Saturday, March 5, 2011


According to Saint John, Rabbi Jesus told him that, "the earth was not created by his father." Rabbi Jesus said that during the spiritual existence of life prior to the creation of the earth, the spirits all lived with the Creator Spirit who created all spirits. The spirits were called angels. One of his angels, Sophia, created a son without the permission or help of the Creator Spirit. The spirit Sophia had inside of her from the Creator Spirit was passed on to her self- created son. She named him, Yaldobloth. She was ashamed of his appearance and tried to hide him. Eventually, she sent him out into space. Yaldobloth, while living space alone, decided to create the earth and to place on it a man and woman who would keep him company. He created them in the likeness of the Creator who he observed in the waters of his creation but did not recognize him. However, they had no life in them leaving a perplexed Yaldobloth. He did not know who the Creator was and could not have recognized him. The Creator Spirit saw what Yaldobloth had done. Just before Yaldobloth was going to put life in his creations, the Creator Spirit placed the breath of life in both of them. Later, when they refused to obey Yaldobloth because they had the spirit of the Creator in them so they did not recognize him as their Creator.  He sent them out of the Garden of Eden without protection to live on the earth. Yaldobloth had created the human body so that it would crave to reproduce itself. He placed a force so strong within the body it would arouse men and women both day and night, arousing them secretly and visibly; causing their minds to be deranged and their souls to be drunk.
It's an interesting story and you will have to judge for yourself whether it's true or not! Just because you find something written the bible it doesn't necessarily make it truth! Finally, it can be understood why the bitter fire within confused and derailed almost every human beings life. Yet one must realized that these teachings also meant that the spirit of the Creator was inside of each human. The Kamet people called this struggle of opposites within humans as the journey of the soul. The body is struggling to kill the soul, while the spirit is fighting to help the soul out of the body.  When Rabbi Jesus said in the Dead Sea Scrolls: "The father knows about desire and what the flesh needs. The flesh does not long for the soul. The soul is never saved apart from the spirit, but if the soul is saved from evil then the spirit too is saved and the body becomes sinless. The spirit animates the soul while the body kills it."  Rabbi Jesus is making reference to this struggle.

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