Saturday, March 5, 2011


The Great Pyramid of Giza was built in 2623bc.  It was placed on the earth as a symbol of the Creator's plans for the earth as taught by Rabbi Jesus, who was anointed by the ancients in Kamet ( again,named Egypt by the Greeks.) He was given the title "the Christ" because he passed the test given to him in the Temple of Sakara called "The Bar of Right." The test consisted of six ordeals that tested his capacity for Sincerity (being sincere), Justice (no prejudice or treachery, Faith (serving mankind and trusting in the Creator), Philanthropy (victory over selfishness), Heroism (conquered fear), Divine Love (conquered carnal love) and if you passed them all you were given the 7th and that was the title, "The Christ or the anointed One." After Rabbi Jesus had passed all of the test, the Kemet Priest said, "Go on your way, for you must preach the gospel of good will to men and peace on earth; must open up the prison doors and set the captives free." While the Priest spoke the temple bells rang out; a pure white dove descended from above and sat on Rabbi Jesus' head. And then a voice that shook the very temple said, "THIS IS THE CHRIST"; and every living creature said, AMEN. The great doors of the temple swung ajar; the Logos (word) journeyed on his way, a conqueror.
(The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ by Levi)The life of Rabbi Jesus as a boy and how he started to teach the gospel is extremely revealing. He had traveled to different parts of the ancient world teaching about his father and his relationship with the world. The books about the Dead Sea Scrolls were about the secret teachings of Rabbi Jesus that were found in Egypt in 1945. They were kept from the public by the church for over fifty years.
Moving further from the traditional church teachings to the solid spiritual teachings of Rabbi Jesus made the Bible clearer.  The lessons in the Dead Sea Scrolls really demonstrated the principle of forgiveness in Western teachings. Jesus made it clear that in order to be spiritual and pure in your heart; you had to forgive everyone who you felt had harmed you. Above all, you had to ask for forgiveness for yourself.
The timeline found in the Pyramid tells of the birth of Rabbi Jesus and his death. According to the Pyramid, Rabbi Jesus was born on September 29, 2 BC. He died on April 3, 33 ad.  If you use the numbers to evaluate these dates, you will find that September was the 9th month as we have accepted during our time and that 29 is really the number 11. In numerology, the number 9 stands for universal brotherhood on the earth while the number 11 is the symbol of the teacher. It's a master number that means it cannot be reduced to it lowest value. The number 2 stands for groups of people, associations and concerned for self. This means that Rabbi Jesus was sent here to teach the message of universal brotherhood to the people of the earth and the true meaning of spiritual self that never dies. The date of his death was set in April. April is the fourth month of our current calendar and the number 4 stands for the earth. The evidence shows that there have been many different teachers prior to Rabbi Jesus to who taught the same message. All of them born on December 25, had twelve disciples, and died on the cross to save mankind. It has been demonstrated that this story started in Kemet over 10,000 years ago. It's story about the movement of the sun as it passes through the 12 constellations. The stops moving on the twenty-second (22) of December, the winter solstice, and it starts to move to the southern hemisphere on the twenty-fifth (25TH). It dies on the winter solstice and is resurrected the third day, December 25. Religions have been responsible for creating a mythological Jesus taken from the Pagan tradition of celebrating the winter solstice. (see The Christ Conspiracy -The Greatest Story Ever Sold by Acharya S).
The number 3 stand for creation of life itself on earth and 33 is the master number for the master of all numbers. Therefore, Rabbi Jesus' death was about life on this earth and the creation of life in the spiritual world. It was one of the most important lesson he taught was that life is forever, i.e. the spirit of humans last forever. It was the Bible writers who used Rabbi Jesus' life and attached it to celestial movement of the constellation turned Rabbi Jesus into an extra-terrestial figure. One place in the Bible where Rabbi Jesus was talking to Martha, (John 11:25), "Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die."  That teaching is consistent with the meaning of the Pyramid of Giza.
By the way, the numbers as applied to Rabbi Jesus' name is the number 11 the master number for the teacher, preacher, etc. Several times in the Bible, the Pyramid was referenced to as a truth, especially the book of Isaiah.  Isaiah 19:19-20 it reads: "In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar (Hebrew "Matstsebah" correctly translated means monument) at the border thereof to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign, and for a witness unto the Lord of Hosts in the land of Egypt." Here is evidence on the earth that told of the coming of Jesus in 2623 BC, years before his birth. Even more exciting was the discussions in the Bible concerning Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar.
 As the story goes, one night, the king had a dream that disturbed him. He saw a large figure that had a head of gold, then silver, brass, metal, and clay and metal. Only Daniel, a Jewish slave, could interpret the dream for the King. He told the King that the gold stood for the first generation of mankind, the silver was the second generation, the brass was the third, and metal was the fourth. Metal and clay was the last generation of man before the spiritual kingdom of the Creator would live on the earth. What is mankind using today to build structures? The fifth generation of mankind will be the Spiritual Age and not the end of world and the raising of the dead as the churches are teaching. Note the number 5 for the 5th generation of mankind!
The Pyramid of Giza's measurements was based on the number five (5). The number 5 stands for freedom in all directions. The teaching of Rabbi Jesus was about the freedom of the human spirit. The writers of the Gospels have taken only portions of Rabbi Jesus' teachings that fitted into their scheme of control and power over mankind. The evidence was overwhelming that the purpose of human life was to learn how to find your spirit and become one with it and not to be trapped in dogma about punishment, fear, sin, disease, and death! What Rabbi Jesus told John about the creation of the earth and the planned role of man and woman was interesting and enlightening.

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