Saturday, March 5, 2011


The Great Pyramid of Giza gives clear indication of a 1,000-year period. (10 R. Cubits width of the Queen's Chamber) This revelation is not inconsistent with the Bible though it is inconsistent with what Rabbi Jesus really taught. He goes on to say, "Although no man is to foreknow the "day and hour" of Christ's second coming, a study of the Book of Daniel will show that in "that day" an understanding of the prophetic "days" namely, 1335,1290 and 2300 will be found by those who search. These were the year periods ending in the "restoration of all things." If the end times and troublous times started in 1914, one could at least find a year that might be the one spoken of in the Bible as the great millennium of Divine rule. If the use of numbers in the Great Pyramid and the use of numbers in the Bible support the prophecies then it must follow that the numbers can be used to find the end of "troublous times" and the beginning of "spiritual times." 
The Ages of man as taught by the early Kemet priest, taught that each age was governed by an element, i.e. air, water, earth, and fire. According to the Ancients, each Age lasted for 2140 years. The ages were named after the constellations in the Zodiac. If the Great Pyramid of Giza was built in 2623bc, what Age was it? If Jesus' birth is given as September 29, 2 BC and his Age was known as the water age in the Constellation of Pisces, the fish symbol in the sky. The Age before would have been the age of fire, the Constellation of Aires, the symbol of the Ram in the sky. The Age prior to that would have to be the earth age, the Constellation of the Taurus, the bull symbol in the sky.  Therefore, he was born 521 years after the end of the Age of Aires, the fire element. According to Capt., the year used by the Great Pyramid of Giza as the reference year for measurement was 2141BC. The reason is because the Descending Passages are in exact alignment with the North Star.
"In response to a question if the North Star ever shone directly down the Descending Passage, Sir John Herschel, the famous Astronomer Royal of England, ascertained in 1840 that only in the 22nd century BC did the then North Star or Pole Star, known as Draconis (Dragon Star), so shine. No other Pole Star in history has ever been in that exact position. The Pleiades or "Seven Sisters," in the constellation of Taurus (the Bull) was in alignment with the measuring line. According to the measuring line the actual construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza started in 2623BC."According to the Great Pyramid, Rabbi Jesus was born 2139 years after the reference year, which places his birth at 2BC, at the end of the age of the Ram. The Pisces age of water will end the year 2140AD.Then we will enter the Age of Aquarius, the air element.
The air age is noted for being the Spiritual Age. Modern thinkers called it the information age, the communication age, and several other material classifications. The ancients called it the Spiritual Age.  2140 AD is the number 7, the symbol for completion. 2140 AD is the time period that ends the reign of Rabbi Jesus as the teacher for the previous generations of man. According to the ancient teachings in the Jewish traditions, the next savior or messiah for the Spiritual Age will be called "The Comforter.”

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