Friday, March 4, 2011


The Ghost of Slavery in ....America.... –Time for Change! Stop the Madness!
"I pity from the bottom of my heart any nation or body of people that is so unfortunate as to get entangled in the net of slavery. I have long since ceased to cherish any spirit of bitterness against the Southern white people on account of the enslavement of my race. No one section of our country was wholly responsible for its introduction, and, besides, it was recognized and protected for years by the General Government. Having once got its tentacles fastened on to the economic and social life of the Republic, it was no easy matter for the country to relieve itself of the institution…." I condemn it as an institution, as we all know that in America it was established for selfish and financial reasons, and not from a missionary motive," Booker T. Washington, Up From Slavery, 1856-1915.....
My great-grandfather was a slave from 1843-1865 in ....Alabama..... Now that I have learned that slavery as an institution has haunted mankind since the beginning of what we call civilization. We more recently had a case of slavery tried in an American Criminal Court within the last two months though it was outlawed in ....America.... in 1865. There is something peculiar about human nature that will compel a human to enslave another human whether from wars or for economic gain. It goes without saying that the "peculiar institution" as an American Institution left the country in a devastating, amoral, deplorable condition economically and socially.....
The legacy of the American families who profited from slavery was not confined to one race of people. American of European decent held slaves, Americans of African descent held slaves, and some American Indians held slaves. It was clearly the economic vehicle of the times. After over 400 years, the children and grandchildren of these former slaveholders are wrestling with the tentacles that won't let go! Our own government separates us by race in the census every ten years. Our own media treat us as separate races by their convenient designations that are politically correct.....
Our consciousness is bombarded with racial distinctions and racial drama whether real or created for expediency. As an African American child of the 60's and a direct descendent of a Native American, African American, and Irish American, it is truly amazing and profound to be living and participating in the American election drama this year.....
The duplicity, deviseness, and wickedness of racial stereotyping, gender attacks, and homophobia chatter is suffocating and dangerous to the body politic. Though history has taught us that not every American European was participating in the slave trade nor did every African American or Native American participate in the slave trade and yet the newsmakers and the media pundits still speak in vast generalizations, smearing the good people right along with the wicked.  Least not let us forget that if it were not for the good Americans of European decent slavery as an institution would still exist today in America. As for those Americans of African decent who feel some long lasting bonds of hatred because of slavery I would advise you to re-read or read "Up From Slavery" and try to visualize what was happening then and what's been happening in America the since the 1960's. ....
The Ghost of slavery will be with us for a while longer because its legacy is still entangled in our body politic and in our social consciousness. The destruction of the African's sense of family and community by slavery cannot be repaired in 300 years. The prison population in ....America.... is witness to that fact where African American male between the ages of 14 –29 represent over 42% of the prison population. The high school dropout rates of African American are still at high levels and the ones going to college is declining in some areas of the country.....
How do we overcome the hatred, wickedness, and fear of rejection that still exist in a substantial number of Americans of all colors and creeds as we go into the 21st century? Booker T. Washington once said, "He would never allow another human being to cause him to have hatred in his heart again." What can we learn today from this former slave? The word is "forgiveness." As you get older you understand that the only path to peace is forgiveness. Every American of European decent, every American of African decent and very Native American has to forgive their ancestors for the suffering they caused others by following the lead of a few wealthy Americans who profited from and perpetuated slavery and its conditions for over 300 years. Though we may never forget it we have to forgive in order for us to move on with our own personal growth as a human being. ....
Every African American who has suffered through a history of violence, murders, rapes, and racial bigotry must evaluated their consciousness that still struggles with childhood racial strife (CRF) and find ways to forgiveness.  Ignorance and illiteracy are by- products of slavery and must be viewed in that light. Do not allow the wicked to make you fill your life with hatred and indifference. ....
During this election year and those in the future the collective consciousness of Americans will be put to the test. Can they judge by the contents of someone's character or will they still judge by the color of someone's skin? May the path to forgiveness be lit throughout this politico journey:  It's time for change! ....

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