Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Most Powerful Myth In The World


                                                Born on Dec 25th
                                                Born of a Virgin
                                                Star in the East
                                                Adored by 3 Kings
                                                Teacher at 12
                                                Baptized/ministry at 30
                                                12 Disciples         
                                                Performed Miracles – healing sick – walking on water      
                                                Lamb of God/The Light
                                                Betrayed by Typhon = Crucified, Dead for 3 days

                                                Born on Dec 25th
                                                Born of a Virgin
                                                Crucified, dead for three days

900BC –INDIA          KRISHNA

                                                Born a Virgin
                                                Star in the East
                                                Performed Miracles


                                                Born of a Virgin Birth
                                                Born on December 25th
                                                Performed Miracles
                                                King of Kings
                                                “Alpha and Omega”


                                                Born of a Virgin
                                                Born December 25th
                                                12 Disciples
                                                Performed Miracles
                                                Dead for 3 days
                                                The truth, the light
                                                Sunday Worship

OTHERS:                               Chrishna of Hindustan
                                                Buddha Sakia of India
                                                Salivahana of Bermuda
                                                Zulis or Zhule, also Osiris and Orus of Africa
                                                Odin of the Scandinavians
                                                Crite of Chaldea
                                                Zoroaster and Mithra of Persis
                                                Baal and Taut the only begotten of God of Phoenecia
                                                Indra of Tibet
                                                Bali of Afghanistan
                                                Jao of Nepl
                                                Wittoba of the Bilingonese
                                                Thammuz of Syria
                                                Atys ofPhrygia
                                                Xamoixis of Thrace
                                                Zoar of the Bonzes
                                                Adad of Assyria
                                                Deva Tat and Sammonocadam of Siam
                                                Alcides if Thebes
                                                Mikado of the Sintoos
                                                Beddru of Japan
                                                Hesus or Eros, and Bremriliah of the Druids
                                                Thor, son of odin, of the Gauls
                                                Cadmus of Greece
                                                Hil and Feta of the Mandaites
                                                Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico
                                                Universal Monarch of the Sibyls
                                                Ischy of the island of Formosa
                                                Divine Teacher of Plato
                                                Holy One of Xaca
                                                Fohi and Tien of China
                                                Adonis, son of a virgin Io if Greece
                                                Ixion and Quirinus of Rome
                                                Prometheus of Caucasus

2BC -                          JESUS

                                                Born of a Virgin
                                                December 25th
                                                Star in the East
                                                Three Kings
                                                12 disciples
                                                Teacher at 12
                                                Baptized at 30

                                                Performed Miracles – heal the sick, walked on water
                                                Betrayed by Judas
                                                Crucified on the Cross
                                                Dead for 3 days
                                                King of Kings
                                                Son of God
                                                Light of the World
                                                Alpha and Omega
                                                Lamb of God


                        Start in the East = Sirius
                        Three Kings = Orion’s Belt

All point to the sun rise on December 25th = “birth of God’s Sun” Winter Solstice

                        Virgin Mary, Virgo Constellation –Virgo the Virgin

                        Virgo – the house of bread – August –September –time of harvest
                                    Bethlehem =house of bread
From the Fall Solstice to the Winter Solstice is the symbol for the process of death on the earth- Oct 23 to November 22 the death cycle. The Death of the Sun. The has traveled to the South for 6 months (shorter days and longer nights) and on December 22, 23, 24, appears to stand still under the Southern Cross (Crux) i.e., it dies on the cross. On December 25, the Sun moves 1 degree to the North and begins its journey once again through the constellations (longer days and shorter nights).

Resurrection of Sun celebrated on the Spring Equinox –“Easter” Sun over powers darkness (longer days).

Horus was the light ( Day) and Seth was darkness (Night) – The sons of the light vs. The sons of darkness.

12 disciples – 12 constellation of Zodiac. Pagan symbol the sun on the cross.

The Ages –the precision of the Equinoxes-2150 years the sun rises in a different constellation on the Spring Equinox. Take the earth 25, 750 years = 26,000 years to go through all the constellations.

Leo – 10,750 BC – 8600 BC   Sun                 Lyon
Cancer 8600 – 6450 BC          Moon             Crab
Gemini 6450 BC -4300 BC     Mercury         Twins
Taurus 4300 BC -2150 BC     Venus              Bull
Aries 2150BC -1 AD                Mars                Ram
Pisces 1 AD – 2150AD             Jupiter             Sentar
Aquarius 2150 AD -4300 AD   Saturn            Water Bearer
Capricorn 4300 AD -6450 AD Saturn             Goat
Sagittarius – 6450AD – 8600AD Jupiter         Sentar
Scorpio – 8600 AD – 10,750 AD Mars             Snake-Scorpion
Libra – 10,750 AD – 12,900 AD Venus            Scales Balance
Leo -12,900 AD -15,050AD          Sun               Lyon

Misinterpreted Astrological allegory –Matt, 26:20 Aeon vs. World-the world is not coming to an end!

In Africa, 15 Centuries before Christianity on the Walls in the temple at Luxor in Africa is description of the annunciation, the miracle conception, the birth, the adoration of Horus. It starts with Thoth tells the virgin Isis that she will conceive Horus, then Meth, the holy ghost impregnates the virgin, the virgin birth and the adoration. (This where St. Matthew got the story for Rabbi Jesus’ birth). Christian Religion is a copy of the ancient African Religion.

Plagiarism was the process of the day and still today.

The epic of Gilgamesh 2600 BC – the great flood of the earth commanded by God, the Ark, saving of the animals, the releasing of the doves.

Plagiarized story of Moses –  2250 BC –Sargon of Carr,Sargon’s Birth – placed in a basket, set adrift in a river to avoid infanticide, rescued and raised by royalty.

A law being passed from God to a Prophet, Law giver on a mountain –

                                                In India –Manou
                                                In Crete – Minos got laws from Zeus
                                                In Africa – Mises – carry  stone tablets with laws.
                                                In Sini – Moses –gets the tablets

Ten Commandants –spell 125 from African Book of the Dead

I have not stolen = Thou shall not steal
I have not killed = Thou shall not kill
I have not told lies = Thou shall not bear false witness

1. Baptism, 2. Afterlife, 3. final judgment, 4. virgin birth, 5. death and resurrection, 6. crucifixion, 7. Ark of the Covenant, 8. Circumcision, 9. Saviors, 10. holy communion, 11. great flood, 12. Easter, 13. Christmas, 14. Passover. ALL AFRICAN IDEAS!!!  (Wala!! Judeo-Christian Religion)


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