Saturday, March 5, 2011

American Corporate Power Gone Wild

The Passion of the American Poor Under the Wrath of the Federal Reserve Bank-American Corporate Power Gone Wild!
                                    By Aubrey Weldon, Esq.
The games theory in Las Vegas and the Disneyland mentality theory of life has so severely traumatized and damaged the consciousness of the majority of Americans that they have fallen into a coma. Over two hundred years ago U.S. President Thomas Jefferson said, "If the American people ever allowprivate banks to control the issue ofcurrency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wakeup homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." To add injury to insult, U.S. President  John Adam said it even more clearly. He said, "All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America arise not from the defects in their Constitution or Confederation, nor from want of honor or virtue, so much as downright ignorance of the nature of coin, credit and circulation."The money game is the only game in town where the rules are only known by a few yet everyone has to play.
       What is the games theory in Las Vegas? Is it a game of chance? Is it simply the toss of a coin, heads you win, tails you lose? No, it's the money game. Whether you earn money through labor or get money through speculation in property or other currencies, you can only get the money from one source, the Federal Reserve Bank, not from the government of the United States, but from a private corporation under contract with the United States government. This group controls the money supply in America and therefore controls America. As was said by Lord Rothschild of the Bank of England, "I don't care who is elected to run a country, but let me control the money supply."U.S. President Abraham Lincoln said, "The money powers prey upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than a monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, and more selfish than bureaucracy. It denounces as public enemies, all who question its methods or throw light upon it's crimes.
I have two great enemies, the Southern Army in front me and the bankers in the rear. Of the two, the one at my rear is my greatest foe.  Corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money powers of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until the wealth is aggregated in the hands of a few, and the Republic is destroyed."

     You go to Las Vegas with the money supplied by the Federal Reserve Bank and you put it in the slot machine, play a game of blackjack or throw the dice on the crap table. You may win more money or you may lose your money never understanding that it was not your money in the first place. Money only belongs to those who make it and circulate it. The people simply end up being pawns in the money game and are never the wiser.
The other money games include the Interest game, making money by lending money. Then there is the stock game, not money until you cash it in or lose it through scams gone array.
As Thomas Jefferson said, " I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."

     As we know that a few of our President's tried to do just that and some of them ended up assassinated. Prior to his assassination, President Kennedy had order the U.S. Treasury to start producing some money on its own. It never happened!

     So how does this Disneyland mentality brainwashing play into this massive system of control? In Disneyland, there is Tomorrow land, Adventure land, Frontier land and Fantasyland. There, our children learn that dreams can come true and that nothing is impossible. They learn that happy sounding music, and sounds of laughter is the true elements of reality. There is never a scheming, bloodsucker larking in the environment. Of course, there's the big badwolf in Fantasyland, the voracious crocodile in Adventure land and the spirits in the Haunted House but we can escape these malcontents by going to Tomorrow land and see into the futureIt's an intoxicating lure for the mind of a child conditioned by cartoons and Peter Pan. It's simply an innocent place of excitement and fun. Life is just a dream.
     The mighty Wall Street marketers use these symbols of fantasy to reach the brains of adults who started their journey in Disneyland years before. They use this same seductive fantasy symbols for unrelenting manipulation of the consciousness of Americans. The soft sell of the Mouseketeers, the funning with Donald Duck, and the dummying down with Mr. Rodgers sets the matrix.  Now there's Sesame Street, the Jetsons, with the un-welcomed intrusions of South Park and the Simpson's. The result of this brainwashing is that products must be marketed to adults who share the unconscious mind of a child.

      This dummying down of the majority of Americans is done under the guise of freedom. The uneducated and undereducated are duped everyday into giving life and sweat to a monied class that's eating them alive.The Harvard and Yale types are sent to Wall Street and into the White House to perpetuate an illusion of people power and the joy of being a consumer trapped in fear and consumption. It's a joy because Disneyland mentality brainwashing makes us think we should enjoy it.

     When did the majority of Americans lose their birthright to their country? Was it before the Civil War or was it after the Civil War? Well, it was before the Civil War.
Americans in general are unaware of the legal history of their country. They don't understand how legal fictions have been used to manipulate and sustain power over the people.
The fight between a monarch and democracy was lost in the 1700. Though America revolted against the monarch in England, few of them realized that the banking interest would give the country back to England.

     The first legal entities to operate in the new land that was to become America was a corporation created under the power of the English Crown.It was called, USA, and was set up in 1788. It was financed by loans from the King of England. The United State Bank, a private bank issued 25,000 shares. The Bank of England owned 18,000 shares.  Later, the United States Bank went bankrupt and as a result the English sacked Washington in 1812. During this time the Republic, America, was operating under the United States Constitution as adopted in 1787. In place of the absolutism of monarchy, it provided for a representative government with separate and divided powers, and a system of checks and balances on the exercise of authority.  Of the 39 signers of the Constitution, 20 were lawyers (only six were politicians) and lawyers are the creators of legal fictions.  In that document, only Congress had the power to coin and issue money.  That was not a legal fiction but it became one over time.

     After the failure of the private bank of England, Congress continued to operate in the face of insurmountable problems with State banks making their own money and the lack of direction for a new Federal bank. Alexander Hamilton wanted a federal bank but Lincoln, Jefferson, and Adam did not. So, the federal government was in a stalemate about money until 1861 when seven (7) of the Southern States walked out of Congress, leaving Congress without a quorum to adjourn.
Of course, shortly thereafter, the Civil War broke out and the then President, Abraham Lincoln, began to operate the country under the Commander-in-Chief war powers under the U.S. Constitution. Lincoln started the federal government in the money business again by issuing what became know as "greenbacks" that would be backed up by the federal treasury much to the displeasure of the special banking interest.

     At the end of the Civil War, the United States Constitution was amended by the reconstruction Congress by adding the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment.
The 13th was clear on it's face, slavery was abolished except for punishment for crimes. The 15th Amendment was clear on its face because it simply said that the right to vote shall not be denied to any citizen of the United States.

     The 14th Amendment was more problematic because it changed the legal structure of the United States as set forth in the original Constitution signed in 1787.
Here, we find the demise of the Republic, i.e., government of the people, by the people and for the people was being perished from the earth. In order to understand the legal fiction in the 14th Amendment one must understand the law of private trust creation. Most of the great wealth in America today is in private trusts.
      A Trust normally consist of creator of the Trust (referred to as the Settlor; Trust Property (referred to as the Res of the Trust). Then there is a Trustee (the person who administers the Trust Property for the Beneficiaries of the Trust (the people who receive the benefits that flow from the Trusts). So, there are four (4) element of this legal fiction that is recognized by the law as being a valid way to hold assets. The law provides for private trust and charitable trust. These are all legal entities of English Law, just like corporations.

     A public charitable trust was used by the creators to take property (res) and place it in Trust for the benefit of the public in general. i.e. for the public good. Normally, the Trustee and Beneficiary are different people but not always. Settlors of the public charitable trust found in the 14th Amendment were the Reconstruction Congress i.e., they won the Civil War. Also, they made themselves Trustees of the Trust and its beneficiary. It made all the people of the United States and the government of the United States beneficiaries and trustees of this public charitable trust.
The government and the people became one entity. If simply read, the 14th Amendment without this knowledge of Trust Law, would only be understood as platitudes for the acceptance of the former slaves.  Also, you might note that it made all of the people of the Untied States responsible for the debts of the old USA Corporation and the new UNITED STATES, INC., as charted on February 21, 1871. The name for this new UNITED STATES A/K/A US INC. is a commercial agency that originally designated as "WASHINGTON, DC."

     As a result of this legal fiction, the Reconstruction Congress effectively made a person born or naturalized in the United States would be from that day forward be treated as legal entity, a trustee and beneficiary of US INC. The people are now viewed as a commercial agency, a subsidiary of US INC., and later, corporations were given this same status by court decision. The word "citizens" legal meaning under this legal fiction means that you don't exist as a human being, i.e., the people but as a sub agency of US INC.

     This new legal arrangement was adopted by each State at the same time US INC. was created. The States became Limited Liability Corporation. For example, the Republic of California, founded in 1849 entered into a general partnership with a new entity called "THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA (1879)." The State entity became the controller of the Republic and would act as an agent for or instrumentally of US INC. All of this accomplished by operation of law. There was never a vote by the people for the people. The people were dead! From 1871 to 1913, the officers of the actual government held office in a dual capacity. They served USA and USA INC.

     In 1912, the bonds that were issued by the US INC. became due and they could not pay the creditors. The USA Government paid for some but not all of the debt. The creditors did not foreclose on US INC. but they did agree to accept all the assets of both US INC and USA a collateral for the remaining debt.The banks that owned the debt had even a better deal. (These are the same banks that become the Federal Reserve Bank).So, in 1912, they formed an agreement with US INC. that it would be agreeable for US INC. to operate in debt, of course, at a reasonable interest rate on the debt. The USA Government was not a part of this deal so what was happening between the two corporations, US INC. and Federal Reserve Bank, would not be viewed as treason or fraud, though it was!
     Prior to 1912, the State Legislatures thereby acting on behalf of a State Agency selected all of the Senators. The Amendments they added to the USA Constitution were far from the approval of the people who were going to suffer under their actions. On February 3, 1913, they passed the 16th Amendment, placing income taxes on the people, and the 17th Amendment was passed on April 8, 1913, permitting State election of Senators. Later that year, on December 23, 1913, late at night, these same Senators passed the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT, and surrendered the creation and management of the nations money supply into the hands of a private group of mostly foreign bankers. Also, under the 16th Amendment another private corporation was given the responsibility to collect taxes from the people, to wit: THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. Where in the hell were the American People?

     The Federal Reserve began with 300 people and banks that became owners (stockholders purchasing stock at $100.00 per share that would not be publicly traded in the Federal Reserve Banking System). They now make up an international banking cartel of wealth beyond comparison.The owners of this banking cartel are as follows: the Rothschild Bank of London, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy, Goldman, Sachs of New York, Chase Manhattan Bank of New York.All of these banks are connected to the London banking houses. There are numerous other banks in the United States and wealthy individuals who are feeding into and off of this cartel. 
**(see The Ten Matrix)

     This is the group responsible for the game theory of Las Vegas style money management. You the people can use the money but you can never own it, that is, your government cannot own it. Which government? USA or US INC? Remember who made the deal of the century? If US INC., runs out of money or runs a deficit, the Federal Reserve Bank prints more dollars for a price and the US Treasury buys the resulting debt and dollars are circulated into the economy.
 In 1992, you, the taxpayer, paid over $286 Billion dollars in Interest on the debt. Forty (40) per cent (%) was paid to the Rothschild investors. Here is another fly in the ointment, forty-three (43) per cent (%) of the Federal Government's Treasury Bonds are owned by foreigners. Well, who really owns America? Who are the people living and dying for on the battlefields today? The answer is obvious. The US INC. owns over forty-three (43) per cent (%) of land assets in the United States. This land is the collateral for the National Debt. Who ever owns the national debt, owns America. Now, the national debt is well beyond seven (7) trillion dollars and climbing. The Interest payments are still over three (300) hundred billion a year. Now is the time to turn off the Disneyland mentality brainwashing for a minute. The following group owns most of the national debt: Bank of Japan, Bank of England, Bank of France, and the Bank of Germany.
Still think the monarch lost in 1787?
     All of the banking institutions listed above has interlocking corporate directors. They are indeed the "Matrix" that entwines our lives and our fortunes and most of it is all done in secret. One can supposes that if we must suffer "pious fraud" in religion and secular "corporate fraud" in the same bed then we must endure twice the suffering. **(see The Ten Matrix)
Most of the people of America are allowed to be appalling ignorant, irrational, and anti-intellectual by the misuse of the symbols of freedom. This permits the exploitations of markets and people with impunity. The lies and hypocrisy are potent and divisive.
     The cultural gate keepers and media moguls are ensuring that the masses stay enslaved in the fancifulness of Las Vegas money thrills, and the un-daunting onslaught of patronizing marketing ploys that straddle the airwaves with seductive music and humorous antidotes to entice the dull mind to consume and to fear. How can the American people own their government again? Is Global economics the answer? Based on the evidence thus far, it would appear that the majority of the American people do not realize that their government has already been sold and they are living as holdover tenants or another way of saying it, they are tenants at sufferance.

     So why does Global economics appears to be the new reality? Again, most Americans do not know that globalizations started over 100 year ago by international bankers. The banking system and the system that governs commerce are already global. The wealthy in American are well aware of the need for new markets. It's the working class in American poor and illiterate who are missing the point.
      A Disneyland mentality of most Americans will never comprehend the structured infiltration of money corruption and its expansion of markets and the need for cheap labor in other countries.While all of these developments are coming into reality, the media keeps the masses busily divided on trying to understand why gays are marrying, why the war in Iraqi was illegal, the death of Princess Diana, removal of an American puppet in Haiti by Americans, and celebrities trapped in abuses while celebrating accomplishments; waiting for next Catholic Church's sex disclosures or just waiting to be fired.
     And now the best for last, even the American's hard earn social security dollars are under attack by the very institution that has it foot on her neck!Social Security, the scared cow for the redemption of the working poor and the disenfranchised is now under attack by the Federal Reserve Bank. The safety net the depression gave birth to is going to be cut again.
 In 2015 payments into the system will exceed collections from the people. In 2000 the Trust Fund (remember Trusts?) was about $900 billions and in 2025 it is expected to be at $6 trillion. By 2037 only 73% of the payments can be paid on incoming collections and the Fund is expected to be exhausted in 2037. Where can we find more money to make the Fund solvent into the future? Reduce the payouts and take more money from the working poor? Extend the qualifying age even further into the future? Already, a large number of minorities die before the age of 65.

     Why can't some of the money being paid out in interest on the national debt be shifted to the social security system? What about the retirement system for government politicians? Will this grand ripe off of the poor affect them? No! They can keep their current salaries for life. This Las Vegas style money system is unfair and unjust!

     What's the future for the people who never had a government of the people, by the people and for the people? Quite frankly, the outlook is a little scary. If the majority of Americans ever became aware of the massive legal frauds that has been set in place their will be chaos in the streets and a massive lost of life. The wealthy media owners will make sure this fraudulent deception never become a reality.

     If globalization is going to work as the Architects tell us, then Americans will have to give up their ideas of sovereignty and flag waving. They must embrace the world as their new home. It may be argued that our sovereignty was lost a long time ago and we are merely living an illusion of sovereignty. Don't we always follow the golden rule, "those who have the gold rule?"
It maybe so, but we would now say that we follow the money rule, "those who control the money rule!" Now you knew that didn't you but you feel helpless to do anything about it. Well change is coming, look busy!

  Federal Reserve Banks
USGP =US Government Property
               (collateral for national debt)
IRS = Internal Revenue Service
AC = American Citizen –Legal Fiction
NDIP = National Debt Interest 
TAP = The American People
                        INBC  + OND
     US INC. + FRB    + USGP
           IRS   + AC      + NDIP
The hidden secret within Democracy   

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