continue after you fall asleep and become dreams, the only place one may travel beyond circles.
     In Western society rewards are given for your ability to reason. That is, to look for ratio within experiences and draw comparisons, going from one scenario to another. Depending on your beliefs or lack of any formalized belief, you express the ratio in such a manner that it supports the idea you aretrying to communicate. It has nothing to do with the search for truth.
     Words, the vehicles used for reasoning, set the stage for confusion or clarity. The more words you know, the more complex is your reasoning capability. The types of words you use show the level of your reasoning power and the success of communicating your ideas. Sometimes you will find that reasoning called scientific thought is much more impressive than words used with layman associations of gossip, trivial and trifling matters.
     Scientific reasoning follows a specific form. The words used in scientific reasoning are longer in sound and more specific in definition. This type of thought is different than the words used for everyday problem solving. It is often stated that a grasp of mathematical equations lays a good base forclarity of thought. It develops sound linear thinking skills and will make ones conclusions sound convincing.
     The predicament with having too many words and multiple thought forms is that they separate the people from the truth within themselves, leading to confusion and destruction to self. Because of the fallacy in reasoning, some of the most important truths about self are lost. Spiritual unemployment becomes the condition a person suffers through in life. The use and misuse of words become a death trap for the human spirit.
     Once there was a man who had an apple orchard. The people would drive by the orchard and comment on the large leaves on the trees. The limbs were covered with leaves. The people would say to each other, 'What a beautiful orchard, look at the big healthy leaves. He will have a big crop of apples come harvest time.
     Harvest time came but when the owner sent his workers into the field to pick the apples, the apples were small, discolored, and sour. He lost his entire crop. One day, one of the poorest boys in the neighborhood came to the orchard owner and offered to prepare his trees for the next harvest.
     The owner could not afford to pay much because he had lost his crop. He gave the boy some tools and left for a couple of days to borrow some money to pay him. The poor boy spent the next couple of days stripping the trees of their leaves and cutting off some of the branches.
     When the owner returned and saw what the boy had done, he grabbed him and beat him. The owner was furious; he refused to pay him and threw him off his land. The people would drive by the orchard and look in horror.
     They said: Poor fellow, he is now completely ruined. He will have to sell his orchard.' Well, harvest time came and the orchard owner had the biggest apples in the county. They were large, red, sweet and juicy. He sold his crop for a lot of money. He found the poor boy and gave him a bag of money.
     The words and ratio used by people are like the leaves that covered the apples; words and ratio can cover a person's heart (spiritual consciousness), keeping the sun from bringing light into the heart.

    Reason and logic can have that effect on your entire life. Of course, there are all types of living conditions that can further cloud the path way to your heart, causing confusion and disappointment More often than not, the job you work at could cause words and ratio to cover your heart.
    The struggle to make enough money to live on, the fear of losing your job, fear of getting sick and not being able to work are all conditions that can destroy your spiritual consciousness. The petty office politics, the traffic you fight everyday to get to work, and the constant haranguing by the media will drive you into further darkness.
    There is one truth that explains all of these conditions. Failure to recognize this truth creates the potential for the destruction of your being. The truth that causes these conditions is as follows:
     There once was a wealthy man who had a large estate. It consisted of large commercial farms, shopping centers, many high rise buildings, and a few manufacturing plants. The man had three sons and a daughter. One day, he called his eldest son to his office and said, Son, I am going on a long, long journey. I want you to take my estate and divide it equally with your brothers and sister
     The father left on his journey. The eldest son called his brothers and sister to his father's office. He was sitting at his father's large desk. He said to them, I want you George (second eldest) to take over the management of our father's estate. Keep track of all the property we own. And then he said, Frank (the other brother), I want you to be in charge of all the personnel who work for us, and to keep track of the business supplies and equipment." Then he added, "I am going to pay you both a large salary. You will also have health benefits, paid vacation, and a liberal retirement package."
     He turned and glared at this young sister and said, "I want you out of here. Pack up all your things and get off the property." She was cast into poverty. After a long time, the father returned. When he saw what his eldest son had done, he made him go live in the desert for many years until he realized what he did was evil. The estates on the earth are still not equally divided, and our father is coming back. He is not going to like what he finds.
     The truth is that you have to struggle everyday because of the conditions created by the undivided estate. Both of you must be committed to learning the path way to your heart and not be a part of a condition that will only destroy you. Be aware of the power of word and ratio and their power to destroy your spiritual consciousness.
      Now I am going to teach you some of the lessons provided by the teachings of the Ancients of Africa that went beyond reason and ratio. They were lessons aimed at the soul. A lot of this information has been lost to generations. The few who are aware of the teachings keep them hidden. There was a firm belief during the early stages of man's evolution that all the people could not be taught the truth. Only a chosen few were exposed to the wisdom of the Ages; however, I believe that the time has come for all nations to be comforted by the Great Spirit.
     The Age of reason and logic is reaching its natural and predictable death. The time has come for all souls that will take up the truth in its purest form, and evolve to the next dimension of spiritual life. Once both of you have learned the lessons about the brain's tendency to error and create Illusions, you will begin to understand yourself. You will find the real purpose of your journey through this life. 
The early Africans had a saying: 'Mankind stands in nature (earth) under the heavens - and struggles to understand both - without ever understanding himself.' I have always felt that my soul returned to this earth seeking the meaning of it. After many lives, it was ready to face itself.
     The seeking for self (being) started at around seven years old. During that time, in hindsight, I noticed a strong desire and need to know about all things. Another incident occurred around the age of twenty-one. That was when I learned how to guess astrological signs. The trip to India, the astrological experience, was another indicator of my seeking to understand the truth in the purpose of human existence.
     My soul wanted to know the whys and wherefores of it all. The trip to the holy lands and ancient Africa pushed the impetus for spiritual knowledge beyond all imagination; there just had to be more. As mentioned earlier, the real journey started with learning how to meditate. I had to learn to listen to the little voice within without judgment. How was my soul being affected by nature and by the heavens? The ancient Africans taught that we were on this earth to learn the teachings of the three masters. If the soul was to gain answers about its self, it had to understand and act on those teachings.
     When I heard about the three masters, I thought they were teachers in human form. I wondered about their backgrounds; where did they get their education? I thirst for the truth. My soul had heard and believed that the truth shall set you free. 
The masters were not humans, they were concepts and ideas about the environment the soul must encounter on the earth; the information the soul needs to understand how its affected by all the things in its environment. Once the soul mastered these teachings, it would come face to face with itself; it would know its essence.
     One of the lessons the soul has to master is the affects of mysticism and mystics. How can I explain to you the workings of mystics in our society? This is not going to be simple. The soul has an existence separate from the brain and the body, yet the other two are the temple for the soul to live in and use. The soul has had other lives in other bodies and it carries with it the sum total of all its previous experiences, it has also shared in the collective experiences of other souls. I am sorry, that was a mouth full.
     Another way of explaining it the souls within each body and outside of the body is sharing the same inner environmental conditions. A mystic is able to use words and emotions to fuse all souls into one, causing them to share in a simultaneous experience, causing similar feelings.
     The mystic can cause all souls to experience the creative force within each soul at the same time. This is called the power of fusion. The soul is vulnerable to manipulation, and if the soul is unaware of it, it suffers untold scaring from brushes with reckless manipulators, mystics.
     The techniques used in our society today to manipulate the soul are provocation, evocation, analogy and parable. The parable was the best known device used by early teachers during biblical times. One thing you must understand before I go any further is that there are three types of conditions or stimulus which speak directly to the soul without language. They are: sound, smell and colors.
     The soul's reactions to these senses are not readily understandable, but there is a reaction. We only see the end results in the behavior of the person. We will better understand this condition after I discuss how the soul navigates through the universe.
     How can your soul be provoked? One of the most pronounced methods is the use of sex in television commercials. This is similar to waving a red flag In front of a bull. We have found through past experience that the bull reacts to the color red, and it can be provoked to attack
     The basic sex drive inside the body can be provoked to respond, even If the stimulus is false. The Pavlov teachings are quite relevant here. Sexual desire is such a powerful force of energy to be reckoned with because of its propensity to affect us with little or no warning. We are subject to its control.
     The body's impetus for life operates on its own earthly cycle. The soul is unwittingly pushed into the sexual morass. Therefore, by using sexual illusions in the selling of the product, interposing a red flag, the spark of desire for the sex can easily be confused by the brain which relates the product with the sex. It provokes the soul into action whether it wants to or not sometimes words alone maybe used to provoke the soul, i.e., cause passion to overtake reasoning and bum up the brain. For example, when someone calls you a dirty name or they slap your face and call you a dirty name, the red flag goes up. We used to have a saying when I was young. When someone called you or your mother a dirty name, we would say: Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. This was said to overcome our passions or avoid a fight. We were wrong, words could hurt and all the fights were demonstrative of that fact.
      The soul may be manipulated by evocation. This is done by story telling. A story full of emotion and drama will stir the soul. This is called evoking the spirit within the person. Parables were the most efficient way of arousing emotions during biblical times. Some stories can evoke the same feeling in everyone listening to it, where their backgrounds are similar.
     There was once a man who owned a farm. He plowed the hard and dry top soil each year. The crops were poor. The land was so bad he barely grew anything. After years of suffering and near starvation, he decided to sell his farm.
     A coal miner offered to buy the property. He could see that land probably had diamonds underneath the top soil. The farmer sold his farm to the miner. The miner found diamonds on the land and became wealthy. In order to find the kingdom of heaven, you must go deeper within to find it some people can not see the kingdom and will give It away. Don't be like the farmer, look deep into your self and find the diamond within.
     You should be able to feel the loss the farmer suffered or joy the miner found. The purpose of the parable is to evoke the feeling of what it takes to find the spirit of God within you and what wealth you will find. Both of you can remember the stories told to you as children. Remember the Little Train That Could? How about the Three Little Pigs? These were all used to evoke feelings and to teach lessons about life. Unfortunately, the soul is unaware of the manipulation.
      In modern times, we still use parables and analogy to evoke spirits. As you know, analogy is simply drawing comparisons and making conclusions by taking related or unrelated events and comparing them for similarities. The brain, subject to Illusion and error, can be easily misled by parables and stories. The mystic is well aware of this fact.
     The second master is called the symbolist the stories and parables are sometimes connected with a certain symbol. The soul will react to the symbol and remember the story. Symbols are used to designate things in the environment to help the soul identify them. They are used to represent the connection between things and being. That is, the soul and all its surroundings, i.e., heaven, earth, animals, nature, and other humans.
     Each day of your life, the symbolist will be at work your soul will be bombarded with various symbols that have taken on a moaning in your brain. You must challenge all symbols presented to you. Check the validity of its meaning and whether or not it contributes to the healthy growth of your soul. There are some symbols that speak directly to the soul. I will go into more detail concerning those symbols and how they must be processed.
     The last master is called the geometer. Concerned with the property of numbers and the becoming of forms, it measures the nature of the soul's existence on earth. All things in nature count. How nature counts and how it affects your soul will be discussed in great detail. The simplest way to understand this master is to appreciate the fact that all forms in the physical world are conceived in the brain, and are brought into existence by the use of number.
     For example, you decide to build a cabinet for storage. You picture the cabinet in your mind as having three drawers with small knobs on each drawer. You also visualize a place where a mirror will be installed. The cabinet will have four small legs made in the shape of a lion foot and will be gold in color, with brown trim.
     In order to create this cabinet into physical form you will need numbers to determine its proportions. This is where the impact of the pyramid inch becomes important. The number used will determine what form the cabinet will take. The early Africans taught that the soul's journey on this earth is also set by number. This truth will carry you a long way toward freeing your soul.
     Once you have learned how to control the impact of mysticism, symbolism, and geometer on your soul, you will be on the path to salvation, saving your soul from its tendency toward suicide. Learning to free the soul is to learn the divine meaning of life - the journey of the soul.  You will have to get rid of multiple thought forms to begin to expose your heart to the light of true knowledge. Like the leaves on the apple tree that were blocking the sun from the fruit, the multiple thought forms must be removed to expose your heart. You will be required to go beyond appearances, illusions and falsehood, the top soil of life. You will have to dig deep to find the diamonds. You must learn to know your own heart (heart intelligence).
     At one point in African history (more than eight thousand (8,000) years ago) the scarab (a little bug that creates itself inside of dung) was a symbol of the journey of the soul. It symbolizes the human who realizes through himself the element of his becoming and his transformation. The ability to experience the cause that created the soul, understand the evolution of the soul, describes the process. They firmly believed that the cause that caused itself and caused all forms is indefinable and unknowable.
     Another way of saying this great truth is that the energy that caused life on this earth can only be experienced and can not be a product of knowledge. The brain can not label nor understand the nature of the energy, the Great Spirit The soul is able to experience the Great Spirit, and the soul over time will commit suicide if it does not experience its creator. It will have to keep coming back in a new life until it recognizes its true father.
     According to Gandhi, the soul is like a drop of water in the ocean. If separated from the ocean, it will dry up. Yet, once it's aware of its role in life itself, just a part of all the souls, it will be free. You will find in all societies that all the souls are at different stages of evolution. I will mention this now, but later I will go into more detail. The evolution of the soul is about the soul recognizing its own perfection, it's about the soul searching for it own perfection. Imperfection is the state all souls suffer through because of the lack of experiencing its cause which is perfect.
    The best way to see the stations in life where souls hang out is to divide the society into three circles, as was done by the Ancients. In the outer circle of society lives the souls that are governed by passion, they are trapped within the five senses. These souls can be found working as common laborers, farmers, government officials; some of them may be craftsmen, minor priests, and low level business managers.
    In the second circle are the souls trapped in reason and logic, the brain. Here we find technicians, scientists, artists, master craftsmen; some educators, and other professionals.
     The first circle contains the souls living by heart intelligence. Here you find the sages, the temples of wisdom, those with fire in the heart -the fire of ill. This circle is referred to as positive reality, the second circle is designated as relative reality, and the third circle is the reality of the sense, the emotional world.
     The third circle is unmanageable and has no relationship to the first circle. Once you have determined which circle your soul lives in, you can conceptually see your location in the journey of your soul. The Sages taught that it was almost impossible for the soul to get out of the third circle. Those souls in the second circle have the possibility of reaching the first circle if they are able to find their heart
    Now, I am prepared to show you how the senses work, how they affect the reality you are creating. How do you Interface with the solar system through your body?
       The face on your body is your mirror of the solar system. It permits you to navigate on the earth and reflect the solar system. This may all sound elementary but there are some subtleties that can't be overlooked; the deeper meaning of the senses and their purpose.
     The eyes are used to see; however, they also accept light and create energy. Ever wonder why eye contact with another person can be devastating depending on the level of energy being projected. The ears are not just for hearing; the ears are responsible for the direction and balance of the body when moving through space. The nose is thought to be only for breathing and smelling things. It's easy to overlook the fact that the nose also creates forms in the mind. The mouth is not just for eating, breathing, and talking; it also provides for tasting and experiencing different flavors.
     It's the face that permits you to assimilate with the universe. The eyes receive light, the ears permit you to move about, and the nose creates forms in the brain. Of course, the mouth permits the sampling of the earth itself the ancient societies recognized the impact of the senses and how they related to the creation of the solar system within the body. They used an analogy of the face as being the mirror of the universe. The moon is the mirror of the sun. The hearts role to the body is as the sun is to the solar system. The moon is like the brain and like the moon reflects the sun, the brain reflects the heart.
     The Africans taught that the universe consisted of five elements. Sound being the first, followed by fire, water, air and earth. Sound, vibration, was the first element of our solar system.
     Vibrations can be found in all things. I know that this lecture is moving rapidly but you will have plenty of time to explore on your own. Modem science is still struggling with these concepts, trying to find the unified theory about the creation of the solar system.
     The Ancients gave up on what caused it all; they felt that it was indefinable and unknowable and left it alone. The Western Scientist has reduced the search down to the atom, quarks, and the unpredictability of them. The Big Bang theory is popular today. That is, somewhere out in space, there was a big bang (atomic explosion) and somehow the earth and the rest of the solar system fell into place with the planets moving in their own cycles. We now have the expanding universe and we don't know where it's headed. Some have even argued that the universe is collapsing.
      The important thing to understand is that all nations on the earth have some kind of explanation about the creation of the solar system and how life on earth is affected by it. I will explore some of those systems of thought later in this journey. What the Africans taught inflamed my heart with the desire to learn more, the sages in the temples of wisdom, marking each Age Into the future.
      In order to understand the system, we start with sound. The soul must master the  affects of sound. Words cause the greatest problem for the soul. The Ancients referred to the word as the divine word because of its spiritual impact Words are vibrations, and vibrations communicate directly with the soul. Words have a spiritual origin; that's why they are divine. The Ancients used to say that, "To know a things real name is to know its power. To pronounce it exactly is to free its energy." All words contain energy that is independent of the word itself.
     The use of words and mysticism has a direct relationship. Before going further into the mysticism of words, I want to mention that there are three conditions we find in the solar system: harmony, systems, and balance. The three conditions can be expressed as: music, arithmetic, and geometry.
    These three conditions are reflected in the person through, spirit, mind, and Individual experience. All three of the conditions affect the soul. We use words to express the Impact of these conditions on a daily basis. Each one of the conditions is expressed in the teachings of the three masters. Mysticism deals with harmony and disharmony. Symbolism is about system Identity, and geometer is about balance and unbalanced conditions.
    The soul of a person is lifted and enlightened by the spirit. The mind operates the systems in the body. Each experience the person is exposed to win has an impact on the soul In proportion to the gravity of the experience.
     What makes the word divine? Well, Mind is associated with the spirit realm. It means that words spring from the Invisible and unknowable cause. They spring from sound, the first cause. Silence is the nature of the universe. All things spring from silence. The word is a product of vibration and sound. The Ancients, in the development of their language, created symbols that represent things which occur in nature. This helped them to explain the functions of a thing by invoking the spirit of it. They also developed symbols that would explain the heavens. Symbols they developed contained the spirit of the thing itself, its function, its character and its feeling.
     The symbol was related to a function on the body; that Is, if the thing acted like a part of the human body, the symbol for it was related to that function. For example, the letter looks like a foot and leg. The purpose of the foot and leg is to support the body. All things that had that functions in nature started with the letter b. if this logic is consistent, it means that the energy or spirit of a thing is captured in its name. It means that you might use a name thinking that it means one thing but its spirit is associated with something else.
     This entire area of research is new to me but I find it awesome. I will share with you what I have learned, but further investigation on your part will be required. I'm going to proceed through the Alphabet as we know it in modern times. When I used the term Alphabet, I'm simply referring to symbols. The early Africans referred to them as hieroglyphics.
     The first is the letter "a". It was the symbol of the action-principle that signified the greatest to the limits of possibilities, i.e., great yield. It was identified with the number one which was also identified with the sun. The letter "b" was taken from the shape of the leg and toot. When used, it was about something that supports.  It was the sign of duality when two bs were together. The number two is for this letter and it stood for the moon. The letter "c" symbolized animated life, creation itself, symbolized by the number three. The letter "d" was about something that had reached its limits, it could go no farther. It is symbolized by the number four. The letter "e" designated movement and active appearances. It is about energy and was given the number five.
     The letter "f" was to represent breath, the vital quality, the heart symbol. It was given the number six. The letter "g" was about the internal, within, the inside, the active spirit within. It was given the number seven. The letter "h" showed a crossing; energized reactively that which causes phenomenon. It was given the number eight. The letter "I" is the me-principle. It was symbolized by the eye; it was that which opens and shuts, receiving light and refusing light, it was given the number nine.
     The first nine letters were seen as active/passive in energy force, and had a positive charge. The next nine letters are reactive with a negative energy charge, a constant stimulative.
     The letter "j" represented an action principle that was reactive and dual in force. It was given the number one but with a negative charge. The letter "k" symbolized the animated breath, the quickening principle; it was given the number two with a negative charge. The letter "L" symbolized transformation or becoming. The number three is its symbol and it has a negative charge. The letter "m" is that which gives birth, to produce, to give life, it was given the negative number four. The letter "n"symbolized the creation of environment and the creation of duality. The vibration that reveals the content of the container. It was given the negative five number.
     The letter "o" was the symbol for the rhythm of becoming and beginning. It has the negative number six vibration. The letter "p"is to show the place where something parks. The sky where the stars park. The home and direction of the path internal. It was given the negative number seven. The letter "q" was also reactive negative and dealt with causing reactive phenomena. It was given the negative number eight the letter "r" represented the solar nature; that which moves in circles, dilating and contracting-open and closes. It was given the negative, number nine.
      The previous set of nine numbers are negative and reactive in force. The last set of eight symbols is having a dual quality. They contained both negative and positive forces that result in a creative force. Each symbol associated with the creative spirit or vibration was set as creative force.
     The letter "s" is the symbol of spermatic fire, the fertilization of the species. The germ that sparked creation itself. It was given the number one with a positive/negative, charge. The letter "t" is about terrestrial phenomenon, life on the earth. It's passive force with a positive/negative in its affects. It has the creative number two. The letter "u" is about the all, everything, everyone; it's creative with positive/negative number three.
     The letter "v" symbolizes the active-principle of creation; it is given the positive/negative four vibration. The letter "w" is to symbolize amplitude, growth expression, and was given the positive/negative number five. The letter "x" is the symbol for static, rhythmic vital activity. It is the positive negative number six. The letter "y" symbolizes the animation of passivity, movement, and it's Internal. It was given the positive/negative number seven. The letter "z" was given the crossing designation. It causes creative phenomenon. It was given the positive/negative eight
     You are probably wondering if this elaborate scheme applies to all languages. If it's valid, then it should apply; however, I strongly believe that different cultures have experienced the earth and the heavens in different ways. The vibrations they felt ties into their language and symbols. The key to this question is in the numbers. All life is vibration. The symbols and language used by each culture will express it meanings in the forms agreed upon.
     Now, you can take any word and find the spirit within It For example, me word 1lfe' means It's something in transformation. It's animal or human because it breathes and it moves. How about the word "love"? It's about transformation of beginning and ending in a creative way with movement you also notice that both words start with the reactive negative force.
     The early Africans always thought that life was about the journey of me soul in transformation. The soul is on a voyage. A11 existence is a voyage on a course of which the soul, carried in it's corporal boat, is impregnated with consciousness as your eyes with the colors, your ears with the words of nature. What determines the journey the soul will take? The desire and aim of the soul is what moves the soul along its path. What should be the desire and aim of the soul? Here's the crux of the problem with most humans. They spend a life time with many different desires and end up suffering dismal misery.
     It has nothing to do with wealth. One fact about the soul is when it's distorted suffering is equal regardless of station in life. The Hindu and the African's believed that the desire and aim of the soul should be to journey beyond forms and matter. That is, the soul should prepare itself to leave the body and join the spirit with ease. The soul should thrive to become one with the spirit, the light of the universe. I will talk more about this journey at a later juncture.
     The symbolist was the second master for the soul to overcome to be free. One of the most important symbols on this earth for mankind is the symbol of the Great Pyramid. In ancient Africa the Greeks called Egypt the Ancients said: Unfailing witness of the pyramid that cannot err. That meant that the person who understood the lessons symbolized by the pyramid will know the truth about the journey of the soul.
     The pyramid is a symbol of the limits of the soul's journey on earth. If a soul can learn the lessons of the pyramid, it will be free. It will have access to other spiritual levels of existence without the hardship of forms and matter. The pyramid is a definition of life on earth. The "p" represents the place where the soul parks, the home of the soul. The "y" means that it's the place where the internal environment of the soul lives.
     The "r" teach us that the soul is part of the solar nature and that it moves in circles. It is dilating and contracting. The "a" means that the soul, acts withinthe form and matter on earth; It has great possibilities beyond the limits of earth. The "m" means that all we give birth to or produce happens within the limits of the pyramid. The "I" shows how we view ourselves. Each day and night, and the "d" teaches us that the soul reaches a limit inside the pyramid. That's why the desire and aim of the soul is to go beyond the pyramid.
     The pyramid is the magnet that brings heaven and earth together. Its name is the way to revelations. It represents the descent of the soul into matter, the descent into the body on earth. It also represents the ascent of the soul from the body. In every form on earth you will find the pyramid. The pyramid is a cosmic truth.
     The last master, the geometer, teaches us that the soul must conquer the implications of numbers and where they come from; how they represent the truth of the solar system. How are they imitated here on earth?
     As both of you have learned, numbers are a part of all types of deception on earth. They can quantify ignorance; manipulate the many by the few. They can set souls against souls, to make souls seek suicide in the body. You must master the vibration of number and recognize that they only exist in heaven. The sky is the home of the forces that we can't see but only feel their affects. As observers of the sky, you can take three positions.
     There is first the affects of the abstract causal forces and creative ideas attributed thereto. The second is living with the process of becoming within, and lastly, the ability to see your self as the final product of creation. Face to face with it and to study each of its elements.
     The soul must learn how to have insight into all three states and not to confuse them. The abstraction of forces from above brings about gestation and gives it quantity. Your own gestation is a part of this world and you become the final product of it all. For example, the sun is the causal force that causes plants to grow on earth. There is the process of the growth patterns within the plants. The final result of this activity is the plants themselves.
     The sun is the source of human life on the earth. There is the process of growth inside the human body, and there is the end result - you.
     The sky is where numbers live. They impose themselves on all life in great and small cycles all the time. The cycle of the number 12 is significant. The star constellations never change. They circle the earth every 12 months. They travel from east to west. The creative idea developed by the 
Ancients called this system of movement, the zodiac - the celestial stream. The Ancients divided the zodiac into thirty-six (36) sectors. Stars belonging to each sector were called decanates because each sector was in the sky for ten (10) days.
     Keep In mind that this drama in the sky existed independent of what theory the humans on earth were considering. The only truth here is the observations. The application of number, that is, 10, 12, etc., etc., is a man made connection. 
To say that the numbers live in the sky is simply to acknowledge that man's rational brain has defined his sky by using a number system he devised. The system, based on the number 10, is established by the Ancients the same way they developed the alphabet He referred to his body, in this Instance, the two hands for counting.
     This is why the sky, as an abstract world, becomes the definition of its cycles and causes many different types of numbers. The sun was seen as the master and life giver in the twelve (12) sectors. The star sectors moved in one cycle, while the planets, as observed by the Ancients, moved in different cycles and at different speeds, giving birth to abstraction of numbers.
     For example, there were two planets that travel close to the sun, Mercury and Venus. By the way, the term 'planer means to wonder about that Is, they move about the solar system. Venus is present when the sun sets and when it rises. 
It is in front of the sun at its rising and It is near it at its setting. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn move in the celestial stream, sometimes in reverse direction.
     The sun travels through all thirty-six (36) sectors in twelve (12) months, Jupiter In twelve (12) years, crossing three sectors a year. Saturn takes 
twenty-nine (29) years to travel through the thirty- six (36) sectors.
     The Ancients saw the moon as responsible for gestation One) on earth. That Is, the birth cycle in the female is set by the moon. The moons cycle is about twenty-nine days, and because Saturn's cycle is about twenty-nine years, the Ancient felt mat Saturn represented the master of time and the lunar periods.
     They believed that the whole universe is alive, and is the source of every -thing; life itself is one with it, despite appearances. With this strong belief, that the universe was the causal source for everything, the ideas about life on earth and its relationship to the universe became the starting point for explaining nature and life.
     Just like the sun is different everyday, stellar conjunctions are changing all the time. Each new seed on earth will produce another seed-unlike itself. We have daily seasons, monthly seasons, and annual seasons. Due to the cycles of the sun, the year is divided into three seasons. Each season has four months. The seasons are winter, summer, and fall.
     The sun travels north for six (6) months; then it travels south for six (6) months. One hour in a day equals 1/12 of a twelve hour day, and a twelve hour night. The universe is counting when using the numbers assigned by the Ancients.
     With number, the geometer sets down the rules to use for the interpretation of the solar system. The behavior and appearances of the system is acting Independently of the geometers findings. The number is the definition for a cycle. The following numbers are given to the rotational cycle of each wanderer in the solar system:

Sun -25 days and 8 hours 
Mercury -58 days and 16 hours 
Venus - 243 days 
Earth -23 hours and 56 minutes 
Mars -24 hours and 37 minutes 
Jupiter - 9 hours and 48 minutes 
Saturn - 10 hours and 39 minutes 
Uranus - 17 hours and 14 minutes 
Neptune - 18 hours and 30 minutes 
Pluto -6 days and 9 hours 

All the Planets are rotating around the Sun at various speeds: 
Mercury - 86 days 
Venus - 225 days 
Earth - 365.26 days 
Mars - 1.88 years 
Jupiter - 11.9 years 
Saturn - 29.5 yearn 
Uranus -84 years 
Neptune - 166 years 
Pluto - 248 years < o:p>
   The sky is a world of abstractions interpreted by numbers. A dance that is so perfect, a number can be used to predict each movement.
     Earth dwellers will concede that the sun has an affect on human life. They also accept the fact that the moon has an affect on human life. There are many different interpretations about the quality or nature of the affect a great number of humans reject any notion that the great dance in the sky is affecting the nature of the human dance. A leap of faith is required to define and interpret other possible affects of the solar system on human life. This is where the geometer gets covered by mysticism and dogma.
     The Ancients believed that nature and the fate of animals are fixed by the stars. Whatever happens to plant life and animal life is already set by the universe. What we see every day is the seeds of nature and animals producing variations on a theme, and then finally facing extinction. 
The trees and flowers go through their seasons of growth following the seasons of the sun. The animal part of all life follows the birth and death 
cycle fixed by the aging process in nature, time. The destruction and creation process along the path of evolution.
     The Ancients further believed that the divine spirit (spirit-soul) is not of nature. The divine spirit is the spark in human life that becomes conscious in the soul. It grows into a vita germ. Through this process, if the human allows it to govern the animal part, he will be the master of his own fate. The soul is not subject to the stars; the soul is free and can alter its course. According to the Ancients, the soul can receive this spark (vita germ) at least three times during the journey of a life. The first time is at the age of four (4) months, then again, at four (4) year of age, and in the forty- second year of life.
      If the spark does not germinate, the soul will continue to reincarnate. If the soul never receives the sparks after many lifetimes, it can be lost forever.
     The great dance in the sky gave birth to astrology, that is, the study of the stars and planets. The study of astrology is the earliest journey into scientific reasoning known to mankind. Mysticism, symbolism, and geometer were the foundation of astrological thinking.
      Though people in the western part of the world treat astrology as pure mysticism, without factual foundation, the eastern part of the world has been a little more aggressive in their pursuit of this knowledge.

     I am going to explain to you what I have learned about the subject and how it has affected my soul. The experiences I have had are varied. I have been a constant seeker of truth, so I proceeded to learn as much as possible.
      The solar system impacts life on earth in a measurable way. Astrology has added to our knowledge of the Ancients and how they used it. The Ancients taught that at the hour of a person's birth, and location on the earth was influenced by the planet closes to the earth. They taught that 
conception and gestation are both affected by the astral moment.
      The Ancients believed that a name was a magic word. Just as the hour affects the person, the name given them also affects the course of their life. The name of a person expresses personality and quality of spirit-soul. The understanding was that the soul is free to choose its own desire and aim and could control the impact of the stars.
      When I was in India, the local astrologer said that the reason I could discover a person's sun sign through observation was because I was spiritual, implying that spiritual forces have something to do with astrology. Today, I am more aware that what a person believes affects the thought process. Thinking is a product of our emotions, self image, and beliefs. Therefore, in this area, I tread lightly because I am not sure of where spiritual force comes from. I am not aware of how much the brain and reason begins to pervade this concept as well.
     I know that after reading several books on astrology, and by following the directions, I could discover a person's sun sign. I have also found that if you want to see a certain character trait in someone, you can see that trait. If what we believe determines what we see, then astrological reasoning is simply a product of experience and thinking.
      What should you know about astrology? How can you keep from confusing your soul with labels and names that cause you to create vibrations that are foreign to you? Should you avoid astrology? Should you condemn it in concert with the churches? Read on and decide for yourself. 
Astrology teaches us that a person's sun sign, that Is, the constellation the sun was in at the time of birth, would determine the personality traits of the person. The constellation the moon was in will determine the person's emotional state. The planet that was the person's inner nature and personal appearance.
       They also taught that Mercury was the ruler of the mind, Venus the ruler of passions, and Mars the ruler of speech and movement Saturn as the ruler of discipline and time, while Jupiter was the ruler of childhood.
       Some astrologers refer to themselves as Sideralist because instead of finding the location of the sun, they are focused on the stars in the constellation. The reasoning is that the stars change every ten (10) days and are much more stable than a planet they feel that their charts and predictions are far more accurate.
      I am not bothered with the arguments between the two schools of thought; I am more focused on how either argument affects the soul. If the soul screams to be free of all convention, to escape matter, then it must learn how to deflect this reasoning process.
     The Ancients looked at astrology first from the affects of the Grand Cycle and then they saw it from the Annual Cycle perspective. The Grand Cycle of the constellations procession is the measure of the quality and nature of each Age on the earth. An Age represented 2100 years, and each Age was governed by one of the four elements of nature. The cycle moves clockwise around the zodiac. The last Age was the Piscean Age, ruled by water. The Age before the Piscean Age was the Age of Aires, symbolized by the Ram and was ruled by fire. Each Age is found by continuing around the Zodiac in 2100 year intervals.
      The next Age Is the Aquarian Age. It will be ruled by air. The element that rules each Age is directly relevant to what progressive developments occur in technology, knowledge, and wisdom. During the Piscean Age, we saw the development of shipping and the exploration of the earth by water. In the coming Age we are beginning to see the development of communication systems, spiritual evolution, and computers, all based on the air element
     The Annual Cycle moves in a counter clockwise direction with January (Capricorn) at the top and February (Aquarian) following to the left and with Pisces in March.
     What does all of this have to do with the soul? If the system contained truth, rather than reason and logic, we could say that it permits the soul the awareness of the possibilities within the environment of human life. It would remove many surprises about the evolution of the human experience.
       I hope that you are beginning to see that Astrology is complex and can be misleading. This was probably one of the reasons it was banned by the church. Both of you can remember the times when I was doing astrological charts and sharing them with you. I didn't realize it then, but I was just going through a stage of personal and spiritual growth.
       The basics of astrology are that the planet that is close to the earth at your birth will be your sun sign. For example, a person born during the winter when Saturn is close to the earth will be a Capricorn. 
The traits attributed to a Capricorn come from the mysticism, symbolism, and geometer given to the planet Saturn. Due to Saturn's cycle and appearance, the Ancients felt that it ruled time and discipline on earth. Its cycle coincides with the number element of the moon, twenty-nine (29) years vs. twenty-nine (29) days. Its affects controls time and the discipline in the cycles of the entire universe. An old planet surrounded by colorful rings and had twenty-three (23) known moons. It looked capricious in the sky and was drawn with the symbol of the goat with a fish tail.
      Its nature was tough and persistent and it had the sexual habits of goats. The typical person born under this symbol was seen as capricious, an old soul, and as an extremely disciplined soul. They represented the father of the zodiac, and were depicted as father time.
     The planet Mercury was seen as having two sides, and it moved fast in its cycle. It was given the symbol of the twins and communication was its quality. The person born under its Influences was seen as a communicator and as having a double personality.
     The location of the moon in a certain constellation meant that the emotional state of the person would take on the character of that constellation. The affects of all the planets in the person's chart had to be considered. You can see that ft's not a precise science and it requires a lot of translation.
      A great device for explaining and predicting behavior, but accuracy Is a problem The mysticism of the Planets are in the words that describe them, the symbolism Is the nature of the animal or thing assigned to it, and the season is relevant to the character of the person.
      The geometrical affect is the number assigned to the planet and the degree it sits in the constellation. I don't know enough about astrology to discount it's affects upon the soul. I have found that sometimes you can guess a person's sun sign or ascendant just by observing that they behave or look like someone whose sign you already know, by using logic and reason.
      This Is an extremely perplexing moment for me. The power of the mysticism and symbolism in astrology is awesome. I know there must be some stain of truth in everything, but how it fits into astrology is beyond me.
     The soul still wants to be free. Animals are fixed by the stars but humans are not Because of free will, I feel strongly that human beings can control their own desire and aim in life; however, there is also a strong argument that the animal part of humans can be fixed by the stars. Just as colors and sound affect human behavior, the planets must have some affect, but we are not sure how or what it is.
      The Ancients made up descriptions based upon the behavior and appearances of planets. The argument is that those same descriptions appear in humans at birth when the designated planet is near the earth.
I have seen demonstrations of people tying to guess a persons sun sign by asking them their favorite color. I have used the device myself. By a leap of faith, you can follow the argument that each planet with its season represents a particular color.
      The winter colors of earth are browns and blues, while early and late spring brings out the greens, yellow and reds. The summer months continue 
with the reds, dark browns, and light blues. The fall brings the rusty colors, the plaids, the darker colors, and falls into winter again. With a little practice, you can begin to make some educated guess about a person's sun sign by knowing the colors of the season they were born in.
      One excellent way to shed further light on the subject of astrology and its affects on the soul is to compare it with the Eastern approach to explaining the great dance in the sky. Looking at China and some of the other Oriental approaches to explaining the universe and its affects upon human life can further clarify the Issues.
        The Chinese also look at the sky from a different part of the world. This Is an Ancient system, but I believe that astrology predates it a complete cycle of the Chinese universe is sixty (60) years. It has five (5) cycles of twelve (12) years each. They have five elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. The system is a lunar system because it is interpreted by the cycles of the moon as opposed to the sun.
         Each one of the elements is represented by a negative or positive charge. Each of the twelve years has one of the elements. One year will be a negative year; the following year will be a positive year. Each year also has an animal sprit that represents it a person born during the year of the animal designated; depending on the exact hour will have the nature of that animal as their personality trait.
         Only some of the astrological signs are symbolized by animals, but the animals are different the mysticism behind this system is started by a story attributed to Lord Buddha, the great soul of China. Lord Buddha summoned all the animals to come together before he departed from the earth. Only twelve animals came to say goodbye so he named a year after each in the order they arrived. First came the rat; then the ox, the tiger, and the rabbit then came the dragon, snake, horse, and the sheep. Lastly came the monkey, rooster, dog, and the boar. Again, depending on the year you were born, this little animal hides in your heart.
        The animal signs are combined with the five main elements that are combined with the planets. Wood is ruled by Jupiter, fire by Mars, and earth by Saturn, Metal or gold ruled by Venus, and Mercury by water. The negative and positive poles of each element is called the Yin and the Yang.
       On the Lunar Calendar, the day begins at 11 p.m. and the twenty-four hours are divided into twelve sections of two hours each. Each section is ruled by one of the animal signs. The time of birth is the ascendant and shapes the personality. The twelve signs are divided into positive and negative sides.
      The rat, tiger, dragon, rabbit, monkey, and dog belong to the positive sign, while the o; rabbit, snake, sheep, rooster, and boar belong to the negative sign. The boar, rat, and ox, are with the water element the tiger, rabbit, and dragon are with the wood element the snake, horse, and sheep are with the tire element the monkey, rooster, and dog, are with the metal or gold element
      The elements also reflect the changes in the seasons, water for winter, wood in the spring, tire in the summer, and metal in the autumn. The symbolism comes directly from the purpose and functional aspects of the element From metal we get water, from water we get wood, from wood we get fire, and from fire we get the earth. Of course, all metals come from the earth, so the cycle begins again. The interchange between the elements is based upon power and control in relationships.
      Metal is controlled by fire and fire is controlled by water. Water is controlled by earth, and earth is controlled by wood. Wood Is controlled by metal and, again, the cycle starts.
      The character in each person is with the behavior and quality of each of the elements. The hour of birth controls personality, but the element is the character. For example, people born in the year controlled by metal will be seen as rigid and resolute in expression while those in the fire year will be active, dynamic, and with plenty of ambition.
       I know this is lot of information, but it will be helpful for you to recognize and understand it whenever the soul is faced by the mysticism of it, or the symbolism.
      The geometrical affect here is the measurable relationship between all of the factors outlined. According to this approach, a person's oriental chart will have the elements of your birth, the element of your animal sign, and the element of your hour of birth. It will also have the element of your month of birth. It also includes the element of your county of birth, the animal signs that are compatible and those that are incompatible.
      Superimposed upon the animals, the elements, and the negative or positive charge Is the affects of the moon. The moon governs the lunar month and has four phases. Each phase is made up of an element and is reflected in each animal sign. The phase the moon was in when you were born depends on the date of your birth. The moon phases start at different times of the month. The lunar year start In the winter, the presence of the first new Moon, so dates vary each year that starts the Chinese New Year.
       The first seven and one half days are the new moon. The second seven and one half days are the first quarter or second phase. The next seven and one half days are the third phase or full moon. The last seven and one half days are the last quarter of the moon or the fourth week.
       The new moon stands for renewal, birth, sowing, and awakening. The first quarter is for potency, maturity, and full growth. The second quarter or full moon is organization, harvest, collection and storage. The last quarter represents completion, conclusion, and hibernation.
       The element that represents the new moon is wood and reflects the animals associated with that element. The second phase is fire, the third is metal and the last one is water. The Chinese believed that the lunar Influences are the strongest because our bodies consist of three quarters liquid and the moon has a strong magnetic pull on bodies of water such as the rising and ebbing ocean tides. Plants and animals are also subject to this tremendous force.
       In summation of this system, it started with planets just like astrology. The earliest date we have to start with the Chinese Lunar Calendar is 1900 though the system is more than forty-six hundred years old. In 1900, the ruling planet was Venus and it was a Positive-Metal-Rat year. The following year was the Negative-Metal-Ox year. The cycle continued as follows:
1902- Mercury-Positive-Water-Tiger 
1903- Mercury Negative-Water-Rabbit 
1904- Jupiter-Positive-Wood-Dragon 
1906- Jupiter-Negative-Wood-Snake 
1906- Mars-Positive-Fire-Horse 
1907- Mars-Negative-Fire-Sheep 
1908- Saturn-Positive-Earth-Monkey 
1909- Saturn-Negative-Earth-Rooster 
1910- Venus-Positive-Metal-Dog 
1911- Venus-Negative-Metal-Boar 
1912- Mercury-Positive-Water-Rat
      The second cycle of twelve years would follow the same order as above except the cycle would start with water. The third twelve year cycle would start with wood, the fourth twelve year cycle would start with fire, and the fifth and last cycle would start with earth. The information we have is not enough to show when the sixty year cycle begins or when it will end.
      Keep in mind that these two systems, astrology and moon charts, of explaining the affects of the solar system on human life have been around a 
long time. Generations after generation have followed the dictates of each as passed down by the Ancients.
      The similarities can be seen in the use of the planets as symbols for events happening on earth. The Chinese use of the MOON style="mso-bidi-font-weight: bold" is still one of the most accurate systems used by agricultural in modern times. Astrology is still under attack by the church, and is used to varying degrees by every walk of life.
        Another system of explanation in the area of mysticism, symbolism and geometer is the subject called Numerology. The use of numbers as a designation for mystical phenomena Is nothing new to many groups In America, especially the Jewish Religion. As to when the system attributed to numerology first started is not clear. The simple premise underlying the basis for numbers comes from the belief that the whole universe counts. That is, everything ever created is governed by number. Numbers were used to quantify the vibrations in words. Words and number were closely related.
       The sages in ancient Africa use to say, 'Understanding may be awakened by knowledge of symbols and analogies, by knowledge of numbers or by absolute surrender of 'me' in total fusion with self.'
       Number determines form. All forms started with the number one (1). The universe is all one (1). It is number that determines tile forms taken in life and the journey it takes. Also, a person's name can set the desire and aim of the soul. If this is true, then a person must understand the mysticism and symbolism of their name to free the soul of its impact.
      Under numerology, all names are set to number and each number has a meaning independent of its use. You will notice mat in our previous discussion about the divine word, we saw how each letter was symbolized by a number. The number has the same meaning as the letter associated with it.
The following is a simple table of how numerology Is organized: 

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H   I
J   K  L  M N O  P  Q   R 
S  T   U  V  W X Y   Z 
1   2   3   4   5   6 7   8    9
The meaning of each number is as follows:
1 = Individualization, ambitious, career, leadership. 
2 = associations, groups, center of attention. 
3 = creative, self-expression, attractive, sought 
4= organization, respect, pillar of society, hub. 
5 = freedom, sensuous freedom, travel. 
6 = adjustments, domestic life, ordeal, changes. 
7 = wisdom, aloneness, internal, within. 
8 = wealth, board of director, president, material 
9 = universality, the brotherhood of man, of the 

       As previously discussed under the divine word application, each line of letters is associated with a particular force in nature. A through I are the 
active/passive forces, J thorough R are the reactive force, and S through Z is the creative forces.
      So, it is number that gives meaning to the words. It is number that contained the real meaning of life. Where do the numbers come from? Where did they get the meaning for each number? To learn where the numbers come from is the path to understand the essence of how mankind developed an Introspective about self. One had to understand the developmental stages of the human body and mind.
       The vast majority of the knowledge gained by the Ancients about the evolution of the human is through observation. By watching and listening to the growth process of a human life, they observed similar patterns and urges that could be identified at each stage of development a child at the age of ten will have the same urges and behavior patterns of a child of the same age. These urges could be discovered and described in great detail.
        The Ancients set about developing a chronicle of human urges and concerns at each age of growth. Each age grouping was divided by seven year periods. A child from one (1) to seven (7) will have certain urges that would change when the child was between seven and fourteen (14);the change cycles would continue for every seven years until the person reached the age of sixty-three(63), then the cycle would start again.
Each stage was given a number that symbolized the description of that stage. The stages were outlined and labeled as follows: 
Age: 1 to 7   7 to 14  14 to 2l 
Cycle: (1)       (2)         (3) 
Age: 21 to 28   28 to 35   35 to 42 
Cycle: (4)           (5)          (6) 
Age: 42to49    49to56   56to63 
Cycle: (7)         (8)            (9)

      The numbers, one (1) through 
nine (9), have the same meaning as outlined before. The simplest way to put it is that a child in the 1 cycle is self absorbed, self centered, and is ambition about self. When they are between seven and fourteen, they start to join the group, the association, wanting attention. From fourteen to twenty-one, the creative impulse of being begins. The need for self expression becomes paramount. Anyone who has raised children will recognize the teenager syndrome at this point of development
    Twenty-one through twenty-eight will be urges for organization of ones life, looking for respect, and overly sensitive to the treatment from others. Twenty-eight to thirty-five is a period when the soul wants to be free. It will seek sensual and physical freedom in all directions, including travel.
        After the dispersion of wild oats, the person will fall into the thirty-five to forty-two cycle, and will suddenly be faced with all types of adjustments caused by circumstances created in the previous cycle. There will be a move toward domestication and responsible behavior.
       The end of the twenty-eight to thirty-five cycle can be quite devastating for males. Some males become so disoriented and confused they commit acts of desperation that could lead to a loss of the present life journey.
      Upon reaching the age of forty-two, the human starts the journey within. A period of meditation about self, the internal vibration experienced, and the why questions concerning the internal dialogue.

      After this journey is over, the 
person is ready for the eighth (8th) cycle starting at forty-nine. A time for the accumulation of wealth, more of a leadership role within their own lives. The fifty-sixth year will find the human now opening to universal principles of life, universal brotherhood. Once beyond sixty-three, the cycles start again, until the death of the body containing the soul.
      The validity of these various systems of explanation about the human condition on earth will remain a mystery. I have outlined for you some of the subtleties of each system. This will help your soul understand what is happening within the systems that are independent of the soul.
         They are all products of the human brain and are born of Illusions, delusions, and falsehoods about the ultimate truth of mankind's existence on the earth. The error factor in the brain is pervasive, and because of it, the brain becomes the greatest obstruction to learning the truth.
         The senses, if not understood, will cause havoc. A soul without this knowledge will be suffocated into darkness. 

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