Saturday, March 5, 2011


The spiritual evolution of humans depended on where they lived and the nature of their government and the religious myths being enforced. The Western evolution was quite different from the Eastern Sciences concerning the human spirit. The world of meditation practices in the East and the teaching from the Hebrew bible in the West will be difficult to reconcile. While the East focused on the brain as an entity that could be controlled and a state of Nirvana may be achieved through meditation, the West focused controlling human behavior by stressing biblical laws that were followed in ancient Kemet (Greeks change to Egypt).
          The book "Being Your Own Guru" by Betty Berthoud, teaches a person how to quiet the mind through mediation. This is an example of the East while the West focused on the saving of the soul from the excesses of the material world and the after life.
The study of different religions around the world will lead to similar desired outcomes in life. However, some writers in the West have begun to introduce Eastern practices into their spiritual practices. Books by Shirley MacLaine; "Dancing in the Light and It's All In the Playing." Alan W. Watts, "The Wisdom of Insecurity" and Jane Roberts, "The Nature of The Psyche." Also, Rabindranath Tagore, "The Religion of Man," Vera Stanley Alder, "The Finding of The Third Eye" and Deepak Chopra's "The Third Jesus" have opened a broader spiritual journey for humans in the West. Books such as H.P. Blavatsky, "The Secret Doctrine," and Florence Campbell, "Your Days Are Numbered,"  "The Story of Edgar Cayce" by Thomas Sugrue, concerning altered states of consciousness, and out of body experiences have also become a part of the spiritual debate in the West. There were three books that really sparked  interest and imagination, Levi, "The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus Christ," Isha Schwaller De Lubicz, "Her-Bak –The Living Face of Ancient Egypt and the Egyptian Initiate," and "The Secret Teachings of Jesus (Four Gnostic Gospels)" by Marvin W. Meyer. Spiritual understanding deepened when one reads more books on ancient history and the religions of man.

          Books on Astrology, Numerology, and Chinese Astrology demonstrated a different approach to the study of the Spirit. The priest of Kamet and the type of material they studied, the ideas they held about the universe really revealed the diversity of thoughts in humans about spirituality. Some authors have argued that religion itself stands in the way of humans finding out who they really are and they end up feeling separated from nature and be compelled to follow the orders of the male dominated religious higharchy.
SCIENCE OF NUMBERS –GREAT PYRAMIND OF GIZA From ancient times, the science of numbers was used to explain what was happening with the universe. The ancient priesthood numbered the planets in the sky. They kept track of their motions and assigned numbers to their orbits. They used numbers based on one through nine, i.e., ten-based system.
They divided the sky into twelve constellations, giving each a name. They counted how many days it took the Sun and the Moon to move through each constellation. How long did it take each planet to move through each constellation?
The ancient use to say, "The Universe counts." Later, each number was given a meaning along with each planet. For example, the number one (1) was assigned to the Sun, the number two (2) the Moon, three (3) the planet Venus, four (4) Saturn, the number for the earth, five (5) for Mars, six (6) for Jupiter and seven (7) for Mercury. Later, the numbers were assigned to the alphabet. Through the teachings of the ancients, the Bible, and Pyramid of Giza, one can learned the true purpose of life on the earth.  Rabbi Jesus said, "The truth shall make your free," and it's the truth.

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